How to clean the cache on the phone


How to clean the cache on the phone

Mobile operating system, as well as installed in its application environment, in the process of long and active use, it becomes cache - data and file trash, which, over time, may occupy a considerable place in memory (both physical and operational). To avoid problems with a lack of free space on the drive of a mobile device and its "braking", cached data should be cleaned, and today we will tell you how to do it.

Cleaning cache on the phone

iPhone and Android smartphones have a lot of differences, and they are all, with the exception of the appearance, are dictated by the features of mobile operating systems, under the control of which they work. It is from this that it depends on how cache cleaning will be performed and whether this procedure can be implemented in principle.


Cash cleaning options on mobile devices with android there are quite a lot. This can be done both using specialized cleaner applications, and through the toolkit built into the operating system, both for each application separately and for the OS as a whole. The latter is not available on all smartphones and depends on the branded shell, pre-installed by the manufacturer. In general, problems with the decision of the task voiced in the title title does not arise, and therefore applying quite a bit effort and spending a minimum of time, you can not only clear the device from garbage, but also to spell up its work to some extent. To learn more about how all this is done, the instruction below will help the reference.

Cleaning cache on the phone with Android

Read more: How to Clean Cache on Android

Holders of mobile devices of the world-famous Korean manufacturer Samsung, besides general recommendations for the Android OS, can benefit from alternative solutions that allow you to somewhat more seriously approach the time data cleaning issue. We also wrote about them earlier.

Memory Cleaning Process in SAMSUNG Settings

See also: How to Clean the cache on the Samsung phone

If the task is not only to remove the cache of the system and applications, but also in the release of the place on the drive, we recommend you to read the reference below by the reference and in order to fulfill everything that it is invited. By the way, these actions also allow you to slightly increase the performance of the smartphone.

Cache selection to remove in Clean Master on Samsung

See also: How to free the place on the Android smartphone


Due to the limitations and closedness of IOS, under the control of which the iPhone function, the cache cleaning procedure in the usual understanding of this term is unavailable here, and therefore it is necessary to solve the existing task will be required by an alternative way. So, instead of erasing temporary files accumulated in the process of permanent operation of the operating system and active use of applications, the latter can and need to download or completely remove and reinstall - only so you can get rid of the traces left by them. There is a more decisive method - restoring the "apple" device from a predetermined backup, after which it will work as new, and cached data is reset.

Original application size before cache cleaning on iPhone

Read more: How to Clean the cache on iPhone


In cleaning the cache on the phone with Android and on the iPhone there is nothing complicated, and if this procedure is regularly carried out, you can not only increase the speed of the system and applications, but also to release a place on the domestic drive.

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