How to track a person vkontakte


How to track a person vkontakte

In the social network VKontakte, the personal page of each user is mostly open to view, allowing you to learn the details of the activity, a list of friends and some other information. Sometimes this is not enough and you need to get more information like a tied phone number, ID or simply to search for a profile using the owner's photo. In the course of today's instructions, we will look at several more or less relevant methods for solving such tasks.

Tracking user VK

Since the human account VKontakte is the property of the owner, many of the data will not find out in any way, and it must be taken into account in the first place. In addition, the profile of a closed type is usually impossible to check.

See also: How to open a closed page VK

Method 1: Search System

The easiest way to track people is to use the internal search system, specifying the name and surname of the necessary user as a keyword. Due to the aggregate of a large number of filters by age, the city and many other criteria, as well as through the display of all registered people, including closed pages, this method can be called the most efficient. The procedure was described in more detail in other articles on the site.

An example of finding people by VKontakte

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How to find user VK without registration

Ways to search for people

Method 2: Search by phone number

The phone number, which is mandatory for each page VKontakte, can be quite useful when trying to track profile. For such a method, it is successfully completed, you will need to use the account recovery tool and specify the name of the account owner. Unfortunately, without this, tracking on the number will be almost impossible, since, unlike the identifier, the tied phone relates to confidential information, inaccessible to watching even the owner.

Example of a way to find out the phone number in VKontakte

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We will find out to what number of the phone is tied by the page

Ways to search for people VK by phone number

Method 3: Calculation by ID

VKontakte Page Identifier cannot be changed that it makes this information an excellent account search for an account. Unfortunately, in addition to direct transition using the ID from the address bar of the browser, anyone else will not use the number. At the same time, the identifier protrudes the only most accurate means.

Calculating user VKontakte by identifier

Read more: How to calculate user VK by ID

Method 4: Search by photo

Of all possible options, search for photos of VKontakte is perhaps the most difficult and at the same time effective method of tracking users. All difficulties are associated with the need to use third-party resources like a search engine or a special phone application. At the same time, if the desired person really uses or at least ever set a photo as an avatar, tracking will be successful.

Example of calculating Page VKontakte by photo

Read more: Methods for finding people by photography VK

Method 5: Tracking on the IP address

If you have access to a person's account, that is, you can make authorization and use the internal settings, you can find out the IP address of the owner. The same, in turn, can be used to implement many other tasks, including the recognition of physical location. In more detail, the IP address identification method was described in another instructions on the site.

View IP Address Page in VKontakte Settings

Read more:

How to find out the user's IP address

How to determine the location by the IP address

Method 6: Other Activity

During the use of an account in the social network under consideration, each person leaves a lot of tracks of activity: likes, reposits, subscriptions to groups and pages of people. This list can be very impressive and therefore consider each option does not make sense. However, it is still worth considering that this kind of information can be used to track the users of interest to you.

Check like a friend's likes on VKontakte website

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How to find out who puts likes a user VK

View hidden friends VK

How to find out who shared the record of VK

View the time of visiting VK

How to find out with whom the user VK is rewritten

View Added Friends VK

To track with maximum efficiency, be sure to combine methods, for example, adding a known username to the search by image. In one way or another, the options considered by us are all available, not counting other illegal methods, the use of which is always accompanied by some risk.

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