How to change the password in vkontakte from the phone


How to change the password in vkontakte from the phone

VKontakte's social network provides a fairly large number of account protection tools, the main of which is the password from the page. To ensure greater security or for some other reasons, sometimes this set of characters must be changed. In the course of this Instruction, we will consider in detail such a procedure using only the site versions available on the phone.

Change Password VK on the phone

Currently, only two varieties of social network are conveniently used on the smartphone: the official app or adapted to the phone website. In this case, the required actions have minimal differences from each other, wearing exceptionally visual character.

Clearly following the presented recommendations, you can easily change the password. At the same time, if you still have difficulties with an old key, for example, when it is lost, you can pay attention to another of our instructions.

The advantage of this version of the site is that, in contrast to the application, it always has a fixed design, making the instructions provided for mostly relevant even in the case of global updates.

We reviewed both currently relevant for the phone version of the social network VKontakte, as a rule, not able to cause difficulties in the process of changing the password, and therefore this article comes to completion. At the same time, if necessary, you can always use the mode of the full version of the site in any mobile browser to visit the desktop version.

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