Adguard for Chrome.


Adguard for Google Chrome

Many sites on the Internet are literally crowded with advertising. If for some one - an adequate way to earn and develop your online project, for the other, a large number of aggressive blocks with disclaimers of dubious quality is only a way of earning without care for the comfort of visitors. To provide more convenient surfing, various extensions were created, blocking banners. Adguard is one of the most effective solutions that allows you to increase and its privacy, as well as flexibly configure the blocking process itself.

Installing Adguard

Like most extensions, Agada is installed in Google Chrome standard actions.

Download Adguard from Google WebStore

  1. Open the link above to go to the online store chrome and click the Set button.
  2. Installing Adguard Extension in Google Chrome from Google WebStore

  3. A notification will be notified of the need to provide permits. Confirm them with the "Install Extension" button.
  4. Confirmation Installation Adguard Extension in Google Chrome from Google WebStore

  5. Finally, the addition immediately comes into operation.

Using Adguard

Next, we consider not only the basic functions, but also the settings that this supplement offers. Despite the modest main extension menu, inside hidden quite a lot of useful parameters to ensure comfortable advertising and privacy management.

AdGuard Control Menu in Google Chrome

Expansion activity management

Honest users who understand that many resources really exist thanks to advertising, often support these projects, selectively shutting down the operation of the blocker. Agada allows you to turn off on a specific domain. To do this, simply expand its menu and click the button with the checkmark.

Turn off the adguard button on a specific site in Google Chrome

The protection turned off only within a specific site - on all other pages it is not this domain supplement will continue to function.

Disconnecting Adguard on a specific site in Google Chrome

Manual blocking advertising

Adguard is rightfully considered one of the highest quality blockers, as it does not even miss that advertising that you can observe through other similar expansion. Nevertheless, exceptions are always possible and the banner still falls into sight. In this situation, the function "Block advertising on the site" will help.

Hand locking AdGuard advertising button in Google Chrome

  1. At the part of the screen, where the banner is displayed so that the block be marked with green frames. Having made the right choice, click on it with the left mouse button.
  2. Selecting an element for blocking via adguard in Google Chrome

  3. The window will open, where it will be prompted to configure the blocking level. Initially, the minimum is set, but it can be made maximum, shifting the slider to the left. It is not necessary to immediately move it to "max", because sometimes other plots of the page are captured, as a result of which they also disappear, too, or some buttons become unclocked.

    ADVANCED SETTINGS offers to apply the rule created for all sites and block similar rules. This section is intended for more experienced users, invalid users to activate them. We do not recommend them - so there is a chance to face the inoperability of some other pages of sites. By using the element blocking frame level, click on "Preview" (preview) or immediately "BLOCK" ( Lock).

  4. Element blocking process via adguard in Google Chrome

  5. By selecting View Preview, you will see if the element is correctly blocked. If not, go back to the Settings section by the "Select a Different Element" button. When the result is satisfactory, click on "BLOCK".
  6. Blocked element via adguard in Google Chrome

Filtration magazine

ADGUARD has its own filtering magazine.

Filtration log opening button in Adguard in Google Chrome

It will be useful only for advanced users who have an interest regarding the components of the elements of the page and references to them. Immediately you can view individual filtering rules applied to them to understand what is blocked or, on the contrary, requires blocking. Additionally, there is an option to display some connected meters and transition to each component of the page: the image connected to the script or style. To see all this, click "Refresh page."

Site filtering log in Adguard in Google Chrome

Click on each URL, you will receive a new window with the same information, as well as the proposal to block the item or open it in a separate tab as the source code or media system.

Control any URL in Adguard filtration log in Google Chrome

Site reputation

Each user is invited to not only view information about the status of the resource, but also influence it. For this, items will be answered "Complain to this site" and "Safety Report".

Buttons Complaints on the site and viewing His status through Adguard in Google Chrome

If there is confidence that resource fraudulent, Agada does not block advertising on it or there is an inconvenience of another nature, you always have a complaint about it. The entire design process will consist of 8 simple steps.

Registration Complaints on the site through Adguard in Google Chrome

Once upon an unfamiliar service, you can learn its reputation compiled based on the statistics of the Web of Trust service - the most popular product of the safety assessment of all Internet sites.

Safety Report through Adguard in Google Chrome

View statistics

For general development, you can find out the number of blocked advertising by this expansion. Open its menu and switch to the Statistics tab, where in the form of graphics and regular indicators you will see this information.

Section with blocked advertising statistics through Adguard in Google Chrome

Temporary shutdown expansion

At any time, suspend the operation of the addition, opening it with the menu and clicking on the pause button. Agada will stop working on all sites until you click the same button again.

Suspend Adguard work in Google Chrome

Additional menus

Not everyone likes to keep the extension icon on the top panel. For the convenience of such a category of users, Adguard added its functions into the context menu called by right-clicking on the empty place of the page. From here a banner is blocked and additional tools are called.

Context Menu Adguard in Google Chrome

Another format of its functions AGUARD gives in the form of another context menu opened by the right mouse click on the extension icon. Here all items, in fact, duplicate the previous option.

Alternative menu Adguard in Google Chrome

AdGuard settings

The mention is worth the section with the settings, since there is something interesting. You can get into the menu in different ways, one of them is opening the menu and pressing the button in the form of a gear.

AdGuard Extension Settings Button Google Chrome

Through the left panel with the contents proceed to the tabs of interest. Some of them we lowered, because it makes no sense to dwell on their consideration, but the most important briefly listed.

  • "Filters" allow you to include or disable the visibility of a variety of components of the site, which somehow affect comfort. For example, the "stimuli" filter will hide notifications that the site uses cookies, messages and widgets that do not affect the functionality of the resource itself to which notifications are requested to disable the advertising blocker. More information about each filter is indicated inside it - click and read the descriptions of the scripts.
  • Filters section in AdGuard settings in Google Chrome

  • Antithreaging consists of several subsections, the general meaning of which is not to give tracking tools installed by almost every site, receive your data. The user is allowed to manage each item. Separate mention deserves the possibility of disconnecting "WeBRTC" - outdated technology, which due to its own vulnerabilities can give your real IP at the time when you replace your web address. If you want to get more privacy, we recommend that it is necessary to include it, as many VPN / Proxy expansions, especially free, do not provide this tool complete.
  • Section Antithroying in AdGuard settings in Google Chrome

  • "White List" - the option to compile a list of web addresses, where the ads are not blocked. Support your favorite projects or video channels by turning off advertising lock. The created white list is easy to turn into black, import it, which is useful when reinstalling the extension / browser / operating system. This list is replenished automatically as soon as you turn off the ADGUAD job on some site selectively.
  • Section White List in AdGuard Settings in Google Chrome

  • "Custom Filter". All the rules you have created come here, namely, manually blocked elements. If something has been blocked by chance - come here and delete. This list is easily edited manually in the presence of due knowledge of HTML and CSS, and is also imported like a white list.
  • Section Custom Filter in AdGuard Settings in Google Chrome

This is all the information we wanted to tell about the Adguard blocker. This supplement is free, but at the same time effectively protects you from intrusive advertising, "bugs" and other elements of sites. With all its functionality, the extension does not load the browser and can even be installed on weak computers and laptops.

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