How to delete Windows startup programs using the registry editor


Startup programs in the Windows registry
In the past holidays, one of the readers asked to describe how you can remove programs from autoload using the Windows registry editor. I do not know exactly why it took it, because there are more convenient ways to make it that I described here, but I hope the instruction will not be superfluous.

The method described below will work equally in all topical versions of the operating system from Microsoft: Windows 8.1, 8, Windows 7 and XP. When removing programs from autoload, be careful, in theory you can delete something necessary, so for a start, try to find on the Internet, for which this or that program is served if you do not know this.

Registry sections responsible for programs in autoload

Launch Windows Registry Editor

First of all, you need to start the registry editor. To do this, press the Windows keypad (the one that with the emblem) + R, and in the "Run" window that appears, enter the regedit and press Enter or OK.

Sections and parameters in the Windows registry

Sections and parameters in the Windows registry

The registry editor will open, which is divided into two parts. In the left you will see "folders", organized in the tree structure, which are called registry sections. When choosing any of the partitions, in the right part you will see the registry parameters, namely, the name of the parameter, the value of the value and the value itself. Programs in autoload are in two main sections of the registry:

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Currentversion \ Run

There are other sections related to automatically loadable components, but we will not touch them: all programs that can slow down the system, make the computer download too long and just unnecessary, you will find it in the specified two sections.

Programs in autoload in the Windows registry

The parameter name is usually (but not always) corresponds to the name of the automatically launched program, and the value is the path to the executable program file. If you wish, you can add your own programs to autoload or delete what is not necessary there.

Removing a program from autoload

To delete, right-click on the parameter name and select "Delete" in the context menu that appears. After that, the program will not start when Windows starts.

Note: Some programs track the presence of themselves in the autoload and when deleting are added there. In this case, you must use the settings in the program itself, usually there is a "run automatically from Windows" item.

What can, but what can not be removed from the Windows startup?

In fact, you can delete everything - nothing terrible will happen, but you may encounter things like:

  • Functional keys on a laptop have stopped working;
  • Began to quickly discharge the battery;
  • Some automatic service functions and so on stopped running.

In general, it is desirable to know what is removed, and if it is unknown - to explore the material available on the network on this topic. However, a variety of annoying programs that "set themselves" after downloading something from the Internet and are launched all the time, you can safely delete. Just as already remote programs, recordings in the registry for some reason remained in the registry.

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