How to disable notifications in Vaiber


How to disable notifications in Vaiber

Effective use of Viber without the timely alert notification of the service participant about the events occurring in its framework is hardly possible, but the endless notification flow can be a real problem for active users. The article describes the methods of installing a ban on a demonstration of all or individual notices functioning in the Android, iOS environment and Windows applications of the messenger.

Disable audio notifications

Most often by Viber users, regardless of the device used to access the system of information, turn off audio alerts, because at certain points they can disturb not only the person who is intended, but also others. Solving the task of partial or complete "delete" work of Vaiber applications We have already been described in a separate material on our website, - if you need to turn off the sounds exclusively to the messenger, refer to the following links to the following link:

Read more: How to turn off the sound in Viber for Android, iOS and Windows

How to disable notifications in viber

The following instructions are proposed, performing which you can provide the complete absence of visual alerts from Weber on a separate device. Action options involving the configuration of the parameters under consideration, several, and specific algorithms mainly depend on the OS, in which the data exchange client application is functioning. Consider how the task is solved from the header of the article on Android devices, iPhone and Windows PC in order.


Viber Users for Android regulates receiving notifications from the messenger, applying one of the three approaches below. Depending on the situation, your preferences and the desired result, select the most efficient method or combine their use.

Method 1: Separate chats

The largest alerts to any user Vaiber comes from groups and communities, which he is a member. Therefore, increasing its own comfort when using the messenger, first of all, it should be limited to the receipt of notifications about the activity of users of individual group chats - to do it is very easy.

  1. Run Viber and go to a bias trouble free of charge or community.

    Viber for Android Running a messenger, transition to group chat

  2. Tape on three points at the top of the screen on the right, call the menu and select "Information" in it.

    Viber for Android Calling Menu Group Chat - Puntk Information

    Either simply slide the results of the correspondence to the left.

    Viber for Android access to the chat parameter menu

  3. Scroll through the displayed list of options - in its bottom it is detected to "disable for 30 days". Turn the switch near the name of this function to the "Included" position.

    Viber for Android Disconnect all notifications from a separate group chat or community

  4. Now you can find out about the activity of participants and administrators of a separate public, only by opening it specifically - it is possible to pull it on the header, from now on, placed at the end of the list on the tab "Chats" of the Messenger. As you can see, the "sleep mode" can be installed only for a month, so after its passage, previous items of this instruction will need to be renovated.

    Viber for Android access to a group or community with disabled notifications

Separate dialogs

The instruction proposed above is available only for communication channels organized for the Weber user group, and exclude a separate dialogue from the list of signals to you about the activity of the interlocutor directly impossible. At the same time, you have the opportunity to use the "Hide Chat" function, which decides including the task from the title of our article in relation to a separate conversation.

Viber for Android hide chat to disable all notifications from it

Read more: How to hide dialogue or group chat in Viber Messenger for Android

Method 2: Messenger Settings

To control the used Viber for android notifications in the "settings" of this application provides for a special section in which should be applied if you need to deactivate all alerts or their individual categories.

  1. Run the messenger, go to the "More" tab, tap "Settings".

    Viber for Android Running the messenger, switching to its settings

  2. From the parameter list displayed on the screen, open the "Notifications" section.

    Viber for Android Section Notifications in Messenger Settings

  3. Next, remove the marks near the names of the types of visual alerts that you do not want to receive:
    • "Preview Messages" - Deactivate the display of an incoming message in the menu bar of your device.
    • Viber for Android Settings Notifications -Tell Connection Posts in Messenger

    • "The contact joined Viber" - Disconnect the alerts sent by the messenger when someone entered into your device's address book for the first time activates the account in Vaiber.
    • "Pop-ups" - disable the ability to display alerts about each received message in the pop-up window.
    • Viber for Android Settings Notifications Deactivation of pop-up windows

    • "Turning on the Screen" - Delivery of the checkbox Sets the reacting of the locked screen of the device to Vaiber attempts to inform the user about a different event.
    • Viber for Android Deactivation Options for the Device Screen when the message is received.

  4. After completing the definition of parameters, exit the "settings" of Weber. Now the messenger will remind his presence on the device only in permitted situations.
  5. Viber for Android Disable all alerts from the messenger in the Notifications section of its settings

Method 3: Android

Managing Viber Notices By using the toolbox provided in the mobile OS allows you to adjust the receipt of notifications of various types more flexibly. In addition, established by Android prohibitions, it can be said to be more difficult to overcome the application, aspiring, regardless of the user's desire to inform it about the events within the service.

Application Settings in Android

  1. Any preferred way to go to Android "Settings".

    Viber for Android transition to the device settings to disable the notifications from the messenger

  2. Open the "Applications" section and click All Applications. Next, find "Viber" among the software installed on the device and tap it.

    Viber for Android Go to the parameters of the application from the OS settings

  3. On the screen describing the application and the options available in its regard, click "Notifications".

    Viber for Android Section Notifications on the Application page in the OS settings

  4. Further:
    • In order to establish a ban on a demonstration of all Messenger notices, deactivate "Show notifications".
    • Viber for Android Installing the Messenger's Prohibition Send all notifications in the OS settings

    • If there is a need to disable the receipt of certain types of alerts, do it by translating the corresponding switches to the "off" position.
    • Viber for Android Deactivation of individual types of messenger notifications in OS settings

  5. Close "Settings" Mobile OS. Now Viber will signal the activity of other participants in accordance with the configuration you defined.

    Viber for Android Exit from OS settings after determining the parameters of the notification of the messenger

Android Notifications Center

  1. In the "Settings" of the OS, find the parameter section entitled "Notifications". On the next screen, the listed list "Recently sent", find "Viber".

    Viber for Android Messenger at the Mobile OS Notification Center

  2. Next you can:
    • Disable notifications completely - put the switch to the right of the name of the messenger to the "Off" position.
    • Viber for Android quick disabling all alerts from the messenger in the center of notifications

    • Go to the selection of the category of disabled alerts - tap by the name of the messenger. Then proceed as described in paragraphs No. 4-5 from the previous instructions in this article.
    • Viber for Android Disconnecting individual categories of alerts from the messenger at the OS notification center


The control of the generated Viber for iOS notifications on the iPhone is organized very simple. At any time, you can prohibit the receipt of individual type notices or disable them completely.

Method 1: Separate chats

If your goal is to deactivate notifications about the activity of participants and administrators of a separate group or community in Vaiber, follow such an algorithm:

  1. Run the messenger and open the group chat, the participants of which distract you from important things with their activity.
  2. Viber for iOS launch Messenger Transition to a group or community

  3. Tap the chat header, which will open the screen with information and settings. Sign out the opening list and tap "Disable for 30 days."
  4. Viber for iOS parameters of a group or community - disable for 30 days

  5. As a result, the communication channel header will move to the easiest of the list on the Chats tab, and the report received within its framework will make themselves felt solely by the number located in the region with the name of the group of the meter. At the same time, no restrictions on the correspondence process within the group chat is not overlapped, you can continue to receive and send information as usual.
  6. Viber for iOS access to the group or community in deactivated notifications

Separate dialogs

The messenger does not provide for the possibility of prohibiting the receipt of alerts on the activity of the participant of a separate dialogue directly, but you can use the "Hide Chat" function, involving the solution of our task.

Viber for iOS hide chat to turn off all notifications from it

Read more: How to hide chat in Viber on iPhone

Method 2: Messenger Settings

The Viber Developers for the iPhone provided in this version of the messenger the possibility of a fairly flexible adjustment of the parameters of the application operation and contains means tools that allow you to fully or partially disable the notifications to the device.

  1. In Vaiber for Ayos, open the "More" tab, then go to "Settings".
  2. Viber for iOS Opening a messenger, transition to settings

  3. Click "Notifications", which will open access to adjust the parameters of the receipt of notifications about the activity of other service participants.
  4. Viber for iOS access settings for notifications in the messenger parameters

  5. Deactivating the switches located near the names of the categories, you can almost completely prohibit the application to demonstrate any information about the events that happen in it. Disable in the client settings, only the message meter cannot be displayed in the header area of ​​each correspondence on the Chats tab of the program.
  6. Viber for iOS Disable all notifications from the messenger in the application settings

Method 3: IOS Funds

The behavior of almost all iOS programs largely depends on the iPhone permissions provided by it. In accordance with this principle, it is possible to prohibit the messenger to send notices using the instruments provided for in the "apple" OS.

  1. Open the "Settings" of the iPhone, go to the "Notifications" section.
  2. Viber for iPhone - IOS Settings - Notifications

  3. In the list of software on the screen that opens, find "Viber" and tap it.
  4. Viber for iPhone - program in the IOS settings notification section

  5. Next, double-opera:
    • Deactivate the "Notifications tolerance" switch to prohibit the Wireer client to send you any alerts without exception. Exit the "IOS settings" and open the messenger, where instead of the list of available chats you will see a warning about the impossibility of displaying notifications - tap here "close".
    • Viber for iPhone - deactivation of all application notifications in iOS settings

    • If you only disable individual alert types, remove the corresponding marks under the elements in the "Warning" area, as well as translate the switches near the names of unnecessary options to the "Off" position.
    • Viber for iPhone - Disable individual categories of notifications from the Messenger in IOS settings

Program Parameters in "Settings" iOS

To the possibility of adjusting the parameters for obtaining notifications from Vaiber by means of IYOS, you can access another one, in addition to the above, by way:

  1. Open the "IOS settings", scroll up and in the list installed on iPhone applications tap "Viber".
  2. Viber for iPhone - program in iOS settings

  3. On the "Allow Access Program Viber" screen, tap "Notifications". Next, follow the last item from the previous instructions in this article.
  4. Viber for iPhone - go to a setup notice with the program page in the iOS parameters


Setting the receipt of visual alerts about what is happening in Viber for PC is somewhat limited in comparison with the vessel vessels for mobile OS, but nevertheless lead the program in compliance with its own understanding of comfortable work is possible.

Method 1: Separate groups and communities

  1. Run the Viber on the computer and open the group channel of communication by clicking on his title in the "Conversations" list.

    Viber for Windows Starting a messenger, searching group chat in the list of conversation

  2. Click on the I "I" icon near the group name or community over the messaging area.

    Viber for Windows Transition to List of Group Chat Settings

  3. As a result, the field of the Wyber window will display the area with the chat settings, scroll through the information available here at the bottom with the mouse wheel.

    Viber for Windows List of Group Chat or Community Settings

  4. Click on the "Do not disturb 30 days" the switch located near the item.

    Viber for Windows Point Do not disturb 30 days in the group chat settings menu

    Thus activating it.

    Viber For Windows Activation option Do not disturb 30 days for a group or community

  5. As a result, the selected chat moves to the end of the list available, and the Sleep Mode icon will appear in the header area. Notifications from such a group will not be disturbed for a month, then two previous points of instructions will need to be renovated.

    Viber for Windows All notifications from the group or community are disabled.

Method 2: Messenger Settings

Disable visual alerts on the arrival of new messages displayed by Viberian for Windows is possible by adjusting the "settings" of the application.

  1. In the Main Menu of the Messenger window, click on the "Tools".
  2. Viber for Windows Menu Tools in the Messenger window

  3. Next, select "Setting Notifications ..." in the menu that opens.
  4. Viber for Windows Item Setup Notifications .. On the Mensenger Tools menu

  5. Move the "Show notifications for ..." located in the area of ​​"Show notifications for ..." the windows of the radio button in the "call only" position.
  6. Viber for Windows Section Notifications in the Messenger Settings

  7. Close the settings window by clicking on the cross - the ban on the demonstration of visual alerts about the arrival of all messages in the messenger is activated.
  8. Viber for Windows Disable notifications about incoming messages in messenger


Installing a temporary or permanent ban on a demonstration of individuals or all visual alerts about the events occurring in the application, as you can see, is very simple. Knowing how to configure the messenger, you can easily provide a high level of comfort during its operation, as well as ensure the effectiveness of the tasks assigned to the considered tool.

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