How to see what my VKontakte page looks like


How to see what my VKontakte page looks like

The social network VKontakte provides every user a huge number of different fields for personal information and no less variety in the settings. Because of this, especially newbies, there are often problems with the lack of visual results from changing a particular function. In order not to happen this, you can use a special mode, looking at your page from the face of any other person.

View the page VK on the face of another person

Read the information about the page using the view mode from the other person, you can via the website parameters. A similar function has not so many settings and is limited strictly as part of the main page of its profile, but despite this, more than it copes with the assigned task, providing some flexibility in the choice of users.

  1. In the upper corner of the site, regardless of the page, click on the profile name and select "Settings" item through the menu.
  2. Go to settings through the menu on VKontakte website

  3. After that, using the optional menu, switch to the "Privacy" tab and scroll through the page to the bottom. Here it is necessary to pay attention to the bottom unit containing the link "See how you see your other users".
  4. Go to watching the page on behalf of another user VKontakte

  5. By moving the transition to the specified address, you will see that by default a personal page on behalf of the "unfamiliar user" will open. This parameter is easy to change using the drop-down list "so sees your page".
  6. View the page on the face of another user VK

  7. If necessary, at any time you can use the "Back to Settings" button to leave the viewing mode. In general, no difficulties with the use of the function should not occur.
  8. Ability to closing the VKontakte page viewing mode

Currently, unfortunately, the possibility is available only in the full version of the site, when there is nothing in the appendix. At the same time, it is still possible to use the option by opening the social network through a mobile browser in the "full version" mode.


One of the new features "Closed Profile" may not work to work quite correctly with the mode under consideration, and therefore it is best to check the privacy settings on the open page. One way or another, we hope that the instructions provided helped you see how other users see your page.

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