How to get out of VKontakte on the computer


How to get out of VKontakte on the computer

When using VKontakte on your computer, it is often necessary to exit an active account for re-authorization or with any other objectives. Make a similar one can be standard tools for this social network regardless of the version. As part of the subsequent instructions, we just describe the present procedure in detail.

Exit from VKontakte to PC

In all possible cases, the exit procedure is generated in a similar way. At the same time, despite the similarity, we will consider all three main versions of the social network, the default is available for use on the PC.

Method 1: Website

The easiest way to make an output from the VKontakte account it is using the official website using the standard option. There is nothing complicated here, since the possibility of deavatorization is the norm literally for any resource on the Internet that supports several profiles at once.

  1. Open any website page except "VKontakte for developers" and click the left button on the account avatar in the upper right corner.
  2. Opening the menu on VKontakte website

  3. Through the presented list, it is necessary to find and use the "Exit" item. After that, the account used will be immediately disabled on this computer.
  4. Exit through the menu on VKontakte website

  5. Currently, VKontakte has many simplifying functions, including support for the history of the profiles used. Therefore, if you do not plan to use an account in the future, be sure to click on the cross next to the disconnected account on the left side of the main page of the site.
  6. Deleting data to log in VKontakte

In addition to the above exit method from the account, you can familiarize yourself with the other article on our website for disconnecting an account on other computers. This may be important if you do not have access to any device, but it is still required to make de-evantization.

Read more: Disable active sessions in VKontakte

Method 2: Mobile version

As in most other questions, the mobile website VKontakte is not very different from the desktop version and essentially has the same management on different platforms. In this case, it will be necessary to perform even slightly less action due to the lack of a drop-down list.

  1. Expand any page of the Mobile VC version and scroll down the menu below. To exit, you must click on the "Exit" link in the menu under the main list of sections.
  2. The process of exit in the mobile version of VKontakte

  3. Immediately after that, no additional confirmation will be released and you will find yourself on the page with the ability to authorize. Here, in contrast to the full version of the site, there is no block for quick entry.
  4. Successful output from the account in the mobile version of VKontakte

We hope none of the presented versions of classic websites caused difficulties.

Method 3: Windows application

Another version of VKontakte available on computers with Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 is the official application with its own design and management style. In this case, the number of required actions is hardly different from previously represented methods.

  1. Run the VC application on your computer and in the upper left corner click on the three-strip icon. From the drop-down list, select "Parameters".
  2. Transition to parameters in the VKontakte application

  3. Further via the additional menu on the right side of the window you need to go to the "Settings" page.
  4. Switch to the main settings in the VKontakte application

  5. You can simplify the procedure using the panel on the left part of the gear icon application with the signature of "Settings". As a result, the same section will be released.
  6. Go to settings through the main menu in the VKontakte application

  7. To de-show, click the "Get" button in the Account block at the beginning of the list.

    The process of output from the account in the VKontakte application

    After pressing this button, the output will immediately be released, and you will redirect you to the authorization page in the application.

  8. Successful way out of the account in VKontakte

This method can be considered over, because by analogy with a mobile version it is impossible to perform a quick input. In addition, this is the last possible option provided by the default social network developers.

Method 4: Cleaning Cookie

Rather, additional, but still worthy of full-fledged mention by turning off the account on the computer is a browser cleaning agent present as a standard function in any relevant program. Such an approach will allow cleaning the bouquet of the browser, thereby automatically by exiting all the once used accounts.

You can find more details with this procedure in other instructions on the example of Yandex.Bauser. It tells how to do this with the help of browser and third-party programs. The second option is relevant in situations when you do not want to run a web browser to, for example, not to be online, or for some other reasons. However, it should be borne in mind that when you delete this method, all cookies in the selected browser will erase, which means that it will come out from all authorized sites. However, conditional CCleaner can remove cookies only for one particular site, and it was also described in the article below (see Method 4).

Ability to remove history in a browser on a PC

Read more: Cookie removal in Yandex.Browser

For owners of other web browsers, the Cookie removal instruction will be slightly different, while working in third partner is no different.

Read more: Cookie removal from Google Chrome / Opera / Mozilla Firefox / Internet Explorer

Alternatively, you can always use even more radical methods by cleaning using a web browser or a Windows application. This in all cases leads to deavutorization in all used accounts on different sites, including VKontakte.

Note that the ways like the latter are worth using only in extreme cases, as many important data may be lost. Anyway, the information provided should be more than enough to exit from Vkontakte from any version of the social network available on this platform.

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