How to upgrade Windows 10 to version 1909


How to upgrade Windows 10 to version 1909

Windows 10 developers are trying to regularly release updates for their operating system. Installation such allows you to maintain OS up to date and prevent the appearance of various errors. In addition, it has a positive effect on the performance and optimization of "dozens". As part of this article, we will tell you how to correctly update Windows 10 to the latest version of 1909 to date.

Update windows to version 1909

You can allocate three main ways that allow you to correctly update to the last relevant version of the operating system. Immediately, we note that we will not consider the version of the net installation of Windows 10 in this article. If you are planning to perform a complete reinstall, read our leadership, especially since you also get the version 1909.

Read more: Installation Guide Windows 10 from USB flash drive or disk

Before you start installing updates, we recommend ensuring that the 1909 assembly is not installed. Otherwise, you will only lose time. This is done in two clicks:

  1. Press the Win + R keys combination, enter the Winver command in the text box and press the "ENTER" keyboard.
  2. Entering the WinVer command in the Utility to execute in Windows 10

  3. A window will appear with information about the installed version of the OS and its edition.
  4. Window in Windows 10 with an assembly information and version

Important! Establish version 1909 will be able to only windows 10 with the editors of Pro and Home. For the remaining, the described methods will not fit.

Having understood with the nuances, we turn directly to the Methods of Windows Update Methods.

Method 1: "Parameters" Windows 10

The fastest and easiest way to install current updates is to use standard system parameters. In this case, the procedure should be as follows:

  1. Use the "Win + I" key combination to open the "Parameters" window. It is left-clicking on the "Update and Security" section.
  2. Go to Windows 10 Update and Security section through the Options window

  3. In the right half of the window that opened, click on the "Check for updates" button.
  4. Button Check availability of updates in the Windows 10 options window

  5. Now you need to wait a bit until the search process is completed and the corresponding entry in the top of the window will not disappear.
  6. The process of checking updates through the options window in Windows 10

  7. After some time, the line "Updating functions to Windows 10 version 1909" appears slightly below. Click on the "Download and Set Now" button below it.
  8. Download button and installation button 1909 for Windows 10

  9. As a result, the preparation of updates files and their immediate loading to the system will begin. This will be evidenced by the corresponding entry in front of the string "Status".
  10. File download process for installing the update 1909 for Windows 10

  11. Upon completion of these operations, the "Restart Now" button will appear in the same window. Click on it.
  12. Restart button system to start installation update 1909

  13. Unpacking and installing the update will be held during the system reboot. The installation of the installation operation will be displayed on the screen.
  14. Work with updates during a reboot in Windows 10

  15. Having finished working with updates, the system will finally restart. After entering the OS version 1909 will be ready to work. Make sure the installation is correct in a special Windows version window.
  16. Result of installing update 1909 in Windows 10

Method 2: Renewal Assistant

This method allows you to update Windows 10 to version 1909 through a special Microsoft utility. The update process takes a little longer than in the first way, but it is fully automated. In practice, everything looks like this:

  1. Go to the official download page of the utility. Click on the "Update Now" button.
  2. Upload Button Utilities Windows 10 Upgrade from Microsoft

  3. The automatic download of the executable file will begin. Upon completion of the download, launch it. As a result, a "Windows 10 update assistant" will be installed on the computer. After a moment, you will see the starting window of the utility. In it, click the "Update Now" button.
  4. Pressing the Update button now in the Windows 10 Upgrade Utility

  5. Next, an analysis of the system for compliance with specifications will be carried out. If some of the items do not match the conditions, you will see a description of the problem and recommendations for its elimination in the next window.
  6. Checking the system for compliance in the Windows 10 update assistant utility

  7. If the requirements correspond, opposite all the lines there will be a green tick and the "Next" button will appear. Click on it.
  8. Pressing the Next button in the Windows 10 Upgrade Utility

  9. As a result, the preparation and loading of the cumulative update will start, as well as check all downloaded files. Progress operation will be displayed in a new window. It is very long, so be patient.
  10. The process of downloading and preparing the update 1909 in the Utility Assistant to update Windows 10

  11. After some time, another window will appear. In it you will see a message about the readiness for installing the update. To do this, you must restart the device. Click the Restart Now button. If you do not take anything within 30 minutes, the restart will start automatically.
  12. Pressing the Restart button now in the Windows 10 Upgrade Utility

  13. Previously, a notification will appear on the screen. You can click on the "Close" button or not touch anything. After time, it will disappear itself.
  14. Reboot notification in the Windows 10 Update Assistant Utility

  15. The reboot will be performed longer than usual. During it, the update 1909 will be installed. After logging in, do not forget to remove the Upgrade Assistant application if you no longer need it.

    Method 3: Installation Tool

    Specialists from Microsoft were developed a special tool that allows you to install and update Windows 10 to the latest version. It is with the help of it we will implement this method.

    1. Go to the official page of the Windows site and at the top of it, click the "download tool now" button.
    2. MEDIA CREATION TOOL Utility Download button from Microsoft

    3. As a result, loading to the file called "MediaCreationTool1909" will begin. After completing the operation, run it.
    4. First of all, the utility will check your system and execute a number of preparation actions. This will indicate the corresponding string in the first window. Just wait until it disappears.
    5. Initial window in the Media Creation Tool utility in Windows 10

    6. In the next window you will be asked to accept the terms of the license, simply click the same button to continue.
    7. License Agreement Button when updating Windows in Media Creation Tool

    8. Set the mark next to the "Update this computer now" string, and then click "Next".
    9. Line selection Update this computer now to install version 1909 in Windows 10

    10. The process of downloading the necessary files will begin. Progress operation will be displayed in a new window.
    11. The process of downloading files to update Windows 10 to version 1909

    12. At the end of the operation, the process of creating a media with received information will start. Again you have to wait.
    13. The process of creating a media when updating Windows 10 to version 1909

    14. The other window will then appear in which you will see a notification of checking your system for compliance with the requirements.
    15. Checking the system before installing the update 1909 for Windows 10

    16. After about a minute, you will again see the text of the license agreement on the screen. This time it is already another. Click the "Accept" button.
    17. Second license agreement before installing the update 1909 Windows 10

    18. After that, the next check stage will start - the utility will search for available updates for your system.
    19. Another system check before installing the update 1909 for Windows 10

    20. Only then you will see the final window with a message about the availability of the new version. Click the "Set" cherished button.
    21. Update Update Button 1909 for Windows 10 through Media Creation Tool

    22. Installation of updates will begin. Please note that in the process, the system can restart several times. This is fine.
    23. The process of installing the update 1909 in Windows 10 through Media Creation Tool

    24. After all Windows 10 reboots with version 1909 will be installed.

    Thus, you have learned about all Windows update methods to the current version. As a conclusion, we will remind that in the event of problems, you can always restore the system to the initial state or roll back to the previous edition.

    Read more: We restore Windows 10 to the original state

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