How to find out the map number kiwi


How to find out the map number kiwi

Efficient use of the QIWI virtual card involves the provision of its number and CVV-code of receiving systems and sending electronic payments. Mark 16-digit identifier and authentication code, of course, do not need - the owner of Kiwi wallet, to which the card is tied to, can always access this information from any device that has access to the Internet.

Viewing Virtual Map Qiwi

To quickly find out the Kiwi virtual card data, you will need any modern Android-smartphone or iPhone, or a computer / laptop running Windows, as well as access to the wallet (Knowledge of the PIN code for unlocking a mobile application and / or the ability to receive an SMS to the user's phone number in payment service).

Learning the QIWI virtual card number from the smartphone

Mobile Device Owners on Android and iPhone Find out the number of your Map Kiwi and its authentication code can be one of two ways.

Method 1: Mobile application

The most convenient tool for using all the capabilities of the QIWI wallet is a special mobile client application system. The solution of the problem from the header of the article with its help is carried out very simply, by applying the algorithm algorithm for Android and IOS versions.

Method 2: Mobile Browser

If the Kiwi Wallet application is missing on the smartphone, in order to find out the number and other data of its virtual card, use the website of the payment service.

  1. Open any web browser for Android or iOS and go to the website of the payment system -
  2. Go to QIWI website through a mobile browser

  3. Tap the "Login" button and log in to your wallet.
  4. Authorization on the QIWI website through a mobile browser

  5. Go to the "Bank cards" section by touching its name in the top of the page. Next, click on the "Card Actions" button in the QIWI Virtual Map area.
  6. Action button with map on QIWI website

  7. In the results of the previous item operating, select "Map Information", on the following screen, tap "Disquisits".
  8. Option Show details in the Virtual Card menu on QIWI

  9. In the "Confirmation Code" field, "Confirm the Requisites Show" window, enter the four digits received in the SMS message-tied to Kiwi. After entering the secret combination, tap "Continue".
  10. QIWI Entering confirmation code from SMS to view virtual card information on the site

  11. On this, our task is actually solved - all basic information about the QIWI virtual card: "Number" (you can "Copy"), the validity period and "CVV code" are displayed on the page that opens.
  12. QIWI page with a virtual card data on the system website

  13. If you need to get information about the card released a card to fill the payment orders generated to its address, go to the "Details" tab of the page area under the main information about "virtual plastic".
  14. QIWI Watching a virtual card bank details on the payment system website

We learn the QIWI virtual card number from the computer

In Windows, the management of all kiwi functions wallet is carried out through the payment system website. Note that the phone in which the SIM card is functioning with a number attached to the service must be "at hand", since in the process of clarifying the QiWi virtual card data, it will be necessary to obtain and subsequently providing the digit combination system delivered by SMS.


Despite the fact that the information about the QIWI virtual card is a secret and reliably protected from prying eyes, its number and other data at any time can be simply and quickly obtained by the owner of the wallet.

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