How to restore the previous Firefox session


How to restore the previous Firefox session

During the use of the Mozilla Firefox browser, users may need to restore the previous session if the web browser has been closed without the possibility to complete the normal operation or the session must be continued. You can do this in different ways available in the way we want to talk about. Examine all the presented methods to choose the optimal, and only then go to the execution of the operation itself, in order not to accidentally lose these data without the possibility of their recovery.

We restore the previous session in Mozilla Firefox

By default, the request to restore the previous session in the browser under consideration appears only if it has occurred an unforeseen failure or an update was installed. In other cases, when, for example, the user himself closed the program, a new session begins immediately. We will demonstrate the options that will be suitable in different situations so that the user exactly does not lose the data on the closed session.

Method 1: Selective transition to previously closed tabs

Let's briefly analyze the case when the user does not want to restore the entire session or just wants to see what it was in her. This will help the built-in menu called "Magazine", which reflects the story and allowing you to restore the latest closed sites, which is carried out like this:

  1. Run the web browser and click on a specially designated button at the top called "Magazine". You see her image on the screenshot below.
  2. Pressing the button for opening a log view in the Mozilla Firefox browser

  3. In the context menu that appears, deploy the appropriate section.
  4. Go to viewing the log of visits in Mozilla Firefox

  5. Here you are interested in the category "Recently closed tabs" or "Recent History". The first records and will be those that closed last.
  6. View history and recently closed tabs via MOZILLA Firefox

  7. It is worth noting that not always the latest session sites are placed in "Recently closed tabs", because it depends on some circumstances.
  8. View recently closed tabs in a separate menu Mozilla Firefox

Now we only flew out about one function that can be performed through the history menu views in Firefox. If you are interested in this section, we recommend you to familiarize yourself with it in more detail by reading the articles on the links below.

Read more:

Where is the history of Mozilla Firefox

How to Clean the story in Mozilla Firefox

Method 2: Restore the previous session button

The Firefox developers have long added one button to their browser, pressing on which immediately restores the previous session if it is possible. Provided that you have not reinstalled the browser or did not produce other actions with the user directory, this method should accurately work. You need to do the following:

  1. Run the web browser and press the button in the form of three horizontal lines to start the menu.
  2. Go to the main menu of browser Mozilla Firefox

  3. A pop-up list appears with options. Here click on the "Restore Session" button.
  4. Restoring the previous session of the Mozilla Firefox browser through the main menu

  5. Immediately, the tabs that were closed when the program is completed. You can move to interaction with them.
  6. Successful restoration of the previous session by pressing one button in Mozilla Firefox

Method 3: Restore when starting

We have already said earlier that the restoration of the previous default session is automatically possible only when critical errors or unforeseen restarts after installing updates. If you want the closed tabs open immediately, you will need to enable the appropriate function in the settings.

  1. Open the browser menu and go to "Settings".
  2. Go to Mozilla Firefox settings through the main menu

  3. At the top in the "Basic" section, you will see the item "Restore the previous session" and will "warn it under it when leaving the browser." The first parameter is necessary to activate, and the second one at will.
  4. Enabling automatic restoration of the previous session in Mozilla Firefox

  5. After installing the checkbox, it is advisable to restart the web browser.
  6. Closing the configuration window after making changes to Mozilla Firefox

  7. Now, with each restart, the tabs will be opened with which you worked in the previous session.
  8. Automatic recovery of the previous session in Mozilla Firefox

  9. As for the function to "Warn when leaving the browser", its action is to display the notification that the closed tabs will be restored at the next input to the browser.
  10. Notification of automatic recovery session when closing Mozilla Firefox

Method 4: Creating a backup to restore

We set this method to the last place, since it is very rarely necessary for users. You can independently back up the open tabs for their further recovery in the new session. It will come in handy in cases where there is no confidence that the browser will do it on its own.

  1. Open the menu and go to the Help section.
  2. Go to the Help section through the Mozilla Firefox Main Menu

  3. Here, select the category "Information to solve problems."
  4. Opening information for solving problems through the Help section in Mozilla Firefox

  5. Run down the list of information and open the profile folder. If there is no possibility to do this through the browser, run the conductor and go along the path C: \ Users \ user_name \ APPDATA \ Roaming \ Mozilla \ Firefox \ Profiles \.
  6. Transition along the location of the Mozilla Firefox user directory

  7. In this location, find the "SessionStore-Backups" directory.
  8. Switch to the user folder for saving Mozilla Firefox

  9. Find there the "recovery.bak" file, click on it right-click and select "Rename" in the context menu.
  10. Creating a backup of the current session for further restoration in Mozilla Firefox

  11. Set the file name SessionStore by changing the permission to .js, and then save the changes. Now you can move this file to the folder of any user or leave it here. When you start a web browser, the saved session should open automatically.
  12. Successful creating a backup file to restore the Mozilla Firefox session

You have learned the four ways to restore the previous session in the Mozilla Firefox browser. As you can see, everyone has its own characteristics and a certain algorithm of actions. As for the implementation, there is nothing complicated in this, and the instructions given will make the process even easier.

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