How to remove arrows from labels


How to remove arrows from Windows shortcuts
If for certain purposes you need to remove arrows from shortcuts in Windows 7 (although, in general, it will work for Windows 8), here you will find a detailed and simple instruction in which it is described how to do it. See also: How to remove arrows from Windows 10 labels

Each shortcut in Windows, in addition to the actual icons, also has an arrow in the lower left corner, which means that this is a shortcut. On the one hand, it is useful - you will not confuse the file itself and the label on it and as a result it will not work out that you came to work with a flash drive, but on it instead of documents only labels on them. However, sometimes you want to do so that the arrows are not displayed on the labels, as they can spoil the planned design of the desktop or folders - perhaps this is the main reason for which you may need to remove the notorious arrows from shortcuts. It can also be useful: how to remove the shield from the Windows 10, 8 or Windows 7 label.

Changing, deletion and return to the place of arrows on shortcuts in Windows

Warning: Deleting shooters from shortcuts may make it difficult to work in Windows due to the fact that it will be more difficult to distinguish labels from the files that they are not.

How to remove arrows from shortcuts using the registry editor

Run the registry editor: the fastest way to do this in any version of Windows is to press the Win + R keys on the keyboard and enter the REGEDIT, then click OK or ENTER.

In the Registry Editor, open the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Currentversion \ Explorer \ Shell Icons

If there is no in the Explorer section Shell. Icons , Create such a partition by clicking on the Explorer right-click and selecting "Create" items. After that, set the name of the section - Shell Icons.

Remove the arrows using the registry editor

By selecting the desired partition, in the right domain registry editor, right-click on the free place and select "Create" - "String Parameter", name it 29..

Click on the parameter 29 by the right mouse button, select the Change Context menu item and:

  1. Specify the path to the ICO file in quotes. The specified icon will be used as an arrow on the label;
  2. Use the value% windir% \ system32 \ shell32.dll, -50 To remove arrows from labels (without quotes); Update : In the comments, they report that in Windows 10 1607, the% windir% \ System32 \ Shell32.dll, -51 should be used
  3. Use% WINDIR% \ System32 \ Shell32.dll, -30 to display a small arrow on labels;
  4. % Windir% \ System32 \ Shell32.dll, -16769 - to display a large arrow on labels.

After the changes made, restart the computer (or exit the Windows and go again), the arrows from labels should disappear. This method is checked in Windows 7 and Windows 8. I think it should work in two previous versions of the operating system.

Video instruction on how to remove arrows from labels

The video below shows the only described method, if something remains incomprehensible in the text version of the manual.

Manipulation over shortcut arrows using programs

Many programs designed to design Windows, in particular, to change the icons, are also able to remove arrows from icons. For example, this can do IconPackager, Vista Shortcut Overlay Remover (despite Vista in the title, it works with modern versions of Windows). In more detail, I think it makes no sense to describe - in the programs it is intuitive, and, moreover, I think that the way the registry is much easier and does not require the installation of something.

REG file to remove arrows on label icons

If you create a file with the .Reg extension and the following textual content:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ SHELL ICONS] "29" = "% WINDIR% \\ System32 \\ Shell32.dll, -50"

And then run it, then changes will be made to the Windows registry, turning off the display of the arrows on the labels (after the computer reboot). Accordingly, to return the label arrow - instead -50 specify -30.

In general, these are all major ways to remove the arrow from labels, all others are derived from those described. So, I think, for the task, the information provided above will be enough.

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