How to charge PSP


How to charge PSP

The main advantage of a portable gaming console is the ability to play anywhere. This is ensured by the battery or rechargeable battery. The last type of food is implemented in the PSP console, and then we will tell about the intricacies and features of charging this device.

PSP Charging Methods

Sony's first portable console battery options There are many. They can be divided into two large groups - regular and freelance. The first refers to the use of a complete charger (for a house or automotive network) and a USB connection to a computer. To the second - the use of a third-party power supply and charging the battery separately from the console.

Method 1: Complete Charger

The optimal method of replenishing energy in the PSP battery is the use of a standard power supply.

  1. Usually a complete charging for the console looks like in the image below.

    The first version of the standard charging for PSP

    An alternative option is possible when it resembles a miniature power supply for a laptop.

  2. Alternative for standard charging for PSP

  3. Use both the same, and the other device is very simple - connect the plug into the corresponding connector on the bottom end of the console.

    PSP Basic Battery Battery Plug

    Next, connect the unit into a compatible outlet or rectifier, which is preferable. If necessary, you can use adapters.

  4. The use of car charging is no different from the home version, only instead of the socket is used the cigarette lighter socket.
  5. Car charging for PSP

  6. In the process of charging, the indicator of the enabled state on the front panel of the console should turn around the orange.

    PSP Running Charging Indicator

    The color should be changed back to the green when the battery will be fully charged.

  7. What is good for this method, this is the ability to use the prefix during the charge of the battery, however, we do not recommend to get involved in PSP, a lithium-ion batter is installed, which poorly transfers the load during energy replenishment.

Method 2: USB charging

For cases when the charger is lost or there is no access for other reasons, Sony engineers have provided an alternative, which consists in obtaining energy from the USB port of the computer or laptop.

Attention! Use charging for phones and tablets is not recommended, since there is a risk to output the battery or reduce its capacity!

  1. First of all, you will need to enable this feature in the device settings, since it is disabled for security purposes. To do this in the XMB interface, go to the "Settings" items - "System Settings".
  2. Open settings to enable PSP charging via USB

  3. Find the "USB Recharging" option and select the ON Option.
  4. USB PSP Charging Parameter

    Now when connecting the console to a desktop computer, a laptop or PS3 console will be automatically charged. Naturally, due to USB restrictions, this process will occur significantly slower than when using a standard BP.

    Note! When the battery is full (when the prefix does not respond to the interaction with the inclusion lever), charging from YUSB is impossible! In addition, when connected through this interface, the console will not be able to use.

Method 3: Side Charger

If the options with a standard charging or USB connection are not available, you can use the third-party charger - there are universal power supplies with a plurality of common connector (nozzles) and switching modes of the transformer.

Variation of universal charging for PSP

PSP parameters are as follows:

  • Voltage - 5V;
  • Input voltages and frequency - 100-240V and 50 / 60HZ, respectively;
  • Power - 2A (series 1000 and 2000) and 1,5A (3000, GO and STREET series).

However, even in the case of setting correct parameters, stable operation from a third-party power source is not guaranteed, so it is advised only to use this method in extreme cases.

Method 4: Universal BP for Batteries

The hardest situation is when the console is broken by a regular power connector and the battery is completely discharged. In this case, you can try to recharge the battery through a universal charger "frog".

Universal Battery Charger PSP

Attention! All the actions below are you at your own risk!

  1. Carefully remove the battery from the compartment in the back of the prefix housing - it is enough to remove the lid, carefully pour battery from the top end and pull out.
  2. Pull the battery for charging separately from PSP

  3. Next, insert the battery in the "Frog". At the same time, the polarity is extremely important - focus on the designation on the battery pack.
  4. Accumulator contacts for charging separately PSP

    Attention! If the polarity is non-compliance, the battery fails and can even explode!

  5. Wait until the charging is completed - follow the indicators on the "frog".

    Important! Do not allow the battery to be reloaded!

  6. Also, instead of a contact charger, you can use a laboratory power supply with manual adjustment of incoming power and voltage, while focusing on the parameters from method 3.

What to do if PSP is not charging

Sometimes even when complying with all rules and recommendations, the PSP charging does not occur. We will analyze the most common causes and methods of eliminating the problem.
  1. If the console is not charged when you connect via USB, repeat steps 1-3 of the method 2. Once again we remind you that with the full discharge of the battery it can be charged only through the plug or separately from the console.
  2. It is also worth checking the charger, especially if it is not original - perhaps the set parameters are not suitable, why the battery goes into overload protection and is not charging. The original BP can be checked on another PSP or other device with a suitable connector. If trouble detected, replace charging.
  3. It is not excluded that the battery is to blame. Usually its failure is accompanied by other symptoms, such as:
    • Suspiciously fast charge up to 100%;
    • Short (less than 30 minutes) battery life of the console;
    • Racing charge indicators (for example, at first 40%, then 50%, then 40% again).

    If you have come across one or more phenomena from the list above, most likely the battery of your PSP has failed and it is required to replace it.

  4. If the power source, and the battery is obviously good, the problem lies in the "hardware" of the console itself. Usually the repair of such problems at home is impossible, so you have to contact the service center.


Now you know how the PSP can be charged and what to do if the prefix does not charge. Finally, we recall once again - use only original accessories, because they are most compatible with the prefix.

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