What to do if sound sounded on the phone


What to do if sound sounded on the phone

One of the most important functions of any smartphone is the playback of the audio signal required not only for conversations, but also to listen to audio and watch video, and therefore problems arise, you need to immediately decide. Next, we will tell you what to do if the sound is disappeared on the iPhone and Android.

See also: How to change the ringtone of the call on the smartphone

Why sound sound on the phone

The reasons for which the sound can be lost on the mobile device with iOS and / or Android, but all of them can be divided into three groups - the user's inattention, program errors and malfunctions, hardware damage. Since the above-mentioned mobile operating systems are largely different, consider the solution of the existing problem separately for each of them.


Before proceeding to finding the sound, because of what the smartphone really disappeared, it is worth checking out and make sure that the volume on it is not reduced at a minimum, no silent mode or "do not disturb". Next, you should go through third-party applications, or rather, according to the permissions granted to them, some of them can "take too much" and simply block playback or intercept the audio signal. It is not necessary to exclude more serious problems - possible damage to the wireless communication module (subject to the use of Bluetooth) dynamics (both the main and colloquial) or connector for connecting headphones, as well as the external accessory itself (columns, headphones). It is possible to detect and eliminate mechanical damage only in the service center, and fix everything else will help the reference below the article.

Select the type of sound check in Testm on Android

Read more: What to do if sounded sound on Android-device


If you are the owner of an Apple smartphone, as in the case of Android, first of all, you should exclude yourself from the list of potential perpetrators of the problem with the absence of the ability to play audio. Check the volume and make sure that the modes are not used in which it is disabled ("silent", "do not disturb"). The next step should be the appeal to the "settings" of iOS - the sound can be turned off in them or it is played to the external source (columns, headphones - both wired and Bluetooth). It also happens that the audio signal disappears after unsuccessful operating system update. A particularly unpleasant case is a hardware malfunction, from which the accessory can suffer both accessory and the responsible iPhone modules. Surely, what could call the problem under consideration, and whether you can eliminate it yourself or you will need to contact the SC, the following manual will help.

View sound playback settings on iPhone

Read more: What to do if sound sounded on the iPhone


Now you know why the sound can be lost on the phone and how to fix it.

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