Firefox hangs


Firefox hangs

During interaction with the Mozilla Firefox web browser, some users may encounter various problems that lead to the program hangs. Sometimes they pass after a while, and in other cases you have to restart the browser. There are different reasons for such situations, and they are most often associated with systemic failures or internal problems of the browser. Next, we will describe in detail the available methods of solving such difficulties so that any user has found for itself a working way.

We solve problems with the hanging browser Mozilla Firefox

It is impossible to immediately give an unequivocal answer about the reasons for the unstable functioning of the web browser, since most situations require at least minimal preliminary diagnosis. Almost always have to use the method of extinguishing to find the most responsible for the occurrence of a problem. Because of this, we have compiled a special structure of this article, dividing it on the methods. The first method is the most common and easy to execute, and the difficulty is growing and the likelihood that this reason has served as the reason for hanging.

Method 1: RAM checking

We set this decision to first place, since most often users have problems with RAM. They open a lot of tabs, use other applications parallel, and the volume of the installed component can simply be lacking for processing information, which provokes the occurrence of difficulties. There are several probable nuances associated with RAM at once, so let's deal with each of them in turn.

Monitoring system resources

First, we propose to use the standard application of the Task Manager operating system. It is in it that, without any difficulties, is visible which process how many RAM consumes, as well as a general load on memory will be displayed here. Run the desired window by right-clicking on the taskbar and selecting the appropriate option there, or hold the Ctrl + Shift + ESC hot key.

Checking the computer's RAM to solve problems with Mozilla Firefox

In the displayed menu you are interested in the Processes tab. You can sort the list of applications, withdrawing on the first place that consumes the most RAM. Check if there is a shortage of memory, and then find out how many megabytes will use the Firefox process. If the browser consumes about 300-800 megabytes of memory and there are several tabs with different contents and a certain number of additions is opened, then this is a normal result. In the event of a shortage of RAM due to the operation of other applications, they will be needed for a while, if you do not need them. More detailed information on optimization is looking for in another article on our website further.

Read more: Methods for cleaning RAM in Windows

If suddenly it turned out that the fulfillment of all processes of the browser takes a huge number of system resources, it means that something works in it and it is necessary to eliminate such problems. We will tell about it in the following sections.

Optimization of RAM consumption in Mozilla Firefox

There are different reasons for which the rush of the RAM of RAM under consideration by the browser is performed. Some of them are related to the fact that the user simultaneously works in many tabs and at the same time several extensions are in active mode, while others are provoked by internal failures. For a comprehensive solution to this difficulty, we recommend using the following instruction.

  1. To begin with, look at how much resources goes to support the functioning of tabs and extensions. Open the Firefox Main Menu and click on the "still" button.
  2. Transition to Mozilla Firefox browser menu to solve problems with freezes

  3. A separate section will open, where the "Task Manager" should be selected.
  4. Running the Mozilla Firefox Task Manager for Tracking RAM

  5. All active tabs and additions are displayed here. On the right you will see the number of megabytes consumed. Evaluate the situation and close unnecessary windows, if they really have a huge effect on RAM.
  6. Tracking RAM Mozilla Firefox via Built-in Task Manager

  7. Unnecessary additions are also recommended to disable. You can make a transition to the settings immediately through the "Task Manager". Highlight the string with the addition and click on the arrow icon.
  8. Go to the Extension Control Menu through the Task Manager in Mozilla Firefox

  9. On the Application page to the right of the name will be located the three horizontal points icon. Click once on it.
  10. Opening the context menu of the expansion control in Mozilla Firefox

  11. In the context menu that appears, select the "Disable" option or remove the extension at all if you do not need it.
  12. Temporary disabling extension to solve problems with Mozilla Firefox

  13. Return to the section with all applications. So disconnect all unnecessary tools if they are available.
  14. Temporary disabling other extensions in Mozilla Firefox browser

  15. After completing each action, it is recommended to check the current load to find out if there are any positive effects. If the failure is still not allowed to be resolved, open the menu and go to the Help section.
  16. Go to the help menu in the Mozilla Firefox browser to start a custom folder

  17. Here you need the item "Information for solving problems".
  18. Switch to user information via Mozilla Firefox Mozilla

  19. Open the profile folder by clicking on the appropriate button. You can do it through the "Explorer" by clicking on the path specified here.
  20. Running a custom folder through the help menu in Mozilla Firefox

  21. Lay the file called Content-Prefs.sqlite and click on it PKM.
  22. Select a file with user settings in the Mozilla Firefox profile folder

  23. In the context menu that opens, select Delete. This will make it possible to get rid of the damaged object of personal settings if it turned out to be such. After re-starting the browser, all parameters are automatically synchronized and you can move to viewing of RAM consumed.
  24. Deleting a custom settings file in the Mozilla Firefox profile folder

  25. If the memory still goes too much, we advise you to go to the About: Memory page by entering this address in the string. Memory control is performed here.
  26. Switching to Return RAM Control Menu in Mozilla Firefox browser

  27. Use the Show Memory Reports button if you are an experienced user and are able to deal with the process of processes.
  28. Opening a list of RAM consumption in the Mozilla Firefox browser

  29. In the list you can view the list of associations and a detailed report of used by different memory scripts. If there are anomalous jumps somewhere, it is better to immediately contact Firefox technical support, told about your problem, since it is possible to deal with the scheme forces only by experienced users.
  30. View Runs consumed in Mozilla Firefox browser

  31. The usual user is better to use a simple built-in "Minimaze Memory Usage" feature. The activation of the option will automatically optimize RAM consumption.
  32. Enabling the optimization of RAM in Mozilla Firefox browser

Based after the implementation of all these manipulations, the number of RAM devoid is declining several times. However, if a limited amount of RAM is installed on board the motherboard, for example, 2 GB, the system and other processes can load it without leaving free space for the functioning of the browser. Then no recommendations will bring due results. In such situations, we advise you to install a paging file, add another RAM bar or change the web browser by turning on a special solution for weak PCs.

Read more:

Enabling the paging file on a Windows computer

How to select RAM for Computer

What to choose a browser for a weak computer

Method 2: Creating a new library database

The library database in Mozilla Firefox is used to store history, bookmarks, keywords and site icons. Sometimes problems relating to the periodic arbitrary browser hangs, just that can relate to the file loads in which all these data are located. Developers recommend to delete it to create a new library upon subsequent startup.

Note that when performing the following tips, your history of visits, downloads and bookmarks for the last day will be cleared.

  1. Open the folder of the current profile as it has already been shown above.
  2. Re-transition to the Mozilla Firefox browser user folder

  3. Here, find the PS files with the places.sqlite and placees.sqlite-journal, and then click on each of the PCM turns to call the context menu.
  4. Finding a log library file to delete in the Mozilla Firefox user folder

  5. In it, select the "Rename" option.
  6. Rename log database files in Mozilla Firefox browser

  7. Enter at the end of the name .old to designate the old version of this object.
  8. Enter the name when renaming log database files in Mozilla Firefox

At the end of this operation, re-run the web browser. If you use synchronization through Mozilla services, the lost information will be restored after a while. Start the active use of the program to make sure the effectiveness of fixes.

Method 3: Disabling hardware acceleration

The hardware acceleration function of the web browser is associated with a video card installed in the computer. If for some reason conflicts arise between the model of the graphics adapter and the firefox arise, then when you try to activate hardware acceleration, it is freezing. We offer to get rid of this trouble, simply disabling this option, since it usually does not affect a significant increase in productivity.

  1. Open the browser's main menu and move to the "Settings" section.
  2. Go to the Mozilla Firefox browser settings

  3. Run down, where in the "Performance" section, remove the checkbox from the "Use recommended performance settings" item.
  4. Disabling automatic acceleration setting in Mozilla Firefox browser

  5. Next, remove the tick from the displayed item "if possible to use hardware acceleration".
  6. Turning off the hardware acceleration function in the Mozilla Firefox browser

  7. After that, simply exit the menu and restart the web browser.
  8. Successful disconnection of the hardware acceleration function in the Mozilla Firefox browser

Usually, if it really lies in the hardware acceleration, there will be no departure more. If you repeatedly appear, you can enable this feature again to increase productivity and switch to the following trouble correction options.

Method 4: Deleting duplicate session recovery files

As you know, the Firefox has a function that allows you to restore previously completed sessions. All information required to implement this operation is stored in one file. However, due to certain failures or frequent browser crashes, several duplicate objects can be created that will only interfere with the correct operation of the application, causing periodic hangs. It is recommended to manually check the user folder on duplicas and delete unnecessary files, which is performed as follows:

  1. Open the user folder by the principle that we have already shown above.
  2. Go to the Mozilla Firefox browser user folder to remove the double sessions

  3. Lay in the directory repetitive files named SessionStore.js.
  4. Search for a double files of previous sessions to remove in Mozilla Firefox

  5. Remove them all through the pop-up context menu that opens when PCM is pressed through the file.
  6. Removing the doubles of previous sessions in the Mozilla Firefox browser

With the subsequent launch of Firefox, you will not be able to restore the previous session, but in the future this function will work properly. Go to standard interaction with the browser to make sure the absence of freezes after making changes.

Method 5: Change Proxy Parameters

Sometimes failures in working with a web browser arise due to errors when using network parameters. In most cases, this applies to the proxy. We recommend checking this option and make sure that it is set correctly:

  1. Open the program's main menu and go to "Settings".
  2. Go to the Mozilla Firefox browser settings for proxy editing

  3. Run at the bottom, where in the "Network Parameters" section, click on the "Configure" button.
  4. Go to a detailed setting of network settings in Mozilla Firefox

  5. Mark the "URL automatic proxy setting" item.
  6. Installing custom proxies in Mozilla Firefox browser

  7. If the marker is so worth it at this point, move it to "Use Proxy System Settings".
  8. Install automatic parameters for proxy in Mozilla Firefox browser

Method 6: Clearing Loading Log

We recommend using this method only in those situations where problems with the functioning of the browser are observed only when you try to download certain files. This is due to the fact that for all the time the download list clogs, which ultimately leads to the brakes during appeal to it. If you really come across freezes only when downloading, do these steps:

  1. Open the Firefox magazine by clicking on the corresponding icon, and go to the "Downloads" section.
  2. Opening of download log in Mozilla Firefox

  3. Navigate to view the full list through the "Show all downloads" button.
  4. Go to viewing the full download log in Mozilla Firefox browser

  5. Here click on "Clear Downloads".
  6. Clearing download logs through the corresponding window in Mozilla Firefox

  7. The list will be immediately completely cleaned, this is evidenced by the fact that it has become empty.
  8. Successful Clearing Loading Log in Mozilla Firefox Browser

Method 7: Installing the latest updates

If none of the above options caused no result, it is quite possible that all problems are associated with the banal obsolescence of the browser. In such situations, conflicts are often observed with internal and system files. Solution One thing is to establish the latest version of the web browser and synchronize the profile to go to normal interaction with it. Detailed instructions on this issue in separate our material using the reference below.

Read more: Check and install updates for Mozilla Firefox

Method 8: Checking the system for viruses

Sometimes the action of malicious files that somehow hit the computer, prevents the correct functioning of browsers and other programs, which can be reflected in the browser today. Your task is to find a suitable software and scanning a system for threats. After successful detection and cleaning of dangers, it will become clear whether the viruses really influenced the work of Firefox. Expanded manuals for combating computer threats are described in our additional manual.

Cleaning a computer from viruses to solve Mozilla Firefox

Read more: Fighting computer viruses

Method 9: Reinstalling the browser

The last way to be discussed in our today's material is to reinstall Mozilla Firefox. If you already have the latest version of the browser and the above leadership turned out to be ineffective, it will be the only option that can help cope with the difficulty arising. To begin with, remove the browser completely using one of the convenient methods. Then install it on the same principle by which most other programs are installed.

Read more:

How to remove Mozilla Firefox from a computer completely

Installing the Mozilla Firefox browser on a computer

As part of the methods discussed above, we dealt with the possible reasons for the appearance of hangs in Firefox, and also led accessible fixes. As you can see, there is a huge number of stimuli and nuances that need to be considered, so the procedure for restoring the correct functioning of the program is sometimes delayed for several hours.

Read more