How to get stickers from Sberbank VKontakte


How to get stickers from Sberbank VKontakte

Large companies, including Sberbank, often spend special promotions and competitions in VKontakte, free spending stickers and other gifts. To get into the collection of the company's branded stickers of this bank, it suffices to use the official community. As part of the following article, we will try to tell about the receipt of these stickers.

Getting stickers from Sberbank VKontakte

At the moment of time, without visible restrictions on the date of stickers from Sberbank "Sberbot and Friends" can be obtained, as mentioned above, through the official community of VKontakte. To do this, you will need to communicate with the bot, specifying a special keyword and as a result of a free subscription.

  1. Use the link below to transition to the official community of savings. You can also go to the desired page through the official Sberbank group or using the internal search system.

    Go to the official community Cancer VKontakte

  2. Transition to Vkontakte savings community

  3. Being on the wall Public, click the "Join Group" button on the right side of the page. In addition, it is advisable to subscribe to the Sberbank community.
  4. Introduction to the Sberbot Group VKontakte

  5. Under the "You Member" button, use the "Send Message" link to go to the dialogue. In the text box, enter any greeting phrase or immediately the keyword "meow". To send, use the appropriate button at the bottom of the modal window.
  6. Sending a keyword in the Sberbote group VKontakte

  7. As soon as the message is sent, a new record of the gift from the savings will appear in the "Notifications" section.
  8. Successful receipt of savings stickers VKontakte

  9. Go to the "Messages" section and select a savings dialog to read the subscription conditions. This time should be paid attention, because if you do not want to receive new stickers, you have to send another keyword "Kyszy".
  10. View Dialogue with Creation VKontakte

  11. The initial set of stickers consists of only four options, which can be viewed in the section with other stickers.
  12. Viewing a set of savings stickers VKontakte

  13. After receiving the first stickers from the "Cancer and Friends" set, you will have to wait some time until the bot will send new stickers. In general, the newsletter will occur weekly, providing useful tips from Sberbank and one of the stickers.

It is easy to guess that the procedure described is identical and accessible to any platform, be it an official mobile application or website on a computer. The only insignificant difference at the same time comes down to the interface, but this nuance is unlikely to become a problem.


Completing this article, it is impossible not to mention the possibility of obtaining corporate stickers of Sberbank and other stickers for free based on shares of this company. In order to take part in this, it is necessary to constantly monitor the updates of the official group and when the appropriate news appears to perform the actions described. It is in such a kind of activities that one of the most common stocks applies to acquire any set of stickers from the VKontakte library for binding the Sberbank name.

See also: Getting free VK stickers

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