How to hide the time of visiting in Viber


How to hide the time of visiting in Viber

Many Viber users know that by default the activated broadcast of the online status "Online" is possible to disable and thus hide the fact of activity and the time of visiting the messenger from their contacts. The article will demonstrate how to do this with Android smartphone, iPhone and Windows PC.

Status "Online" in Messenger Viber

Deactivation of notification options registered in Viber users about the time of your last activity in messenger and / or stay in it is extremely simple, but before hiding your status "Online", read the information about all the consequences of such actions.
  • The prohibition of the demonstration of online status and the hide of the date / time of its last visit Viber leads to the impossibility of viewing this information from other members of the messenger.
  • Activation / Deactivation of the status broadcast "Online" is possible once every 24 hours.
  • Cancel the transfer of online status to other Vaiber participants is selectively impossible, data access is also losing all account owners in the messenger. The only opportunity to hide the time of visiting from the sole is its blocking (perhaps temporary).

    Read more:

    How to Add Contact "Black List" Messenger Viber

    How to unlock contact in Viber for Android, iOS and Windows

How to hide online status "Online" in Viber for Android

To deactivate the option to transfer information about the time of time to visit the messenger to the service through the Viber application for Android, you need to perform only a few simple steps.

  1. Run the messenger and from the "Esch" tab of applications go to its "settings".
  2. Viber for Android transition to the settings of the messenger

  3. Open the Privacy section. The parameter you are interested in is the first to list. Do not forget that by following the next item in the instruction, the ability to activate the status you will only get a day later.
  4. Viber for Android section Privacy in the settings of the messenger

  5. Remove the checkbox in the area with the name "Online" option and then you can return to the usual use of the messenger.
  6. Viber for Android Deactivation of the display of status in the network (Hiding time visits)

  7. Make sure the effectiveness of the configuration is possible by opening any dialogue. Now under the chat heading (name of the interlocutor), no information about its last activity in Viber or online stay is not displayed. Another member of the Messenger, who passed the chat with you, will also not find online status at its usual place.
  8. Viber for Android The result of deactivation of status status in the messenger

How to hide online status "Online" in Viber for iPhone

The Viber for iOS functions on the same principles as the above-described version of the messenger in the Android environment, and the operation to hide your online status in the service is carried out with the iPhone just.

  1. Open the messenger and tap the "More" icon at the bottom of the screen on the right. Next, go to "Settings".
  2. Viber for iOS - Open Messenger Settings

  3. We need the Viber parameter is adjusted in the "Privacy" section of the messenger settings - open it. Next, not forgetting that the opposite action will be possible only after 24 hours, put the "Online" switch to the "Off" position.
  4. Viber for iOS - Deactivation of the network parameter in confidentiality settings

  5. Now you can return to the operation of the Weber in normal mode. Opening any chat, you will not be discovered under its heading any information characterizing the interlocutor of information, and he, in turn, will not see the data previously broadcast by your messenger.
  6. Viber for iOS - the result of disabling status in the network

How to hide online status "Online" in Viber for Windows

Many Viber users for PCs do not think about the fact that this application is in its essence is not a full-fledged messenger client capable of functioning autonomously and therefore trying to unsuccessfully solve the task from the title of our article trying to find the desired setting in the "Security and Privacy" section. However, directly in the desktop client change the privacy parameters is impossible.

Viber for Windows How to Hide the time staying in Messenger (Network status)

Read also: Setting the Viber Messenger in Windows

Since confidential settings are not applied with respect to the Viber access tool, but to the system user account, disable the display of online status in the desktop application is possible by the operation on one of the instructions proposed above in the article and applicable in the "main" messenger installed on Android devices or iPhone.

See also: How to synchronize Viber on a PC and Android smartphone or iPhone


The creators of Viber provided in the service-client applications for Android and iOS the ability to change privacy settings by users. This will allow you to disable the broadcast of your own online status "on the network" and thus hide the time of visiting the messenger from its other participants.

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