Cash to Aliexpress is like


Cash to Aliexpress is like

For a long time Aliexpress, like many international online stores, was supported only by electronic currency and bank cards that allow you to pay online. However, now all those who have no possibility can take advantage of cash. About how it works, and how to make purchases, without having alternative means of payment, let's tell later.

Cash Order Payment on Aliexpress

For the inhabitants of the Russian Federation for several years paid payment of the selected product in cash, and everyone who does not have a bank card and any electronic wallet can take advantage of this. However, in such a situation, you will have to walk to the official mediator, among which cellular salons, Sberbank, Russian Post and Different Shops. Currently, the considered payment method is available only from the PC version of the site, the application does not support this feature.

Stage 2: Order Payment

With the code received and money, you need to go to a convenient affiliate store (the list of brands was listed at the design stage, you can find only more suitable for yourself), where you can make a payment in one of three ways: bypassing the post office of Russia, to the cashier or through the terminal.

Immediately after receiving the code you have 48 hours to pay for the purchase. After this period, the code will lose its relevance, and the order will be necessary to execute on a new one.

Method 1: Payment at the checkout

When it is easier for you to interact with a person, contact the cashier, and it will help make a payment. Tell him that you want to pay for the order on Aliexpress Cash, and prejudice the code received in SMS. Check out the details of the translation, wait for the payment and get a cash receipt that should be saved until the parcel is received.

Method 2: Payment through the terminal

In cellular salons, you can also pay for the purchase without interacting with people. To do this, you will need the terminal and the amount of money equal to the amount of the order. All terminals that support the payment of the order with Ali SPress are not issued, and therefore the balance of cash (when making a larger amount than is required) is sent to the mobile number balance. Despite this, we advise you to make orders so that it can be easily paid round.

  1. In the terminal, open the list of all the services provided. We deal with this process on the example of the terminal in the Euroset, other companies have the interface and the name of the buttons will be their own, but the principle of action itself is completely the same. Moreover, in case of some kind of complexity, you will always consult an employee of the point within which the terminal is installed. So, in our example, the button "Other services" is responsible for this, located on the right below.
  2. From the list, find the item "Products by catalogs".
  3. A list is displayed where you click on "Aliexpress".
  4. Enter the "Order number" (received code for SMS).
  5. Make the right amount and pick up the receipt of the payment. Check until the parcel is received.

Method 3: Russian Post

There is a transfer option and through our favorite mail of Russia. We brought it separately for those readers who could not figure out how to make payment exactly here. This option is convenient, since most often will have to defend a rather reason, so we advise you to choose one of the two previous methods. However, if you are still more convenient than the post office, the principle here will not differ here from the method 1. Contact your employee in a window engaged in receiving payments, and the rest of the action process you can see above.

Recommendations and Important Payment for Cash

We dealt with payment methods, we now move on to another useful information that you can come in handy when making a purchase in this way:

  • As we have already told above, when paying through the terminal, try to pick up the amount as close as possible to the desired one, and also always keep the check.
  • If you have not managed to pay the order for 48 hours, it will be necessary to issue a newly on the site, wait for the new code that the same time interval will be valid.
  • It is advisable to pay as early as possible in order for delays with the transfer of money payment still managed to pass.
  • The price for which you ordered is not fixed during these 48 hours. If it increases while the translation goes, the purchase will be considered partially paid.
  • When paying through the cashier, you should not pay any commissions: Exactly the amount that was specified in SMS.
  • The payment can be processed up to several days, so if after payment you do not see the changing status of the order on the site - do not rush to worry. Treatment in rare cases takes up to 7 days.
  • Keep access to the phone number on which the order was issued. In case of problems (the order is canceled by the Seller due to the lack of goods in stock, when purchasing a purchase in improper quality) part of the amount or all the money will be entirely returned to the mobile phone number. In the future, you can pay them by choosing the "Mobile Payment" option on the site. Of course, it is not as convenient and has a commission, but it is better than a mobile phone balance, replenished for a large amount of money, which was supposed to be spent on another matter. You can also always transfer money from your phone number back to cash, but cellular operators for this are taken by the Commission, which is especially noticeable when the large sum is derived.

    See also: how to win a dispute on Aliexpress


  • Pay through the terminal you can order worth only up to 15,000 rubles. If its amount is more, contact the cashier or employee of Russian Post.
  • This feature is now available only only to residents of the Russian Federation, in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, so far, this method of payment is not practiced.

From this article, you learned all the ways and subtlety of the purchase of purchases on Aliexpress Cash. This option is most conveniently inferior to electronic payments, so we recommend that you start a virtual map, for example, in the Yandex.Money or QIWI service, or the WebMoney account, to easily pay for purchases from different sites. However, if you do not want to register any similar electronic accounts or your goal - the most secure purchase or payment without a fee, then cash intake will become the only way out.

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