How to restart the "Explorer" in Windows 10


How to restart the conductor in Windows 10

"Explorer" is a standard file manager, without which it is impossible to interact normally with the operating system, and therefore it works with errors, it hangs, it flies or does not open it at all, it becomes a problem. The optimal solution in this case will be restarted, and today we will tell you how to do on computers with Windows 10.

Restarting "Explorer" in Windows 10

Restart the "conductor" may be required not only in cases where problems arise in its work, but also after installing some software (for example, adding new items to the file manager interface). Speaking of the latest version, it is often enough just to close it and then open any of the ways available in Windows 10, which we wrote earlier in a separate article. Further, it will be about restarting.

Method 2: "Command Line"

Another option to restart the built-in file manager's operating system is to use the console in which only two commands will be needed.

Method 3: PowerShell

This shell is an advanced analogue of the console discussed above and no less effectively copes with the decision of our today's task.

  1. Follow the steps from step 1-2 of the previous method, only this time in the search string, enter the PowerShell request. Do not forget to run it on behalf of the administrator by selecting the appropriate item on the right.
  2. Starting the PowerShell shell on behalf of the Anditer in Windows 10

  3. Stop the operation of the "Explorer" by entering the command labeled below and press "ENTER".

    Taskkill / F / Im Explorer.exe

  4. Command for forced closing of the conductor via PowerShell in Windows 10

  5. Run the process by specifying and running the following command:

    Start Explorer.exe.

  6. A command to restart the conductor via PowerShell in Windows 10

    As in the previous case, the "conductor" will be restarted, and its normal efficiency is restored.

Method 4: BAT file

If you have to deal with problems in the file manager of Windows 10, you have to face at least from time to time, that is, this behavior is not a single case, a reasonable solution will automate the restart process. To do this, create a special batch file.

  1. Open the "Notepad" (you can use the search, create an empty text file on the desktop or enter the NotePad command to the "Run" window called the "Win + R" keys).

    The command to start standard notepad in Windows 10

    Proper closure of "conductor"

    Surely everyone used to close the file manager in the same way as any other program in Windows - by pressing the "cross", and if it hangs, access the "task dispatcher" for a forced process stop. At the same time, not everyone knows that from the "conductor" you can get out. To do this, it is enough to hold the "Ctrl + Shift" keys, click the PCM on the taskbar and select the last item of the context menu, which was previously missing there - "exit the conductor."

    Correct exit from the conductor through the taskbar in Windows 10

    READ ALSO: Restoring the working task panel in Windows 10

    Error correction "Explorer does not answer"

    In some cases, Windows 10 users encounter an error "Explorer does not respond", which may occur arbitrarily or only when trying to appeal to the file manager. The usual restart, the possible options of which we were considered above, to eliminate this problem in most cases are not enough. But there is a decision, and it was previously considered by us in a separate article.

    Read more: Entry "Explorer does not answer" in Windows 10


    As you can see after reading this article, restart the "conductor" in Windows 10 is easy, and it does not matter, it is necessary to do this because it is hung, or for any other reason.

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