MEIZU M6 firmware


MEIZU M6 firmware

It is known that the effectiveness of the execution of any Android device of its purpose does not lastly depends on the functioning of its system software. To achieve a proper level of performance of its device, users are quite often resorted to the complex of measures united by the concept of "firmware". The following material considered available to all ways to organize reinstalling the mobile OS on the smartphone Meizu M6. and related procedure manipulation.

After reading the instructions proposed further in the article, you will probably conclude that the organization of the Android reinstallation process on Meizu M6 is not characterized by special difficulties, and this is true. Approaching the task to solve the task prepared, even a novice user will be able to update, reinstall and even restore the victim the system shell of the smartphone - Flyme Os. . However, do not forget:

All procedures implying interference with the mobile operating system are characterized by a certain degree of risk! Conduct manipulations on your own fear and risk and full of responsibility for possible negative consequences!

Important information and preparation

Before you have any interference with the M6 ​​system software, it is extremely desirable to prepare and armedize the information below - this will avoid firmware errors directly, save the device from damage and save your own information.

MEIZU M6 modifications

M6 MEZ model was produced in two versions - 711Q. ("Chinese") and 711h ("International"). To find out which version of the device we will flash, you need:

  • Look at the packaging of the device:

    Meizu M6 Modification of the smartphone on the packaging of the device

  • Either go to the Flyme OS environment along the "Settings" path - "On the phone" to find out the value of the "Serial number" displayed by the opened screen.

    Meizu M6 Flyme OS Settings - About Phone

    The first four serial symbols indicate the modification of the smartphone to which it is assigned.

    Meizu M6 Finding out the modification of the smartphone at the serial number

Types of firmware and their download

In accordance with the modification, the firmware of one of three types can be installed on the MEIZU M6 - "A" (711Q), "G" (711H), "RU" (711H). To find out what kind of system controls an indulgent instance of the device, possibly the same way as the identifier of the model, that is, looking in the "On Phone" section "Settings" Flyme OS.

Meizu M6 Settings - About Phone - Version and Type Flyme OS

These variants of the mobile operating system for MAZ M6 are characterized by the following differences:

  • A - Cars are designed for functioning in China, there are no Russian-speaking localization and Google services. This substantial disadvantage for Russian-language users is leveled by a more frequent updating of "Chinese" systems in comparison with international, subjectively higher stability and functionality.

    Download A-Firmware (China) MEIZU M6 Smartphone C Official Site

  • G. -Eversion (Global) is aimed at using worldwide, therefore the interface translation into many languages ​​and the usual opportunities from the "Corporation" in them are integrated into them.

    Download G-firmware (global) MEIZU M6 smartphone with official website

  • Ru -Repering for Mason M6 was installed on the official smartphones imported to Russia, in fact no different from the Global option, but it was released in the only version - And not updated since the existence of the model. In most cases, users seek to leave this version to the international version of the fleece OS.

    Download firmware MEIZU M6 smartphone with official website

Regarding the possibility of installing a "inappropriate" index of the M6 ​​firmware MAZ model, it should be noted:

  • On devices 711h Virtually no restrictions, you can install any types of fly option, the transition from Flyme "A" to "G" and vice versa is not accompanied by overcoming any obstacles, the OS packages are integrated with one of the "standard" methods that are described in the second part of our article.
  • On the 711Q. without additional, and in the case of this modification of risky (!) and therefore not offered within the framework of this material, it is possible to establish only A. - Locker! The owners of modifications can use any of the instructions for installing the OS from the following in the article, but are loaded with the purpose of installing solely packages with "Chinese" assemblies of system software!

Stable versions of firmware for Meizu M6 existing on the time of writing articles, in addition to the official site, can be downloaded from the following links:

Download Flyme firmware for MEIZU M6 smartphone (711h)

Download Flyme firmware for MEIZU M6 smartphone


The full and most effective in terms of further work reinstalling Flyme OS involves pre-cleaning the M6 ​​memory from the user information contained in it. If the phone store contains information that have a certain value for you before you begin the firmware of the device, you should create their backup.


  1. Install a microSD card with backup to the device. Open "Copying and Restoring" from the "Memory and Backup" section in the device settings.

    Meizu M6 Transition to data recovery from backup

  2. Touch the name of the backup (creation date) from which you want to extract the data. Next, if there is a need to remove the checkboxes from checkboxes near the names of the data types not to be deployed on the phone. Touch "Restore".

    Meizu M6 Selection of data types for recovery on the device, the beginning of the procedure

  3. Expect the completion of the procedure for retrieving information from a backup, and then tap "ready" and restart the smartphone.

    Meizu M6 data recovery process on the phone from backup and its completion


Some possibilities for upgrading Flymos, for example, installing specific additions, deleting system applications Russification of the Chinese firmware interface becomes available only after activating on the superuser privilege device.

If your device is managed by Flyme OS 6, no problems have to receive root rights, use the instructions that actually actually move to all MEZ models operating under the direction of the specified version of the android shell:

Read more: Obtaining the privileges of the superuser in the Flyme OS 6 environment

In the case of the seventh version of the branded system software on M6 (in the example of the assembly Flyme 7.1.0G. ), Privileges are activated by attracting third-party software and, one can say non-standard manipulations.

  1. Download the following links and place the APK files of two applications in the smartphone storage:

    Meizu M6 Getting Ruttle Ruth In Wednesday Flymeos 7 - QuickShortcutmaker

    Download arch file Quick Shortcut Maker

    Download APK file Flymelab

    Install the received software tools to your device.

    Meizu M6 Installing applications for the superuser privileges in Flymeos 7

    Transition to recovery

    The main tool for the firmware of all MEIZU phones is the manufacturer of the recovery environment (recovery). Almost every M6 user in a particular situation may need to translate the device to the specified state - to do it is very simple.

    1. In independence from what is happening on the device (by default, it should be turned off by default, but it is also possible to call the recovery and it is also possible for an infinitely restarting device) Press and hold the "VOL +" and "POWER" keys. Activities on both buttons continue to the sensation of vibration and appearance on the smartphone screen Butter "Meizu" - at this moment release the "Power" key, and "Zoom in volume" continue to hold.
    2. Meizu M6 how to enter the recovery (recovery environment) smartphone

    3. As a result, the recovery environment will be launched, the interface of which on all models of the manufacturer looks like this:

      Meizu M6 Launching Smartphone Recovery Environment (Recovery)

    4. To exit the "Recovery" mode and run the phone in Android, tap the "Cancel and Restart" button.

    Full reset of the apparatus

    In situations where the MEZ software part M6 has ceased to perform its functions properly ("brakes", "glitches" are observed), but it does not require update Flyme OS or a change of its type, return the phone to adequate condition helps full cleaning Its memory and redefine the parameters affecting the operation of the system is the "Hard Reset" operation. Among other things, the following procedure can be performed before reinstalling the Operations "Fashion 3" from the following in the article - it allows you to install the system software really "from scratch".

    1. Translate the device to the "recovery" state.
    2. Meizu M6 Starting a smartphone recovery environment (recovery) for reset

    3. Constantly press five times on the "VOL +" button, then immediately - five times "Vol -". On the displayed as a result of the screen, click "Clear".
    4. Meizu M6 How to Run Hard Reset Smartphone

    5. Next, expect the completion of the formatting procedure of individual sections of the device repository and return to the "Factory" state. Android-shell eventually starts automatically, demonstrating the screen from which the choice of the basic parameters of Flyme OS begins.
    6. Meizu M6 Launch Flyme OS After resetting the smartphone to factory settings


    • Do not initiate flashing MEIZU M6 if the device battery is charged less than 50% (the best solution will increase the charge level up to 100% before any manipulation).
    • Cut out the OS reinstallation with the removal of data - in such a way it is possible to avoid multiple problems associated with the presence of the previous operating system in the device's memory and operating on the Android applications earlier on the phone.
    • Remove the SIM card from the device during the period of its firmware.

    MEIZU M6 firmware

    Having studied the above information, you can assume that 70% of the path to the successful reinstall OS on the model under consideration, it remains to decide on the method of integrating the firmware to the phone. In relation to Mase M6, several options are applicable, - choose the most effective depending on the current state of the system on the device and the desired end result.

    Method 1: System Update

    If you are faced with the task of getting the latest version of the stable firmware on Meizu M6, you should not exactly ignore the "Updating system" integrated in Flyme OS. This is the easiest tool for updating the mobile OS operating on all instances of the smartphone.

    1. Connect the phone to the Wi-Fi network and go to "Settings". Scroll through the list of parameters to the bottom, click "Update System".
    2. Meizu M6 Settings - System Update

    3. On the screen that opens, tap "Log in", which will lead to the launch of the check procedure to increase the firmware version, that is, the search for its update on the Meizu server. If you have a newer version of the VS flyer than the device manager, the assembly number of the system intended to install the system is displayed on the M6 ​​screen, as well as the "Download Now" button - click on it.

      MEIZU M6 firmware 3874_17

    4. Next, expect to download the package of updated system software components.
    5. Meizu M6 Download File Downloads to update Flymeos

    6. At the end of downloading the necessary files and check them, tap "Update Now", after which the device will automatically restart and starts installing the new version of its operating system.
    7. Meizu M6 installation process OTA-update Flyme OS

    8. After all necessary operations, the smartphone will automatically start to the updated Android-shell and will demonstrate a notification of the successful completion of the OS version of the update.
    9. Meizu M6 Completion of the Flyme OS update - the current version of the system is installed

    Method 2: Install Flyme OS "From File"

    The following instruction describes the simplest method of deploying copied to Meizu M6 firmware. Applying the proposed approach, it is possible to effectively update / lower the version of Flymos or (only on 711h !) Go from one type of system to another (for example, GlobalRu or vice versa).

    1. Download the zip file containing an estimated OS assembly to install and place it in the device's memory.

      Meizu M6 loaded on Disk PC Firmware for smartphone

      You can use both the internal storage and a removable drive, but do not rename the archive - its name must be

      Meizu M6 Copying the firmware in memory of the smartphone

    2. Connect the M6 ​​to the Internet (you need to verify the package from the OS). Open the "Explorer" preset on the phone, go along the path where the installation file is located, click on its name.
    3. Meizu M6 Transition along the location of the firmware package through the Flyme OS conductor

    4. Wait a bit ending checking the system software package installed. In the window that appears, install the checkbox "Clear Data", then tap "Update Now".
    5. Meizu M6 Installing the firmware from a file through the Explorer Flyme OS - the beginning

    6. As a result, the device will automatically reboot and initiates all operations associated with the installation of the system. In the process of their execution, do not undertake any actions, it is better not to touch the phone at all until the Flyme OS selection screen appears.
    7. Meizu M6 Process Installation Firmware From File Initiated from Explorer Flyme OS - Beginning

    8. Determine the basic parameters of the installed system software, after which the flashing procedure of MAZ M6 is considered completed.
    9. Meizu M6 Installing the smartphone firmware completed, setting Flymeos

    Method 3: Recovery

    As mentioned above, the recovery medium of Meizu M6 is the only official and very effective tool for installing system software on the device. Enter recovery to solve the task of reinstalling Flyme OS is possible by passing one of two ways.

    1. Download the firmware desired to install the version. Check and, if necessary, bring the downloaded file in line - its name must be exclusively And no other.
    2. Meizu M6 zip-archive with firmware for smartphone

    3. Place the installed package on the smartphone memory card or in its internal storage (with any choice of the drive - must be in its root directory!).
    4. Meizu M6 Copying the firmware package in the internal storage of the smartphone

    5. Restart the phone into the recovery.
    6. Meizu M6 Restarting the smartphone in the recovery to install the firmware

    7. On the recovery environment screen, set the mark near the Wipe Data item, then click "Start".
    8. Meizu M6 Start flashing smartphone with data cleaning

    9. All further manipulations, the device will conduct independently - it is not strongly recommended to interrupt the process by pressing any keys on the device and / or carrying out other actions.
    10. Meizu M6 process flashing smartphone, launching installed Flymeos

    11. The Flyme OS reinstallation procedure is completed by the appearance of the ability to select the screen of the system shell interface. Determine the main mobile operating system settings, after which you can restore user data and operate the phone as usual.

      Meizu M6 Run reheasted Flyme OS after firmware

    In a situation when the MEYSE operating system M6 lost the ability to start normally, that is, the smartphone demonstrates the boot logo infinitely, reboots during the start of the OS fly, etc., the output is essentially executing the previous instruction in full, but using another method of providing the environment Package recovery with system software components.

    1. Download the file installed in Meizu M6 firmware to the computer disk. Turn the device to the "Recovery" state and connect it to the PC. In the WINDOVS conductor, open the removable "Recovery" removable device as a result of pairing a smartphone and put the file there.

      Meizu M6 Copying the firmware into memory of the smartphone translated into the recovery mode

    2. Disconnect the phone from the PC and then follow steps No. 4-6 of the previous instruction from this article.

    Method 4: Installing Flyme OS 8 (s), Russification, Google Services

    The experienced owners of Meizu devices know that the "Chinese" firmware receive official updates much earlier "global", and often seek to establish A-assemblies of the Flym OS, so that it is possible to access the latest functions and capabilities of the Android-shell as quickly as possible. The main problem with this approach is the unusual language of the interface and the inability to use Google services immediately after installing the system, which, however, is fixable.

    Next, the installation process is not officially not released (at the time of creation of this material) for the smartphone under consideration Flyme OS 8. , partial Russification of this system, as well as integration to the Play Market and other Google applications. In general, everything below is applicable to any A-assembly of the MEIZU brand shell.

    1. Download the "Chinese" firmware and install it on the phone, acting according to the manual "Method 2" or "3" from the above in the material. In our example, the alpha assembly of the newest system software for MAZ M6 is used, available for downloading by reference:

      Meizu M6 How to Install Flyme 8

      Download Flyme OS 8 Firmware for MEIZU M6 Smartphone

    2. Note that when you decide to execute instructions, you may be available for the model Beta- or Stable version of Flyme OS 8 - check them in the firmware downloads on the manufacturer's official website and, if possible, use more stable than "Alpha" solutions!

    3. Activate on the Rut-right smartphone. In an alpha assembly environment, the eighth version of the Android-shell mez is made as follows:
      • Log in to your Meizu account ("Settings" - "Login Flyme Account").
      • Meizu M6 How to enter the Meizu account in the Flyme 8 environment

      • Go to the "FingerPrint, Password & Security" settings and click on Root Permission.
      • Meizu M6 Root Permission item in the FingerPrint section, Password Security Flyme 8 Settings

      • Srack the information displayed on the screen, set the checkbox "Accept" checkbox, then tap "OK".
      • Meizu M6 activation root permission (superuser privileges) in the Flyme 8 environment

      • Enter the password from the fly account and touch OK. The smartphone will reboot, and as a result you will be able to provide root privilege applications.
    4. For Russification, use the software that received the name Florus.:
      • Download two APK files on the following links and place them in the phone storage:

        Meizu M6 APK FLORUS and BUSYBOX Files for Rusification A-Firmware in the memory of the device

        Download Florus app for Russification Flyme OS

        Download APK file BUSYBOX Installer for Android

      • Go to "Settings", open "Fingerprint, Password & Security", activate the "Unknow sources" option located at the bottom of the opened list.
      • Meizu M6 Activation Unknow Sources in category Fingerprint, Password Security Settings Flyme 8

      • Run the file manager "Files" (from the folder "Folder" on the desktop). In the "Explore", open the directory where the above-mentioned APK files are placed.
      • Meizu M6 Switching to FLORUS and BusyBox APK file folder via Flyme 8 Explorer

      • Run deployment in the installer system Busybox. , Tap on the name of its distribution. Click "Continue", wait for the installation of the tools and then tap "Open".
      • Meizu M6 Installation and Starting BUSYBOX Installer in Flyme 8

      • Grant the superuser privilege application that touches the "Allow" under the screen that appears by the screen from the bottom and then "Still Allow" in the displayed window.
      • Meizu M6 Providing RUT-Rights Installer BusyBox in Flyme OS 8

      • Tap the red cross in the area with information about the program. Click on the "Install" button on the BUSYBOX screen, wait for the integration of the necessary components to be completed.
      • Meizu M6 Integration of BUSYBOX components in Flyme OS 8

      • Set the MEIZU smartphone firmware crack by opening a file Florus-9.1.2.apk. From the "Explorer" Flyme OS.
      • Meizu M6 Florus Application Installation for Flyme OS 8 Rusification

      • Run the Florus application, click "Install Russian Localization".
      • Meizu M6 Install Russian Localization in Flyme 8 through the Florus application

      • Give the root privilege tool, wait a bit, then click "Yes" in the window with a proposal to restart the phone.
      • Meizu M6 Rusification process of the Chinese A-Firmware Flyme 8 through the Florus application

      • After restarting the device, you will be able to estimate the result of the work of the florus - most of the items in the "settings" and the signatures of various elements of the Flym OS 8 interface are now translated into Russian.
      • Meizu M6 Result of the Florus application in Flyme 8

    5. Now you can install Google Services transformed M6, including Play Market. Make it quite simple if you use available in Mase of APP Stor. Software tool - Gms Installer.

      Meizu M6 Installing Google services in the Wednesday of the Chinese Firmware

      In detail, the procedure for integrating familiar to most applications is described in a separate material on our website - use the instructions for the following link.

      Meizu M6 Install Play Market and Google Services in A-Firmware Flyme OS 8

      Read more: Installing Play Market and other Google Services on MEIZU smartphones

    Method 5: Sparking (Sp Flash Tool)

    With serious damage to the system for Meizu M6, which can lead to a complete absence of any "signs of life" (does not respond to pressing hardware keys and connecting the charger) You can try to restore the device's performance by flashing it from a computer with a universal for MTK - Software Software - SP Flash Tool.

    Important! Verified only on modifications 711h Lucky Use the following algorithm only if it is really necessary (firmware by other methods is unrealized)! To achieve a positive result, and not aggravate the situation, follow the instructions as carefully!

    1. Download the archive to the following link and unpack it on the PC disk. As a result, a catalog containing three folders should be obtained:

      Meizu M6 SP Flash Tool Everything necessary for smartphone empty

      Download MEIZU M6 smartphone firmware for SP Flash Tool

    2. To avoid drivers, deactivate their digital signature check in Windows.

      Meizu M6 Deactivating Driver Signature Checking Before Smartphone Decoration

      Read more: How to deactivate Digital driver signature check in OC Windows

    3. On the computer, open the Device Manager ("Du") and, watching the list of devices, connect the cable, conjugate with the USB port of the PC to MEZ M6. As a result of the "Du" for a couple of seconds will demonstrate the name of the new device. If it is "MediaTek Preloader USB VCOM (Android)" in the "Ports (COM and LPT)" section, disconnect the phone from the computer and proceed to the next step.

      Meizu M6 Installing Drivers for Smartphone Discipping Via Sp Flash Tool

      In the case when the unknown device "MT65xx Preloader" displays, set the driver from the "USB_DRIVERS" folder (file CDC-ACM.INF. ) Manually.

      Read more: Installing MTK Preloader drivers manually

    4. Go to the "Flash_Tool" directory and open the file in it Flash_Tool.exe..

      Meizu M6 SP Flash Tool - launch of a smartphone emptying program

    5. Click on the "Scartter-Loading" button in the running firmware window.

      Meizu M6 SP Flash Tool Button Scatter-Loading

    6. In the Open Scatter File window, go to the "Firmware" folder, highlight the file Mt6750_android_scatter.txt , Click "Open".

      Meizu M6 SP Flash Tool Download scatter file in the program

    7. Wait for the verification of verification of checksums loaded into the component program.

      Meizu M6 SP Flash Tool Checking Check-sums Firmware Images

    8. Remove the checkbox near the first paragraph of the Preloader point in the main area of ​​the Flashtula window.

      Meizu M6 SP Flash Tool Firmware Smartphone without Prelader

    9. Check the matching of the program window captured on the screenshot below, then click the "Download" button.

      Meizu M6 SP Flash Tool Start Firmware Recovery Smartphone - Download Button DOWNLOAD

    10. Now connect the smartphone to the computer.

      Meizu M6 SP Flash Tool Connecting smartphone to PC for firmware recovery

    11. If you all have done correctly and the inoperability of Meizu M6 is really caused by damage to its program part, the device firmware will begin, what is the statistical bar in the bottom of the SP Flash Tool fill in the lower part of the SP Flash Tool window.

      Meizu M6 SP Flash Tool Process flashing smartphone through the program

    12. Expect the end of the overwriting of the device's memory areas - approximately 5-7 minutes after the start of the procedure, the "Download OK" window appears, indicating that the procedure has been successfully completed.

      Meizu M6 smartphone firmware using SP Flash Tool successfully completed

    13. Disconnect the USB cable from the device. For a long time, press the "POWER" key of the smartphone - until the "Meizu" boot logo appears on its screen. Now it remains to wait for the display of the android-shell welcome screen and conduct an initial system setting.

      Meizu M6 launch smartphone after firmware via SP Flash Tool

    14. After fulfilling the above, you get on the phone a fully operational assembly of OS which can be updated to the latest version of any of the ways proposed above in the article.

      Meizu M6 Successful installation Flymeos via SP Flash Tool


    The methods considered in the material methods of reinstalling Flyme OS on the MEIZU M6 smartphone, as you can see are not complex, and therefore are available to fulfill all the owners of the model in "home conditions". It is only important to carefully follow the instructions - then the re-flashing of the device will not deliver almost no hassle.

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