Programs for writing scenarios


Programs for writing scenarios

Writing a scenario for the author is a complex and long-term task that requires seriousness when approaching. If you use a regular text editor to prepare for the plan, you can spend a lot of time and do not get any optimization regarding the current status of the project. It is often necessary to create a lot of cards, draw interaction or make certain footnotes with marks. All this in the software mentioned is very difficult, therefore, there is a need for choosing a suitable tool. Today we want to talk about such software, told about the peculiarities of all the representatives of the representatives.

Keith screenwriter

First of all, it will be about solving called Whale Writer. It was created by Russian developers in compliance with all standards for writing scenarios for domestic filmmaking. The main feature of this tool is free distribution, since many projects of this scale are paid. If you look at the screenshot below, you will see that in KIT screenwriter there is a left panel responsible for separation into categories. Each of them is a separate module in which script and details are developed. The chief section is called "script". In it, the user creates an unlimited number of scenes, comes up with name for them and sets the sequence. Here is the main text, which is the basis of any script. From above there is a small control panel that allows you to add or remove the scene, as well as make sorting for personal preferences.

Whale Program Interface Writer for writing scripts on a computer

Additionally, each partition on the left pane can be configured by the user. For example, it is not always necessary to fill out extensive information about the characters and trace their interaction or, on the contrary, it is required to apply the "Development" module to work in detail absolutely every perfect action in order to build a logical chain with the intersections of each existing person. Therefore, be sure to look at the "Settings" section to set optimal parameters on the moment of preparation for writing your own project.

Using the tools of the KIT program screenwriter when writing scenarios

Whale Writer supports work with scripts, but most often they are used only to change the nuances in terms of writing the script. For example, you want to always allocate a specific word or character name in a specific color. Drink it in the appropriate database and set the parameters to be used automatically with each mention. Additionally, all this can be chosen and manually, marking important details in different colors or fonts. As already mentioned earlier, the Whale Writer's program is distributed on a free basis, and therefore you can go to the official website, download it and immediately go to the study.

Download whales screenwriter from the official site


The following program is called Writerduet and has a lot of similar to previous representatives, however, before familiarizing with this tool, the user must know the existing nuances. The first of these is that WriterDuet operates in online mode, therefore, several accounts can be edited by a script, and if necessary, the change history is displayed. This software is distributed for a fee, the demonstration version is suitable only for working through the browser. In addition, it will be necessary to create an account to maintain the progress of the project and be able to share it with other users. You can make scripts in Russian, but almost all interface elements are implemented in English, and the developers do not talk about full localization in the future.

Using the WriterDUET program to write scripts on a computer

Now let's touch on the topic of the functionality of this decision, disassembled the most important aspects. Writing the main material occurs in the "Project Info & Docs" section. Here it is possible to create an unlimited number of sheets, small cards and cards, which would allow, for example, to create a chain of events leading to the development of storylines of characters. The appearance of each such document is configured. Make it manually or use the prepared patterns. Pay attention to the category "Line Type & Tools". It is here that the main development of the components of the scenario is performed, characterians, dialogues are added, and restrictions on the scenes are added and other actions are made that make it possible to optimize a scenario document or embody the division of labor between all material developers. In the online version, you will not get acquainted with all these tools, since many are only in a premium paid assembly.

Using Writerduet tools when writing scripts

As mentioned earlier, several authors can immediately work on one scenario in Writerduet. First, any user creates a document, and automatically selects it as an administrator. Next, he should also add other accounts and give them certain rights to edit or even assign administrators. All this is carried out in a separate full-fledged module, where many useful options and parameters are located. You can save all your projects in the WriterDuet cloud so as not to lose them, and at any time you need to open or convey to another author, which also has an account in Writerduet. Before you decide to buy this software, we still recommend learning all tools online to understand whether Writerduet is worthwhile.

Download Writerduet from the official website


CELTX developers specifically created several builds of this program so that each user can choose the appropriate option. The free version is considered optimal for home and non-commercial use, since it will find the basic functions of writing a simple scenario in one of the available types. Professional version has many specific features that are most often used in the production of complex paintings at the studio. This includes, for example, the storyboarding of each scene or the creation of estimates with absolutely all expenses. Such a separation of versions is accurately the vast merit of software.

Selecting a template for writing a script when you first open the CELTX program

If two previous tools had a similar interface and approximately the same control algorithm, then in CELTX everything is implemented a little differently. On the left above the separate panel with the library of the current project is displayed. Create documents of various formats, assign them the appropriate names and place them in custom folders for ease of navigation. Each such file opens in a new tab, and switching between them is made in the same way as in any browser. In the same left area below there is a list of created scenes of the current document. Use them to quickly move on chapters or other types of formatting. Using the tools of the right side of the window, configure and interaction with characters, locations and other important objects is carried out. If you select any word in the script and click on it by PCM, the context menu will open, which allows you to specify the word as a character or other object.

Use CELTX tools when writing scripts

From the additional options of the free version of CELTX, we want to note the presence of a custom calendar, script management manager, notes for each scene, the ability to import various text documents and a story table where the event development schedule is lined up. In the event development schedule, both separate fragments of text and images responsible for certain details of the current project are added. There is no Russian Interface Language in Celtx, so you have to deal with each menu item yourself. However, if you have already come across a similar software at least once, it will not be so difficult to do it.

Download CELTX from the official site


Scrivener is another paid program of our today's list. Immediately, we note that the demo version is available, which means that it is possible to download it for free from the official site and test the basic functions to solve the issue about its acquisition. The implementation of the interface in the application is as simple as possible, but it can cause difficulties when working with huge projects. The fact is that all documents, separate notes and independent cards are placed on one tree panel, in which you need to learn to navigate. However, this will not be a problem if you are leaving with control or not going to create large materials. We advise you to sort every document in advance, creating custom folders so that there are no confusion in the future.

Using the SCRIVERER program to write scripts on a computer

We note that all the tree is distributed not only by the scenario line, but also refers to the discussion of the filming, the preparation of individual scenes or the elaboration of each character. For example, look at the screenshot below: you see the open section of the head control. In the main workspace, notes on cards with certain marks on each of them are displayed. This follows tracking, which of the scenes are still written, already taken out or are in a special state, for example, on the improvement of parts. Such a distribution is an integral part of interaction with complex scenarios, since it allows you to simply not get confused in the existing materials and do not miss something important out of mind.

Creating notes when writing a script in the SCRIVERER program

In the end, we note that there are many personalization tools in Scriverner. They apply not only to the formatting of the tree and creating custom folders. Look at the top panel when writing text or creating cards: There are several options allowing you to change the font, adjust the color or emphasize something important. If you need to insert images or create any table, it can be made literally a couple of clicks using all the same built-in functions. We recommend the scrivener to the users who are ready to pay for such software and prefers minimalism in the design of the appearance.

Download scrivener from the official site

Fade In.

Fade in is a solution that only recently gained wide popularity, because it began to use well-known screenwriters. Developers are positioning this software as an advanced tool suitable in absolutely all industries where script writing is used. The Fade In Interface is a bit reminds the appearance of those programs that we have already spoken above. The main elements of the controls are divided into blocks, and the main space is assigned to the sheet on which the text is written. A navigation panel occupies a separate place in the environment. It allows you to easily move between existing documents to continue editing them or just view.

Using Fade IN program to create scripts on a computer

Fade in contains all those appearance settings and text formatting parameters that used users in such programs, including a quick insertion of the image, its transformation and insert into any convenient area on the sheet. Of the additional functions, we note the presence of autofill. If you have added some character or often use a name, for example, a specific location, when writing a word, the program will propose to choose one of the options. Such an implementation will save time on entering frequently used plot elements. If you need to collaborate, open access by pressing the appropriate button so that another author can connect to writing. Consequently, you can view the history of the changes at any time.

Work with the basic tools of Fade IN program when creating scripts

Fade in is a cross-platform application with a cloud storage. This means that you can work on the computer, and then enter the mobile device and continue to type the text. If you do not want to be distracted by the details when making a script, turn on the simplified view to remove all unnecessary interface elements. Fade In developers offer download and test the free version in which there are no restrictions. When desire to support the manufacturer, you can buy a premium assembly at any time on the official website.

Download Fade in from the official site

Final Draft.

Final Draft is one of the most famous programs of a kind, the developers of which are closely cooperating with the most popular studios of films and serials. Accordingly, this application is distributed. To begin with, you are offered a 30-day trial period to study the main possibilities, and then it will be necessary to pay $ 160 to seize Final Draft on a lifetime basis. If after the purchase you decide to abandon the software, it is possible to do this for a month - then the developers will not be returned to the tools spent. One of the most important features of this software is automatic formatting of the script. You simply write text, and the built-in option distributes it to the chapter, creating special files for quick movement.

Using the Final Draft program to create scripts on a computer

Look at the special implementation of the event map: it is made in the form of a timeline with key points. You yourself create these points by setting their appearance. After that, there is a movement between each mark to quickly track the development of events or find out what moment was missed. Writing and editing here is exactly the same principle as in another similar editor, respectively, there is a collaboration mode. It shows which of users on the network and which actions now performs. When collective work, it is also important to conduct brainstorming, discussing ideas to specific details. In the Final Draft interface there is a special module that allows you to comfort this occupation with comfort.

Add notes when creating a script in Final Draft

When reviewing the previous program, we have focused on entry tips, which contribute to an accelerated set of names, characters or other words. In Final Draft, it also has and implemented exactly the same way. However, you can accompany replicas or specific rows by voice by writing a track yourself or trusting this action by the actor of the voice. Insert images or use the functions of alternative dialogs to make the best option in the future at the closest meeting. Final Draft is a very complex and universal tool that has been designed for professional purposes. If you are ready to pay such a cost and are confident that you will use each function, to look at this solution accurately worth it.

Download Final Draft from the official site

Movie Magic ScreenWriter.

Movie Magic ScreenWriter - the penultimate software that will be discussed within our today's material. Immediately note that this software is the most expensive of all submitted, so the requirements from the user should be maximum. On the official website of Movie Magic Screenwriter costs $ 250, but in the days of the action you can buy a license for 100 dollars, which is already more like a normal price for a level tool. If you are a novice author and want to simplify the process of creating scenarios, Movie Magic Screenwriter developers offer to use one of the more than one hundred different templates that are suitable for different directions of projects.

Using the Movie Magic ScreenWriter program to write scripts on a computer

Of the special elements of the appearance, it is worth noting the quick access panel that allows you to move between each fragment of the material in just one click. The universal assistant that performs the autocomplete option, which we have already spoken about the review of other programs have been also related to such tools that affect the acceleration of the workflow. Simplifies interaction and module notes. It can be implemented in a variety of situations, for example, in some comments to the fragment or to describe the character.

Saving notes in the Movie Magic ScreenWriter program when writing a script

When considering one of the previous applications, we clarified that among all functions there is a brainstorming tool. In Movie Magic ScreenWriter, it is also present and is implemented in a similar way. You make a plan of tasks and you can work collectively on it, looking for a quick and high-quality solution. As for the direct set of text, everything is done in this for convenience. There are settings for fonts, colors and decoration styles, and there are a series of hot keys to quickly perform certain actions. Of course, they are available for reassignment, if suddenly you will seem uncomfortable standard option.

Download Movie Magic ScreenWriter from the official site

Page 2 Stage.

We put an application in the last place, since it gradually loses its relevance. Of course, the free spread of software still makes it competitive, but most of the analogues provide much more useful functions for a fairly low price, so many professionals and lovers prefer to pay for a license once than content with the limited possibilities of free decisions. However, novice authors or those who do not accept the modern interface and the implementation of options in the new software should accurately take into account the Page 2 Stage.

Using the program to write scripts on a computer

At the first start, you will encounter that the entire workflow in three different areas will occur in three different areas. The tree is displayed from the entire script with all templates, documents and user directories. The center is the main space where the text is carried out. Absolutely all available tools are displayed on the top panel in the form of separate buttons. This is the most important disadvantage of Page 2 Stage. When you first get acquainted with the tool, it will be very difficult to get comfortable and remember the location of the buttons to activate them, as well as there is no Russian interface language, which increases the complexity of use. However, still finds his fans, so if you are interested in this program, download it for free from the official site.

Download page 2 stage from the official site

The scripts are very important to find the optimal software for itself, in which all the necessary modules would have simplifying the process of writing a new material. Developers are trying to adjust the requirements of users, creating a specialized software. As you can see, solutions really have a lot, so everyone will find an excellent option for themselves.

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