The default gateway is not available in Windows 10


The default gateway is not available in Windows 10

None of the systems providing an internet connection on stationary computers or laptops does not work perfectly. From time to time, various failures associated with the errors of the operating system, drivers or with some external factors of the connected devices can appear. Sometimes it leads to the appearance of an error with the text "The default gateway is not available." As part of today's article, we want to show how this situation is solved using the example of Windows 10.

We decide the error "The default gateway, not available" in Windows 10

In most cases, the mentioned error occurs on laptops that use a wireless connection, but the PC holders with an Ethernet connection can also be encountered with a similar problem. Because of this, some of the following methods will focus only on a certain type of network, which we will report in advance. Now we offer to restart the computer and the router if you did not make it earlier. Provided that the situation was not corrected and the Internet is still unavailable, go to the following options.

Method 1: Network Adapter Power Management

The easiest and simple effective method for solving the task is to change the properties of the adapter power supply. First of all, it is intended for owners of wireless adapters, but also those who use Ethernet can also come in handy. By default, the system can turn off the component to provide minimal energy consumption, so it is necessary to reassign the parameter that is carried out as follows:

  1. Open the "Start" and through the search to go to the Device Manager section.
  2. Go to Windows 10 Device Dispute to solve problems with the installed gateway

  3. Here, expand the section with network adapters, select Active, click on it by PCM and, through the context menu, open the "Properties".
  4. Go to the properties of the network adapter to solve problems with the installed Windows 10 gateway

  5. In the window that appears, you are interested in the Power Management tab.
  6. Switch to the network adapter power supply parameters in Windows 10

  7. Remove the marker from the "Allow shutdown of this device to save energy".
  8. Disable deactivation function device for energy saving in Windows 10

  9. Apply the changes by clicking ok.
  10. Application of changes after disabling the function in Windows 10

After that, it is recommended to restart the computer or a router to update the network parameters and re-connect. Run the browser or check the network availability to any other convenient option.

Method 2: Changing the Wireless Adapter Power Parameters

The following instruction is already intended exclusively for those users who use Wi-Fi to connect to the network. Its essence is to set the power parameters to the maximum performance, so that no failures occur during the device during the functioning of the device, including with access to the gateway.

  1. Open the "Start" and find the "Control panel" view through the search.
  2. Go to the control panel through the Start in Windows 10

  3. Run down the list to go from there to the "Power" section.
  4. Go to the settings of the Power Plan through the Control Panel in Windows 10

  5. You will see a list of available schemes. Open the settings of the one that is indicated by the marker as the main one.
  6. Go to the configuration of the installed power plan in Windows 10

  7. Click on the inscription "Change Advanced Power Parameters".
  8. Go to setting up additional parameters of the power plan in Windows 10

  9. Expand the "Wireless Adapter" category.
  10. Opening the wireless adapter parameters when the power configuration in Windows 10

  11. Set the power saving parameter to the "Maximum Performance" state. After that, apply the changes and close the window.
  12. Setting maximum performance for a wireless adapter in Windows 10

In mandatory, create a new Windows session, restarting the computer, and also do not forget about the router.

Method 3: Manual Installing Adapter IP Address

Initially, the IP address of the router in the operating system is automatically through the settings and parameters of the software. Sometimes it causes conflicts leading to problems with access to the network. We recommend performing the manual IP configuration to try to solve the resulting problem.

  1. Open the "Start" and go to "Parameters" by clicking on the corresponding icon in the form of a gear.
  2. Go to the settings to set the network in Windows 10

  3. Here you are interested in the "Network and Internet" section.
  4. Transition to network and Internet configuration through Windows 10 settings

  5. Use the left pane to proceed to the parameters of your connection. Choose a string depending on the type of connection - "Ethernet" or "Wi-Fi".
  6. Go to the current connection settings through parameters in Windows 10

  7. Next, click on the "Configure Adapter Settings" row.
  8. Go to the optional properties of the Windows 10 adapter

  9. Click on the PCM connected device and select "Properties".
  10. Opening the installed network properties window through the context menu in Windows 10

  11. Highlight the "IP version 4 (TCP / IPv4)" string and click on the active button "Properties".
  12. Go to IPv4 properties through adapter settings in Windows 10

  13. Mark the marker item "Use the following IP address". Look at the sticker, which is located behind the router. Find there IP address. Most often it has a view of or Enter it in the first line by changing the last number into arbitrary. In the "Main Gateway" string, enter the address received without changes.
  14. Self setting parameters for the gateway through the Windows 10 connection properties

If, after making changes, no result will not be observed, it is better to return that configuration that was before that in the future there is no additional troubleshooting due to the unsuitable manual setting.

Method 4: Reinstalling Drivers

The following option is to reinstall the network adapter drivers. Sometimes it is precisely because of the incorrect operation of software components and an error "The default gateway is not available" appears. To begin with, you will need to get rid of the old driver, and then install a new version. If the error in question appears from time to time and overall the Internet works, download the driver before you delete the old version of its version, otherwise there may be problems with downloading the new version of this software. Detailed instructions on this are looking for in another material on our website by clicking the link below.

Read more: Search and installation driver for network card

  1. Open the Device Manager in the same way that there was already a speech earlier.
  2. Switch to device dispatcher to delete the network adapter driver

  3. Navigate to the properties of the network adapter.
  4. Select a network adapter to delete the driver via device manager in Windows 10

  5. On the Driver tab, roll back it or select the "Delete Device" option if the first option is not available.
  6. Delete or roll back the network adapter driver via device manager in Windows 10

It remains to install the driver of the latest version, downloading it from the official site.

Method 5: Enabling FIPS Functions

In the Windows operating system there are many security technologies that ensure reliable exchange of information. FIPS belongs here. This option is associated with a network adapter and is responsible for the incoming and outgoing traffic. If you still receive a notification of the unavailability of the default gateway when connecting via Wi-Fi, we advise you to activate the FIPS for a wireless adapter, which is as follows:

  1. Let's briefly consider an alternative method of transition to the parameters of the adapter. To do this, open the "Start" and go to the "Control Panel".
  2. Go to the control panel to set up the network in Windows 10

  3. Here go to the "Network and Shared Access Center" section.
  4. Transition to networks and shared access in Windows 10

  5. Use the left pane to move to the category "Changing the Adapter Settings".
  6. Go to view available networks via Windows 10

  7. Double click on the active wireless network icon.
  8. Opening a wireless network information in Windows 10

  9. Press the left mouse button on the inscription "Wireless Network Properties".
  10. Opening the wireless network properties through information in Windows 10

  11. Switch to the Safety tab.
  12. Go to Wireless Safety Settings in Windows 10

  13. Open additional parameters.
  14. Opening Advanced Wireless Settings Settings in Windows 10

  15. Mark the marker item "Enable for this network compatibility mode with federal standard information processing (FIPS)".
  16. Enabling FISP in Windows 10 Wireless Settings

After that, do not forget to restart the computer and the router so that new parameters are applied, and a new configuration has been created for connecting to the Internet.

Method 6: Reset Network

We gradually go to the radical methods that should be performed only if the previous options did not bring due results. The first such method is to reset the network parameters, after which it will be re-updated. All this is automatically carried out, and from the user you only need to run the appropriate operation.

  1. Go to "Parameters" through the Start menu.
  2. Go to the parameters to reset the network in Windows 10

  3. Here you are interested in the item "Network and the Internet".
  4. Transition to Internet Settings for Windows 10 Reset

  5. Through the left panel, select the category "Status".
  6. Go to the network state to reset the settings through Windows 10 settings

  7. Click on the "Relief" link.
  8. Button to reset the status of the network in Windows 10

  9. Confirm the beginning of the reset process. After that, the computer will be automatically rebooted, and the configuration will be updated.
  10. Confirm network reset via parameters in Windows 10

Method 7: Restore system files

The penultimate way of our today's article implies the restoration of system files through the funds built into the OS. The first of them is called SFC and automatically check and restore the integrity of certain objects. Use the means called the DISM to start another check type if SFC has completed its error. Read about all of this in the maximum detailed form in the material indicated below. If some files are restored, check whether the availability of the gateway has begun.

Fixing the integrity of the files to normalize the load of the gateway in Windows 10

Read more: Using and restoring system file integrity check in Windows 10

Method 8: Windows Restore

At the end, we want to talk about the restoration of the operating system. It is necessary to implement this only if nothing of the above has brought proper result. It is possible that the default challenges have begun just because of the irreversible OS failures. Then the correction of this situation is carried out only through reset to the standard settings. This was written by another author on our website in the next article.

Read more: We restore Windows 10 to the original state

Now you know about all methods that allow you to correct the problem "The default gateway, installed by default" in Windows 10. As you can see, each option has a different level of efficiency and an action algorithm. Use them in turn to quickly find a suitable solution.

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