How to flash Meizu M3 Note: Step-by-step instructions


How to flash Meizu M3 Note

Almost all owners of MEIZU smartphones are sooner or later, it is necessary to deal with the need to update, reinstall or shift the Flyme OS type on your device. About what operations it is possible to spend with system software on one of the most popular manufacturer models, will be discussed in the article - consider several ways to firmware M3 Note.

Some features of the Android-devices of Meizu do not allow to carry out the reinstalling of their OS operations in such wide limits, as in the case of the devices of many other manufacturers. However, the update and rollback of the version of the mobile operating system on the M3 Note smartphone, as well as the full reinstallation of the firmware is completely realized by the user of the device independently and in the "home conditions". At the same time, do not forget:

Any of the procedures described in the article under certain conditions and / or the influence of individual factors can damage the smartphone! All recommendations from the material are performed by the user at their own discretion and at their own risk!

Important information and preparation for the firmware

Before switching to the fulfillment of relatively simple instructions for reinstalling Flyme OS on Meizu M3 Note, we recommend carefully to study the following information, as well as learn how some concomitant firmware is carried out.

Modifications of smartphone

There are all four modifications of Meizu M3 Note - two of them, produced for the China market, are characterized by indexes. M681Q. and M681C. , and two others - M681h and L681h - Designed to implement around the world.

Correctly define the index of the model model you are going to flash, it is extremely important - it depends on the choice of the firmware possible for a safe and efficient installation of the firmware type, which is discussed in the next section of our article.

  1. To find out the modification of it is possible to look at the label located on the packaging of the device, is the only method to get a 100% reliable result:

    Meizu M3 Note - Modification (version) of a smartphone on a label with boxes

  2. If the device box is not survived, the model index is calculated by the serial number of the device, which can be found by going in the Flyme OS environment along the "Settings" path - "On the phone" ("About Phone"):

    Meizu M3 Note Settings - About Phone

    Note that this method is not 100% reliable, since by certain manipulations displayed by the phone the serial can be changed!

    Meizu M3 Note Finding out the phone identifier at the serial number of the device

    Look at the beginning of the serial number. If the first is the letter "L", the modification of the present apparatus - L681h.

    Meizu M3 Note - L681H serial modification number

    The situation when the number "91" goes first in the value of the number, means that the index of your device begins on "M". If after "91" there is "q" or "s", then you are modified M681Q. or M681S. respectively. And, finally, if after the first two digits there is "h" - then we can assume (repeat, not 100%) that you have a smartphone MEIZU M3 Note in your hands M681h.

Types of firmware, download links

Chinese and international devices operate by default on one of the two types of firmware - "A" ( Universal ) and "G" ( Global ) respectively. The main thing from the point of view of the usual user from our country, the difference between these solutions is the lack of Russian localization in the first and presence of the second interface.

The last of the existing Flyme OS assemblies for Mason M3 notes (at the time of writing the article support the model the manufacturer is discontinued, the release of new firmware is not planned):

  1. Stable:
    • "Global". On the basis of Android 5.1 -
    • "Universal." On the basis of Android 5.1 - ; On the basis of Android 7.1 -
  2. Beta.:
    • "Global" - (Android 5.1).
    • "Universal" - (Flyme OS 7, Android 7).

Download Global firmware (G) MEIZU M3 Note smartphone from an official site

Download Universal Firmware (a) MEIZU M3 Note Smartphone from an official site

In terms of the possibility of installing different types of systems on devices with different indexes, it is necessary to note the following:

  1. M681Q. and M681C. - "relatives" firmware for these modifications are the build "A", but when changing the identifier of the device to the international can be set by the Flym OS "G".
  2. M681h - In the production, "G" is installed in the production, which should control the device under the manufacturer's plan, renewing during its life cycle. At the same time install Flyme OS "A" on the devices of this modification, it is possible, but it will be necessary to change the identifier to the "Chinese".
  3. L681h - As in the case of M681H, the factory firmware modification "L" - Global. Mase Mason Owners Music L681H must take into account a very important point - in any way you can not try to install "A" - Cars (Universal) Flym OS! Replacing the identifier in the case of this modification is meaningless!

    The violation of the said "Rules" leads to "Okirpichivaniya" of the smartphone, unreasonable without specialized tools (programmer), which are not available to the usual user!

Loading Flyme OS Packages of the latest versions for installation in the address under consideration, in addition to the official site, is available at the following links:

Download firmware Stable (Android 5.1) MEIZU M3 Note Smartphone

Download firmware (Beta) (Android 5.1) MEIZU M3 Note Smartphone

Download firmware Stable (Android 5.1) MEIZU M3 Note Smartphone

Download Firmware Stable (Android 7.1) MEIZU M3 Note Smartphone

Download Firmware (Beta) (Flyme OS 7, Android 7) MEIZU M3 Note Smartphone

The article Next holds manipulations with the device M681h , but owners M681Q. and M681C. All proposed methods of the device firmware, subject to the correct choice of the package from the OS to install and bring the smartphone identifier to the assembly installed. Users L681h It will be necessary to restrict ourselves to the ability to use only Methods No. 2 and No. 3 from the article by downloading "G" -packet system for Meizu M3 Note.

Backing up information

Resetting OS on M3 M3 M3 M3 It is recommended to be carried out with a preliminary cleaning of the smartphone storage from the data contained in it. In addition, even in the process of normal operation or update, Flyme OS, failures occur, resulting in the need to overwrite the memory of the device, which will include the loss of user information, so the need for backup is indisputable.


  1. Place the "Backup" folder in the internal memory of the smartphone.
  2. Meizu M3 Note Copying folder with backups to the internal memory of the apparatus

  3. Go to "Memory and Backup" ("Storage & Backup") from "Settings" ("Settings") Operations of the device, tap the name (dates) of the backup, from which data will be retrieved.
  4. Meizu M3 Note Copying and Restoration, Choice of Backup for Deployment

  5. If you need to restore only individual types of data, remove the ticks opposite the names of unnecessary. To go to extract information, tap "Restore" ("Restore").
  6. Meizu M3 Note Select Data Types for Recovery, Start Procedure

  7. Expect the end of data recovery, after which the "Finish" button appears on the screen - click on it, and then restart your smartphone.
  8. Meizu M3 Note Process for recovering data from backup and its completion

SUPER USER Privileges

To carry out a plurality of manipulations that imply serious interference with the system software to Meizu M3 Note, in particular, to perform the following operations described below for replacing the device identifier, Russification of the "A" interface-snaps, etc. It will be necessary to get root rights. In the Flyme OS 6 environment, this is feasible below.

Note that it is possible to deactivate root-rights on the device only by flashing it!

  1. Make an account to your smartphone (Flyme account), if this was not done earlier. In Wednesday, OS 6, login and password enters the "Settings" path ("MEIZU ACCOUNT") - "Login / Register" ("Login / Register").

    Meizu M3 Note Settings - Meizu Akunt - Login Registration

    If you have not yet created an account in the mease ecosystem and do not know how to do this, you can use a detailed description of the procedure available on the following link:

    Meizu M3 Note How to make meizu akkunt to smartphone

    Read more: Registration Meizu account and making an account in a smartphone

  2. Return to the main list of "settings", open the "Fingerprint & Security" section ("FingerPrint & Security") available in the "Device" category ("Device").
  3. Meizu M3 Note Prints and Security in the Device Device of the Smartphone

  4. Scroll through the opening list of parameters, find the Root access point ("Root Permission") and tap it.
  5. Meizu M3 Note Root-access in the prints and security of smartphone settings

  6. Check out the information presented on the screen, set the checkbox "Accept" ("Accept") and then tap "OK".
  7. Meizu M3 Note How to get the privileges of the superuser on the smartphone

  8. Enter the password from the telephone account in the window that appears, click "OK", which initiates the restart of the device.
  9. Meizu M3 Note Check Flyme account before opening root rights on smartphone

  10. After restarting, go along the "Settings" path ("Fingerprint & Security") - "Root-access" ("root permission"). Make sure that the procedure has been performed - now on the specified path, the RUT-RuT-Rights Management Manager opens.
  11. MEIZU M3 NOTE RUT-RIGHT on the smartphone received

Changing identifier

As mentioned above in the article, to install the firmware that does not correspond to the purpose of the type of type ("international" OS on the "Chinese" Meizu M3 Note and vice versa) will need to change the ID of the smartphone. This, quite complex from the point of view of the unprepared user of the device, the procedure is greatly simplified by the use of a specialized script created and posted in free access to one of the experienced users of the model.

Download Script to change the identifier of the smartphone MEIZU M3 Note

  1. Activate on the television privilege on the television in the instructions suggested above.
  2. Download the file below the Located link And place it in the root of the internal memory of the mobile device.
  3. MEIZU M3 NOTE Script for changing ID in the internal memory of the smartphone

  4. Install android application Terminal Emulator for Android Developer Jack Palevich. . It is possible to make from Google Play Market, Meizu App Store or by deploying available for download by reference below APK file.

    Meizu M3 Note Installing Terminal Emulator from Mase App Store

    Download Terminal Emulator for Android from Google Play Market

    Download APK file application Terminal Emulator for Android

    Running recovery

    Almost all MEIZU M3 Note firmware methods will require a transition to a smartphone recovery environment. The call to the recovery can be carried out not the only method, then the two simplest are presented.

    1. Key combination:
      • Fully turn off the device and wait a bit. Press the Volume + and Power Hardware and Power. Hold the buttons pressed until the phone manufacturer logo appears on the screen - at this point, stop the effect on the POWER key.
      • Meizu M3 Note How to enter the recovery environment (recovery) smartphone

      • As a result, the screen appears, captured at the next screenshot - this is the device recovery environment. To exit the recovery and launch Android tap the "Cancel" button.
      • Meizu M3 Note Smartphone Recovery Wednesday - Recovery

      If the smartphone is controlled by "A" -Borking Flyme OS, the recovery environment interface elements will be signed in Chinese, but the functionality of the recovery is the same as in the case of its "G" -variant, focus on the location of items and buttons:

      Meizu M3 Note Recovery Smartphone in Chinese

    2. Through the terminal emulator:
      • Run the application Terminal.
      • Meizu M3 Note Starting the terminal emulator for rebooting into recovery

      • Enter the following command, and then tap "Enter". As a result, the device will instantly reboot to the recovery environment.

        Reboot Recovery.

      • Meizu M3 Note Command in the terminal emulator for rebooting on the recovery environment (recovery)

    Hard Reset.

    Many Meizu smartphone users consider the firmware, that is, the procedure for overwriting the memory areas of the mobile device data from the installation package with the OS components, some panacea from all connected to the program part of the device of trouble, but not in all cases such an operation leads to an expected result and really necessary . Quite often to solve problems with the work of Flyme OS helps "Hard Reset" - return the apparatus in the "factory state".

    After performing the following manipulation, you, in fact, reinstall the mobile operating system, deleting all user data from the device store and "reset" all the parameters according to which system software functions.

    1. Enter the recovery.
    2. Meizu M3 Note Starting Recovery for Hard Reset Procedure

    3. Press the "VOLUME +" hardware key five times, then immediately, - five times "Volume -". As a result, the following picture appears on the device:
    4. Meizu M3 Note Startup Screen Hard Reset Full Reset and Formatting

    5. Tap the "Clear" button, and then expect the completion of the process of cleaning the device's memory and reset its settings to factory values.
    6. Meizu M3 Note Process Hard Reset (Full Reset and Formatting Smartphone Memory)

    7. As a result, you will get an opportunity to refigure the device, - after restarting, the welcome screen will be displayed from which the main settings of the system begins.
    8. Meizu M3 Note Setting up a smartphone after resetting and memory formatting


    So that all firmware manipulations have passed without problems and led to a positive result, follow the following recommendations:
    • The MEIZU M3 Note battery before intervention in its system software should be charged anyway by 50%, and better fully.
    • The installation process of Flyme OS is better to carry out without SIM cards, that is, removing the tray with them before manipulation.
    • In almost all cases, the most correct solution will be installing a mobile OS with a preliminary cleaning of the smartphone memory ("WIPE DATA") - it avoids problems associated with the balances of previously installed systems and applications.

    How to flash Meizu M3 Note

    When reviewing the above information, you can start the choice and study of the method (depends on the state of the system on the device and the ultimate goal of the procedure) reinstalling the operating system to M3 M3 M3 and then use it.

    Method 1: OTA-Update (only "A" -K)

    When you select the method of updating the version of the system for any Android device, you should not ignore the funds offered by the manufacturer, because most often their use is the easiest way to receive the firmware on the smartphone the latest version by the manufacturer. If you have an universal firmware on your M3 M3 M3 M3, the device is generally operational, you are not going to change the type of Flyme OS to "Global" or go to the beta assemblies of the system, that is, your goal is only updating the version of the device's system shell, follow the following.

    On Mase M3 Note with activated superuser privileges, the proposed instruction does not work!

    1. On the phone, go to "Settings" ("Settings"). Scroll through the list of parameters to the bottom and tap "System Update" ("System Update").
    2. Meizu M3 Note Setting - System Update

    3. Touch "Enter" ("Login") on the displayed screen, after which the availability check on Meizu servers will begin.
    4. Meizu M3 Note Check availability for Flyme OS

    5. When setting the ability to actualize the OS, a corresponding notification request will be demonstrated. Click here "Download Now", and then wait until the package of updated Flyme OS components will be loaded into the device repository. The download procedure takes a certain time, while you can continue to use the device as usual.
    6. Meizu M3 Note Downloading OTA Update for Smartphone

    7. Upon completion of the download file, the UPDATE NOW button appears - click it. This will restart the machine and initiating the installation of the updated version of the OS automatic mode.
    8. Meizu M3 Note Start and installation process OTA-update

    9. Next, it is not necessary to do anything - after all manipulations, the smartphone will start in android and as "Updated SuccessFully" will report on the successful completion of the update of its system software.
    10. Meizu M3 Note Updating Flyme OS completed successfully

    Method 2: Flyme OS File Manager

    One of the simplest ways to update or reinstall the Flym OS on the M3 M3 MEZ suggests the use of an integrated "Explorer" of the functional preset on the telephone.

    1. Download the package with the firmware of the version that you want to install on the computer disk and then copy it to the memory of the device. You can also make a download without resorting to the use of a PC, and immediately to the device repository.
    2. Meizu M3 Note Copying the firmware in the memory of the phone to install from the conductor

    3. Open the standard file manager in the Wednesday field (Explorer application ("Files"). Go to the file containing Catalog and tap the package name.
    4. Meizu M3 Note Starting Firmware Firmware Installation

    5. At the time of opening a package with components of the mobile OS file manager, it determines its contents and gives a message about the ability to install the system. Install the checkbox near "Clear Data" ("Wipe Contacts and App Data" and tap "Update Now" ("Update Now").
    6. Meizu M3 Note Start Installation Firmware Flyme OS Explorer

    7. As a result of the execution of previous steps, the smartphone will restart and initiates the installation of the OS from the package proposed on it. Expect the completion of deploying the Flyme OS selected version in the device's memory, which is accompanied by an increase in the percentage meter displayed on the screen. The start of the reheasted system will be automatically implemented.
    8. Meizu M3 Note Firmware Installation Process Initiated from Flyme OS Explorer

    9. Choose the basic parameters of the installed system software, and then proceed to the recovery of data and the further operation of the M3 M3 MEZ.
    10. Meizu M3 Note Startup of a smartphone OS after firmware initiated from Explorer Flyme OS

    Method 3: Recavori + Computer

    The following firmware method involves the use of the recovery environment integrated into Meizu M3 NOTE. The instruction is effective including in relation to the losing capacity of the download in Android (Boutlup, infinite load, etc.) of the models under consideration.

    1. Download the firmware of the estimated version of the version, check the name of the package - the "Distribution" of the OS should be called strictly And nothing else.
    2. Meizu M3 Note Download firmware for installation through recovery

    3. If the device boots in Android, place the file To the root of its internal storage. If the OS does not start, go to the next step.
    4. Meizu M3 Note Copying the firmware to install through the recovery in the root of the smartphone

    5. Restart the device to the recovery environment mode (recovery).
    6. Meizu M3 Note Starting Recovery Environment (Recovery) Smartphone for Firmware Installation

    7. If the firmware was not copied to the M3 Note memory in advance, connect the smartphone to the PC and place the package on the Windows Recovery removable drive defined in the "Explorer".
    8. Meizu M3 Note Copying Firmware for Remove Recovery Drive

    9. On the recovery environment, set the checkbox "Clear Data" checkbox and then tap "Start".
    10. Meizu M3 Note Start Installation Firmware from Recovery Environment (Recovery) Smartphone

    11. As a result, the procedure for verifying the system software package will begin, after which the process of its installation will start. Without taking anything, wait for the installation of the Flym OS installation, upon completion of which the phone will automatically restart and starts initializing the installed components.
    12. MEIZU M3 NOTE Firmware installation process through recovery and its completion

    13. The firmware is considered completed when the android-shell welcoming screen appears from which its main settings begin.
    14. Meizu M3 Note Firmware Installation Completed, Apparatus Setup

    Method 4: Flyme OS 7 + Rusification + Google Services

    The newest operating system available for use on Meizu M3 Note is Flyme OS 7. On the basis of Android Nougat. Many people seek to establish this assembly, despite the fact that it did not come out of the "Beta" stage. The main disadvantage of such a solution for Russian-language users is the absence in the specified firmware to switch the interface into Russian and operate the usual Google services. Specified by correcting the following instruction.

    1. Install Flyme OS 7 Beta on a smartphone, acting according to the "Method 3" instruction described above, must with the data cleaning.
    2. Meizu M3 Note Firmware Flyme OS 7 Beta based on Android Nougat

    3. Get on the device root law, acting according to the algorithm described in the first part of this material.
    4. Meizu M3 Note Receiving Ruttle Rights In Wednesday Flyme OS 7 Beta based on Android Nougat

    5. Download the following links APK files of the MEIZU apparatus of the MEIZU devices Florus. as well as installer applications Busybox. . Place the files received in the memory of the device.

      Meizu M3 Note APK-files of the Russifier and BusyBox in the memory of the device

      Download Flymeos 7 crack

      Download BusyBox Installer for Android

    6. Open the Files application, go along the path where the "distribution" flusure is loaded, and run it. When the "Install Blocked" window appears, tap in it "Unblock".
    7. Meizu M3 Note Starting Rusifier Installation for Flyme OS 7

    8. Touch "Continue" on the installer screen. Wait for the end of installing the means, and then tap "Done".
    9. Meizu M3 Note Installation of the Florus Envicitor Application for Flyme OS 7

    10. Similar to the Instructions set out in the two previous paragraphs, set the BusyBox integration tool from APK file.

      Meizu M3 Note BUSYBOX Installation from APK file


      • Run the application Busybox Free. , Give him the root law, taping "Allow" under the request that appears after opening a means. In the next window, set the mark near "Rememeber My Choice" and tap "Still Allow".
      • Meizu M3 Note Starting the BUSYBOX Installer, providing the RUT-Right Program

      • Close the tape on the cross welcome application and then click on the "Install" button located at the bottom of the screen. Expect while the BUSYBOX component installation procedure is completed, then close or roll the installation tool.

      MEIZU M3 NOTE BUSYBOX installation on a smartphone with root rights

    11. Open the application Florus..

      Meizu M3 Note Starting Florus Application for Russification Flyme OS 7 Beta

      Next go as follows:

      • Click "Delete Chinese Soft". Tap "Allow" in the window with the requirement to provide an application of root privileges. Further, in order to avoid the appearance of the superuser privileges manager requests when working with a flusure in the future, check the box near the "Rememeber My Choice" inscription under the system prevention that appears and then tap "Still Allow".
      • Meizu M3 Note Remove Chinese Software through the Florus application, the provision of root rights

      • Wait for the completion of the removal of unnecessary software, click "No" under the offer of the system to reboot.
      • Meizu M3 Note The process of removing Chinese software through the Florus application

      • Tap "Install Russian Localization", wait a bit and tap "Yes" in the "Restart required" window.
      • Meizu M3 Note The process of installing Russian localization through the Florus application, the device reboot

    12. Upon completion of the restart of the device after executing the previous point of instructions, it can be considered in accordance with the requirements of users from the Russian-language region - the Flymeos interface is almost completely translated.

      Meizu M3 Note The result of Flyme 7 Russification through the Florus application

    13. To equip the Google Play Machine to the Market and other applications of "Good Corporation", as well as get the opportunity to use the usual Most of the Services, use the means Flyme Gms Installer From the store Mase App Store.

      Installation of Google Services Installer and Play Market

      Details The procedure for obtaining the Google Services Installer and its use is described in the following reference.

      Meizu M3 Note How to Install Google and Play Market Services on Smartphone

      Read more: How to install Play Market and Google Services on MEIZU Smartphone

    Method 5: Return with Android 7 (incl. Beta assemblies OS) to the Android 5 firmware

    When you try to make a rollback from the beta version of Flyme OS 7, as well as other assemblies of the system, which is based on Android 7, on the firmware android 5, Meizu M3 Note users face recovery with the error "Firmware Corrupted". The output from the situation is the passage of the path described below, which is to install the "method 3" proposed in this article "in the method 3" of certain systems assemblies in the correct order.

    1. To switch from the beta version of Flyme OS 7 On the stable universal firmware, download the link below the package. And install it through the recovery.

      Meizu M3 Note How to go from the beta version of Flyme OS to a stable firmware

      Download Firmware Stable (Android 7) for MEIZU M3 Note Smartphone

    2. To reduce the version of Android on the smartphone C Nougat to Lollipop Install the assembly

      Meizu M3 Note Rollback version of the firmware with Android 7 on Android 5

      Download Firmware Stable (Android 5) for MEIZU M3 Note Smartphone

    3. Version For Mase M3, the notes is "transition", that is, the device under its control is possible without problems to reflash to any other version of the fly fly, but do not forget to pre-change the device ID to "international" if you plan to install and use the Global option of the operating system.

      Meizu M3 Note Transition from Chinese firmware to internationally changing smartphone ID


    The article discusses all accessible to the usual user and relatively safely secure methods for flashing the MEIZU M3 Note smartphone. Following the proposed recommendations, you can reinstall Flyme OS in a number of situations on the device being considered and thus ensure the performance of the phone, as well as the highest possible level of performance and functionality for the model.

Read more