How to configure family access to iPhone


How to configure family access to iPhone

Many Apple ecosystem users have heard of such opportunities as "family access", involving the joint operation of services, subscriptions, purchases and other options with close or simply familiar Apple ID owners. The article proposes a step-by-step instruction for enabling and configuring this useful function on the iPhone.

Family access on Apple devices

Before switching to the execution of manipulations that imply activate and configuring "family access", it will be useful to learn about the possibilities and features of this function obtained as a result.
  • Within the framework of the Cominted Function Group of Persons, the participants can "transfer" to each other purchases from the App Store, share the subscriptions to Apple's branded services, including the icloud cloud (subject to the acquisition of a paid tariff by the Organizer of the Family).

    Step 2: Adding Shared Participants

    1. On the "Family Access" screen under its own, now "organizer", name, click "Add a family member ...". Select the delivery method of an invitation to the participant of the group being generated in the menu that opens and execute one of the following items of this instruction.

      Calling Menu Add Family Member from Screen Family Access on iPhone

    2. "Invite on iMessage."
      • Enter the phone number of the user who is invited to the user's family or select its contact in the iPhone address book, touching "+" near the "To:" field.
      • Adding contacts invited to family access users

      • Optionally, add your own comment to the formed invitation message and then tap "Send".
      • Adding contacts invited to family access to family

      • Next, wait until the user entered into the group will confirm its consent to participate in "family-run" by transitioning by link from the message sent by you.
      • iPhone List of invited family access by iMessage

    3. "Invite personally."
      • If the family being added to the family is located nearby, tap at the specified menu item, and then provide the invited smartphone to enter your Apple ID and password on the screen that opens. Upon completion of the information system, you need to touch the "Next" at the top of the screen on the right.
      • iPhone Adding a family access participant by entering it Apple ID and password

      • As a result, the specified identifier will appear in the Family Members list.
      • iPhone family access - a new member added to the group

    4. "Create a children's recording."
      • Click "Next" on the screen, which opens after selecting the specified item in the menu. Tap "Next" by entering the birth date of the child.
      • iPhone Creating a children's Apple ID to provide a family access child

      • Check out the "Confidentiality Agreement" and click "Accept" at the bottom of the screen.
      • Adopt confidentiality agreement when creating children's Apple ID in family

      • Now confirm the payment information by entering the CVV code of the map attached to your EPL AIDI.
      • Confirmation of payment information when creating an Apple ID for a child as part of family access

      • Touch "Next" on the following two screens by entering the name of the child and creating an account ([email protected]), and then click "Create".
      • Entering the name and identifier of emails when creating an Apple ID for a child

      • Come up with and double-click the password to access the "Children's" account created.
      • Enter and confirm the password for children's Apple ID when creating an account for family access

      • Choose three control questions and, remember, make answers to them in the fields with this requirement.
      • Control questions for children Apple ID

      • Using the switch, determine the default setting of the activated option "Ask to buy", then tap "Next".
      • Activation option to ask to buy when creating an Apple ID for a child in family-owned

      • Double click "Accept" by reading the "conditions and provisions",

        Take conditions and regulations when creating an Apple ID for a child from family access

        And do the same in terms of access to iTunes Store.

        Take the provisions and conditions for using iTunes when creating an Apple ID for a child in family-owned

      • As a result, the "children's" EPL AIDI will be created and automatically added to the "family".
      • Apple ID for child added to the list of family access participants

    Step 3: Apple General Access Activation

    After the list of participants in the group described above will be formed, the function in question will automatically be configured on all devices involved.

    iPhone Activation and Configuring Services for Group Family Access Participants

    Now, turning to the items from the "Common Functions" list on the "Family Access" screen, you can quickly enable and configure:

    1. "Common Shopping".

      iPhone Configuring Functions Common Shopping Apple Family Access

      Select this section to open family members the ability to share programs from the App Store, books from Apple Books, music, movies and TV shows from iTunes Store:

      • Touch the "Sharing Purchase" button, and then, carefully reading the iPhone with the iPhone screen, double click "Continue".
      • Family Access Apple Enabling Common Shopping Functions, Confirmation of the General Payment method

      • As a result, the "Shared Shopping" option will be activated. Optionally, you can "send a message" other participants in the group, with the aim of notifying the manipulation.
      • Family Access Apple Sending Notifications to Participants On the Including Functions Common Purchases

    2. ICLOUD Storage - Click to provide general access to the ICloud cloud service tariff plan. (It is possible after increasing the volume of the repository up to 200 GB or more on a fee).

      Family Access Apple Activation of Sharing Store ICloud

    3. "GEOPOZY" - GENERAL PARTICIPANTS The ability to find each other using the "Find iPhone" application. Include "Share geoposition" on the screen that opens as a result of selecting the screen function and then send a notice of the opportunity to members of the family.

      Activating the geoposition transmission function in iPhone family access settings

    4. "Screen Time." Excellent method of organizing parental control over "Children's" Apple ID:
      • Touch the item name, on the screen that opens, click on the child's name and then tap "Enable Open Time".
      • Enable Open time for children's Apple ID in the iPhone Family Access Settings

      • Click "Further", and then determine the schedule of the mode "at rest" and set the "Program Limits".
      • Family Access Apple Settings for Apple Idle Idle Using Tool Time

      • Next, it will be possible to limit the content of the content and configure privacy parameters, after which it will be necessary to install a password code to prevent unauthorized changes in the use of iPhone modes.
      • Installing a code-password for on-screen time in the settings Family access to the iPhone

    5. "Apple Music" - if you have issued a family (!) Subscription in the Music service "Couperin Giant" or are going to do this, then you have the opportunity to invite to its joint use of participants in the family group.

      Family access to iPhone Providing access to family members to Apple Music, Family Subscription Registration

    6. "TV channels" - a joint access to the use of the Apple TV service is configured.

      IPhone Family Access - Sharing Apple TV Service

    General photo album

    For quick and efficient sharing photos and video recordings in the framework of the "family" created and configured as a result of the execution of the instructions:

    1. Go to the "Photo" program, open the "Albums" section, in the General Albums area, tap the "Family" cover.

      Family Access Apple Switching to Album Family Through Program Photo

    2. Touch "+", select a media file (s) which you want to share with family members, tap "ready", and on the next screen, click "Publish".

      Family access Apple Selection of photos and videos for publishing in a general album through a photo program

    3. Now photos and videos posted in the general album will be available to other members of the group. Of course, they can also hold the above-described procedure for publishing media files from their devices.

      Family access Apple Work with a common album in the photo program

    How to Disable Family Access to iPhone

    Termination of family members' sharing to individual or all Apple services by the Group organizer is carried out in the same section of the IOS parameters as the inclusion.

    1. To deactivate or adjust the level of access of other persons to one or another service, tap on its name in the "General functions" list. On the example of "shopping":
      • Open the screen with the settings and move the "Share Shopping" switch if, for example, temporarily plan to prohibit other users access to your purchased on the App Store and / or iTunes positions.
      • Family Access Apple Deactivation Options to share purchases

      • Click "Close Sharing" if you decide to completely stop using the ability.
      • Family access to iPhone Close Sharing shopping

    2. To eliminate the participant of the "family" from her, tap by his name in the list "Family members", click "Delete this member (name)" and confirm your intentions.

      iPhone Delete Family Access Participant Apple

      Clearing the list of users is completely, you, respectively, "Disable" the "Family Access" feature on your iPhone, or rather deactivate it within the framework of your own Apple ID.


    As you can see, enabling and configuring the functions considered in the article on the iPhone are carried out by performing completely simple manipulations. At the same time, the possibilities provided within the framework of "family access" make it possible to fully take advantage of the joint use of content and software, and in some cases, and significantly save funds.

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