How to disable firewall in windows 10


How to disable firewall in windows 10

In each edition of the Windows 10 operating system, the firewall is installed by default, and the firewall is installed. Its task is reduced to filtering packets - it blocks it blocks, and the trusted connections skip. Despite all the utility, sometimes there is a need to disconnect it, and you will learn from this article how to do it.

Windows 10 firewall trip methods

In total, 4 main methods of firewall deactivation can be distinguished. They do not require the use of third-party software, as they are performed using embedded system utilities.

Method 1: Windows 10 Defender Interface

Let's start with the simplest and obvious method. Turn off the firewall in this case, we will be through the program interface, which will require the following:

  1. Click the Start button and go to the Windows 10 options.
  2. Opening the parameters window in Windows 10 via the Start button

  3. In the next window, click the left mouse button to the section called "Update and Security".
  4. Switch to the Update and Security section from the Windows 10 parameters window

  5. Next, click on the Windows Security String in the left side of the window. Then in the right half, select the "Firewall and Network Protection" subsection.
  6. Go to the firewall section and network protection from the parameters window in Windows 10

  7. After that you will see a list with multiple network types. You need to click LKM on the name of that of them, near which there is an "active" attack.
  8. Select the active network in the firewall settings in Windows 10

  9. Now it remains only to change the position of the switch in the Windows Defender Firewall to the "Off" position.
  10. Changing the position of the firewall switch in Windows 10

  11. If everything is done correctly, you will see a firewall shutdown notification. You can close all the windows open earlier.

Method 2: "Control Panel"

This method will suit those users who are used to working with the "Windows control panel", and not with the "Parameters" window. In addition, sometimes there are situations where this option "Parameters" does not open. In this case, do the following to turn off the firewall:

  1. Click on the Start button. Scroll to the left side of the pop-up menu to the bottom. Lay in the application list in the application list and click on its name. As a result, the list of its contents will open. Choose the control panel.

    Opening the toolbar window in Windows 10 through the Start button

    Method 3: "Command Line"

    This method allows you to turn off the firewall in Windows 10 literally one line of the code. For these purposes, the built-in "Command Line" utility is used.

    1. Click the Start button. Scroll down the left part of the opening menu. Find and open the Own-Windows directory. In the list that appears, find the "Command Line" utility and click on its PCM title. In the context menu, select the options "Advanced" and "Starting on behalf of the administrator" alternately.

      Run a command line on behalf of the administrator via the Start menu in Windows 10

      Method 4: Brandwauer Monitor

      The firewall in Windows 10 has a separate settings window where you can set different filtering rules. In addition, the firewall can be deactivated through it. This is done as follows:

      1. Click the Start button and lower the left part of the down menu. Open the list of applications that are located in the Windows Administration Folder. Click the LKM on the "Monitor of the Windows Defender's Firewall".
      2. Switch to the Windows Defender firewall monitor via Start menu

      3. In the central part of the window that appears, you need to find and click the line "Properties of the Windows Defender Firewall". It is approximately in the middle of the region.
      4. Switching to the Windows 10 Defender Firewall Properties

      5. At the top of the next window there will be a "firewall" string. From the drop-down list, in front of it, select the "Disable" option. After that, click the "OK" button to apply changes.
      6. Disconnection of the firewall through the properties of the firewall defender Windows 10

      Disable the firewall service

      This item cannot be attributed to the overall list of methods. He is essentially an addition to any of them. The fact is that the firewall in Windows 10 has its own service that constantly works in the background. Even if you use one of the described methods of deactivation, it will still continue to function. It is impossible to disable it with the standard way through the utility. However, this can be implemented through the registry.

      1. Use the keyboard key and "R". In the window that appears, copy the word regedit, and then in it, click "OK".

        Opening the registry editor window in Windows 10 through the Utility

        Deactivation of notifications

        Each time you disconnect the firewall in Windows 10, an annoying notice of this will appear in the lower right corner. Fortunately, they can be turned off, this is done as follows:

        1. Run the registry editor. How to do it, we told a little higher.
        2. Using the folder tree on the left side of the window, go to the following address:

          HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows Defender Security Center \ Notifications

          By selecting the "Notifications" folder, click PCM anywhere on the right side of the window. Select the "Create" string from the context menu, and then the "DWORD parameter (32 bits)" item.

        3. Creating a new key via the registry editor in Windows 10

        4. Give a new file "DisableNotifications" and open it. In the "Value" line, enter "1", then click "OK".
        5. Changing the value in the DisablenoTificationS file via the Windows 10 registry editor

        6. Restart the system. After turning on all the notifications from the firewall you will no longer disturb.

        Thus, you learned about the methods that allow you to deactivate completely or for the time of the firewall in Windows 10. Remember that you should not leave the system without protection, for at least not to infect its viruses. As a conclusion, we would like to note that you can avoid most situations when you want to disable the firewall - only it is enough to configure it.

        Read more: Wirewall Setup Guide in Windows 10

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