How to restore the remote VKontakte record


How to restore the remote VKontakte record

The Social Network of the VC provides accounts for accounts and community tools to manage content on the wall, including the possibility of removal. If this function was used by chance, the consequences, although it is not always possible to draw in the opposite direction. Further in the article, we will tell you how to restore the entry on the wall of VKontakte using several versions of the site.

Restoring Remote VC entries on PC

On a computer, there are only two ways to restore records, one of which is strictly limited by the community, while the other is universal. And although we will pay attention to both options, note in advance that some other ways to restore the administration of the resource under consideration are not provided.

Method 1: Recovery when removing

The first method of restoring posts on the wall is to use a temporary function available solely after the post is deleted within a short period of time. Unfortunately, this is the only way to use which you can on the personal wall and, if necessary in the community.

  1. Open the page and find the desired entry. As mentioned, recovery is available only when deleting.

    There is nothing more about this method, since it is only available in the case when the post was just removed. If the page has already been updated or you left the site section, return the content will not work.

    Method 2: History of Action in the Group

    Unlike the personal page, which is only available above the presented method, in the community ribbon, you can restore almost any entry due to one of the fairly new features. The procedure is the same procedure in using a special section of the "Journal of Action", which fixes the operations produced by each administrator or a dubiary moderator.

    1. Go to the Remote Recording group and through the Main Menu, open the "Management" section.
    2. Go to the section Office on the VKontakte website

    3. On the page that opens, you must go to the "Action Log" tab and select a block attached to a specific date.
    4. Transition to Group Action Magazine on VKontakte website

    5. If the record has been removed for a long time or recently a lot of operations have been made, finding the search, you can reveal the list of "all actions" in the upper left corner and select the "Work with the wall" option.
    6. Select the wall in the group settings on the VKontakte website

    7. By turning a block with actions for a specific number, it is necessary to make a similar to the exact removal time.
    8. Selecting a section in a journal of action on VKontakte website

    9. After performing everything according to the instructions, you can familiarize yourself with the remote content in the "Content" block. To restore the lower part, the link "Cancel Action" is provided.
    10. Canceling Removing Recording in Action Log on VKontakte

    11. After clicking on the specified signature, the record will be instantly restored on the wall wall, completely retaining the original view and statistics from the moment of removal.
    12. Successful Cancel Removal Recording in a group on VKontakte website

    This section of the site, as mentioned, is very new, and therefore difficulties are quite possible. However, even taking into account this you can restore the posts deleted by chance almost regardless of the date.

    Restore Remote VC entries from the phone

    In the official client for the phone, as well as on a lightweight version of the website, account settings and, in particular, communities are strongly limited on the background of the first method. Because of this, you can only resort to a single recovery method using the link provided immediately after removing the post. Moreover, the use of the mobile site, and not an application.

    1. Through any Mobile Browser, open the VKontakte website you need to stay on the Profile or community page. Recover recording itself will be available a short period of time after removing any post.
    2. Go to the personal page in the mobile version of VK

    3. For recovery, click on the appropriate link in the block with an erased record, after which it will again be displayed in the tape. Consider if you leave the page, the recovery will be unavailable in all cases except the community's tape due to the history of actions.
    4. Ability to recover recording via Mobile VK

    As in the case of most other functions, originally inaccessible on the phone, to use the course of action in the group as needed you can still. For this, you will have to open the official website in the "full version" mode and perform the steps described by us earlier.

    The presented recommendations are the only in the situation with the restoration of posts on the wall, since in general the functionality of the social network in this regard is strongly limited.

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