How to install an extension in Google Chrome


How to install an extension in Google Chrome

Despite the fairly volumetric functionality of the Google Chrome browser, many users resort to the installation of special extensions programs that are aimed at adding new features. If you just joined the users of this web browser, you will probably want to find out how the extensions are installed in it. About this and tell me today.

Install add-ons in Google Chrome

There are two official ways to install additions in Google Chrome, which ultimately be reduced to one common, plus there is an alternative third consisting of two options. You can expand the functionality of the web browser either through the online store built into it, or through the official website of the developers of a particular solution, or manually, after finding the necessary components on the network and downloading them to your computer. Consider in more detail the algorithm of actions in each of these cases.

Method 1: Chrome online store

The Google Chrome Web Observer is endowed with the largest extension catalog, which is used including competing programs (for example, Yandex.Browser). It is called the Chrome online store, and on its expanses there is an abundance of additions for every taste - these are all sorts of advertising blockers, and VPN clients, and tools for saving web pages, information and work tools, as well as much more. But first of all you need to know how to get into this store and how to use it.

Option 2: Application menu

  1. On the web browser tab panel, click on the application button (default it is displayed only on the Add New tab page).
  2. Open application menu in Google Chrome browser

  3. Go to the Chrome online store using the link presented on the bottom or the corresponding label if there is any.
  4. Links to go to the online store Chrome in Google Chrome browser

  5. You will find yourself on the main page of the supplement store, and therefore you can go to their search and subsequent installation in Google Chrome.
  6. Home CHROME online store page in Google Chrome browser

    Search and install extensions for browser

    Further actions depend on whether you want to establish some particular addition or just want to get acquainted with the list of instruments intended for a web browser, try them and choose a suitable solution.

    1. Use the search bar and enter the name (not necessarily accurate and complete) or the assignment of the desired extension (for example, the "Advertising Block" or "Notes"), then press "ENTER" on the keyboard or select the appropriate result from the prompt drop-down list.

      Search extension for installation in Google Chrome browser

      Alternatively, you can use search filters located on the same sidebar where the search is located.

      Categories, Features and Evaluation Extensions for their search in Google Chrome browser

      Or you can explore the contents of categories and headings presented on the Chrome online store online page.

    2. Categories with rash worshi in Browser Googlt Chrome

    3. Having found a suitable addition, click the "Set" button.

      Start setting the found extension in Google Chrome browser

      Note: When choosing an extension, you must pay attention to its assessment (rating), the number of installations, as well as reviews of other users. To familiarize yourself with the latter, just go to the page describing the features that opens by pressing the supplement icon in the search results.

      In the pop-up window, confirm your intention to "establish expansion"

      Confirmation of the installation of expansion in the Google Chrome browser

      And wait for the verification to complete.

    4. Checking the setting extension in Google Chrome browser

    5. After the addition is set, it will appear on the toolbar, the label will appear, by clicking on which you can open the menu. In many cases (but not always), the official website of developers opens, where you can find out additional information on working with their product and its use.
    6. Result of successful expansion installation in Google Chrome browser

      In addition to the toolbar, new extensions can be displayed in the browser menu.

      Icons of all installed extensions in Google Chrome browser

      Actually, they can be placed there and independently choosing the appropriate item in the context menu (right click on the shortcut - "not to show in the Google Chrome menu").

      Extensions on Google Chrome Browser Toolbar

    Method 2: Official Developer Site

    If you do not want to seek add-ons for Google Chrome in a company online store, you can make it a more traditional way - contacting the official site of the developers of a particular product, however, it will still have to find it yourself.

    1. Open the Google search and enter a query "Download + Name" at its line, press the button in the form of a magnifying glass or the Enter key, and then read the issuance results. As in the example below, most often the first link leads to the Chrome online store (digit 3 in the screenshot), and the second - the official web resource (4) you need within this method. According to it, go.
    2. Independent search for browser extension in Google Chrome

    3. Click on the download button. In most cases, it is signed as follows - "Upload + Supplement Title + for Chrome".
    4. Search and install extensions in the Google Chrome browser from the official site of developers

    5. Almost always, instead of starting the installation, a banal redirection of the Chrome online store occurs, but sometimes a pop-up window immediately appears with a proposal to "set the extension" (see the second screenshot of paragraph number 2 of the previous method), for which you need to agree. If everything happens as in our example, you will also find yourself on the page with the description of the extension, click on the Set button.
    6. Expansion Installation Page in Google Chrome Browser Online Store

      Further actions are no different from those considered in step No. 3 of the previous part of the article.

      Method 3: Manual Extensions Installation

      Not all designed specifically for the Google browser are presented in Chrome online store, and not all of them have an official website from which you can automatically get an interesting product. Some add-ons are developed by enthusiasts and are published on the Internet in the form of installation files that need to be independently integrated into a web browser, previously performing certain manipulations. Consider how it is done.

      Note: An independent installation of extensions received from unofficial sources is accompanied by the need to make edits to the system registry and / or activation of the developer mode. This can create a serious hole in the security of the browser and the operating system, which in turn can lead to loss of personal data and / or errors and failures in the work. The following actions are performed exclusively for your own fear and risk.

      Additions for the Google Chrome web browser, intended for manual installation, can be represented in one of two formats - CRX and ZIP. The integration algorithm for each of them is somewhat different.

      Supplement in CRX format

      1. Alone, find the CRX file expansion on the Internet and download it to your computer. Note that it is better not to do it with a banal click on the link, but through the context menu (right click on the download button - item "Save the link as ...") - In the first case, the browser can block the file, in the second, this will not happen.

        Saving extension in CRX format for installation in Google Chrome

        Important: Many additions to this type for correct work with the browser require changes to the operating system register. Detailed instructions on what and how to do, look for on the site with which the CRX is downloaded, but often you can also find a ready-made file in REG format, which automatically makes the necessary records, just run it enough and confirm your intentions.

        Downloading REG file to install CRX extension in Google Chrome browser

      2. Alone (following instructions from developers) or using a special REG file, make the necessary changes to the system registry. After performing the necessary manipulations, be sure to restart the web browser!

        Making changes to the registry to install the expansion in the CRX format in Google Chrome

        Supplement in the zip archive

        As mentioned above, some extensions for the browser chrome can be represented in the form of zip-archives, or rather, they are packaged in them. For the normal operation of additions to this type, you do not need to make changes to the system registry, but it will be necessary to activate the developer mode. Plus to everything, CRX add-ons receive updates automatically, and packed in Zip - no, they will need to install themselves.

        READ ALSO: Checking sites and files for viruses


        As you can see, there is nothing difficult to set the extension into the Google Chrome browser, but try to do it only as necessary - many of them can rather consume the resources of the operating system, and those that are installed in an unofficial way, and are able to harm it at all .

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