Not installed Opera


Installing the Opera browser on a computer

The opera browser is a very advanced program for viewing web pages, which enjoys consistently popular with users, especially in our country. Its installation - the procedure is extremely simple and intuitive, but sometimes, for various reasons, it is impossible to install this program. Let's find out why it happens and how to solve this problem.

Installing a browser opera

It is possible to install the opera does not work because of erroneous or incorrect actions at this stage, and then it will be reasonably better to consider the general algorithm for performing this procedure.

  1. First of all, you need to clarify that you need to download the installer only from the official site. So you are not only guaranteed to get the latest version of the opera, but also secure yourself from installing alternative solutions in which there may be viruses. By the way, an attempt to establish various unofficial versions of this program and may be the cause of the problem under consideration.
  2. Baruzer download Opera

  3. After we downloaded the opera installation file, run it. In the installer window that appears, click on the "Accept and Install" button, thereby confirming its agreement with the license agreement. The "Settings" button is better not to touch at all, because there all the parameters are set in the most optimal configuration.
  4. Opera browser installer

  5. The process of installing a browser will be started.
  6. Installing Opera.

    If this procedure is successful, immediately after its completion, the operating browser will start automatically.

Solving problems with installing Opera

Now we'll figure it out what to do if the opera is not installed in a standard way.

Cause 1: Conflict with the balances of the previous version

There are cases that you cannot install the opera browser for the reason that the previous version of this program has been removed from the computer not completely, and now its remnants conflict with the installer. To remove such residues of programs there are special utilities. One of the best of them is uninstall tool.

  1. We run this utility and in the list of programs that appeared by the Opera. If the record of this program is available, it means that it is removed incorrectly or not completely. After we have found an entry with the name of the browser you need, click on it, and then click on the "Uninstall" button on the left part of the Uninstall Tool window.
  2. Uninstall Tool uninstall browser uninstall

  3. As you can see, a dialog box appears, which reports that uninstalling worked incorrectly. In order to delete the remaining files, press the "Yes" button.
  4. Opera browser removal proposal through Uninstall Tool

  5. Then a new window appears, which asks to confirm our decision to remove the remnants of the program. Again click on the "Yes" button.
  6. Confirmation of forced Opera browser residues through Uninstall Tool

  7. System scanning is launched for residual files and opera folders opera, as well as records in the Windows system registry.
  8. Scanning for Opera browser residue through Uninstall Tool

  9. After the end of the Uninstall Tool is completed, shows the list of folders, files and other elements left after uninstalling the opera. To clean the system from them, click on the "Delete" button.
  10. Running the Opera browser removal through Uninstall Tool

  11. The deletion procedure is started, after which the message appears that the remnants of the operating browser are finally removed from the computer.
  12. Completing the removal of Opera browser residue through Uninstall Tool

  13. After that, I'm re-trying to install the Opera program. With a large probability, this time the procedure should be completed successfully.

Reason 2: conflict with antivirus

There is a possibility that installing the opera is not obtained due to the conflict of the installation file with the anti-virus program used in the system, which blocks the actions of the installer. In this case, on the installation of the opera, the protective software must be disconnected. Each anti-virus program has its own deactivation method, and all of them were considered in the reference below below. Temporary disabling antivirus will not harm the system if you install the distribution of the Opera downloaded from the official site, and do not run other programs during installation.

Read more: How to temporarily disable antivirus

After the installation process is completed, do not forget to start the antivirus again.

Cause 3: Presence of viruses

Installing new programs on a computer can also block the virus in the system. Therefore, if you cannot install the opera, be sure to scan the hard disk of the device by the anti-virus program. It is desirable to perform this procedure from another computer, since the scan results of the protective software installed on an infected device may not be relevant. In case of malware detection, it should be removed its recommended antivirus program.

Scanning Viruses in Avast

Read more:

Checking system for viruses

Combating computer viruses

Cause 4: Faults in the system

An obstacle to the operation of the Opera browser can be the incorrect operation of the Windows operating system, caused by the activities of viruses, a sharp failure of the power supply and other factors. Restoring the operating system performance can be carried out by roll back its configuration to the recovery point. Consider the procedure for the example of Windows 7.

  1. Open the "Start" menu of the operating system and go to the "All Programs" section.
  2. Go to programs in the Windows Start menu

  3. Having done this, alternately open the folders "Standard" and "Service". In the latter, we find the element "Restoration of the system" and click on it.
  4. Go to restore the system in the Windows Start menu

  5. In the window that opens, which provides general information about the technology we use, click the "Next" button.
  6. Running system setting wizard

  7. In the next window, we can choose a specific recovery point if several were created. Having done this, click on the "Next" button.
  8. Choosing a recovery point

  9. After the new window opened, we just left to click on the "Finish" button - the system recovery process will be launched. During its execution, the computer will be restarted.
  10. Start of system recovery

  11. After turning on the computer, the system will be restored according to the configuration of the selected recovery point. If the problems with the installation of the opera were precisely in the problems of the operating system, now the browser must be established successfully.

It should be noted that the rollback to the recovery point does not mean that files or folders formed after creating a point will disappear. There will be only a change in system settings and records in the registry, and user files will remain integer.

As you can see, there are completely different reasons for the impossibility to install a browser opera on a computer. Therefore, before being taken for eliminating the problem, it is very important to find out its essence.

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