Microphone does not work in the discard on Windows 10


Microphone does not work in the discard on Windows 10

In the modern world, few people can surprise calls over the Internet, because there are many special programs for this. Discord is one of these. But unfortunately, when used in some cases, there is a problem with the microphone - he simply refuses to work. In this article we will talk about the methods of eliminating this malfunction in Windows 10.

Solving problems with microphone in discord

Often, the specified problem occurs due to software failure or system error, and it is quite simple. But in the case of a physical malfunction of the device, everything is much more complicated. Let's wonder in more detail how it all makes the microphone in the discard.

Method 1: Discord Parameters

Sometimes it is possible to restore the operation of the microphone directly through the program settings. The fact is that it initially contains the default recording device. However, in the interaction of the system and software, the problem arises, due to which there is no sound. It is possible to solve everything as follows:

  1. Open the application or go to your account through the official software site.
  2. Pay attention to the left side of the screen. Make sure the microphone icon is not listed in the red line. If so, click on it, thereby turning the microphone.
  3. Turning on the microphone through the interface in Discord on Windows 10

  4. If it does not help, click the "User Settings" button, which is located there and depicted in the form of a gear.
  5. Transition to the Discord Settings window on Windows 10

  6. In the window that opens, in the left part of it, click on the "Voice and Video" item.
  7. Switch to the voice and video section in the Discord program settings on Windows 10

  8. Next, in the "Input Device" Cell, specify the desired by selecting it from the drop-down list. If there are several such devices, the cause of the problem can be a banal error with a microphone selection in this row. Try setting the value other than "Default". In addition, pay attention to the microphone volume strip - make sure it is not dying at a minimum and shifted to the right, it is desirable to maximum.
  9. Assigning an input device in the Discord parameters on Windows 10

  10. After that, press "ESC" on the keyboard. This will close the window with the parameters. If necessary, reboot the web application page or restart the program itself.
  11. If the problem did not dare, try again to go to the "Voice and Video" section. This time, scroll the right side of the window to the bottom and click on the "Reset Voice Settings" row. It is likely that it will help to fix everything.
  12. Reset audio settings in the Discord settings on Windows 10

Method 2: Windows 10 Settings

As we mentioned earlier, during the interaction between the operating system and the program, sometimes there are failures, because of which the device may be disabled after the fact, while the application continues to try to use it. To correct this problem, do the following:

  1. In the tray on the "taskbar", right-click on the speaker image icon. From the context menu, select Open Sound Options.
  2. Go to the sound parameters through the tray on the taskbar in Windows 10

  3. In the window that opens in the "Enter" block, specify the device you want to use for communication. This is done from the drop-down list.
  4. Selecting an input device through the Options window in Windows 10

  5. At the same time, pay attention to the line in the "Check Microphone" string. If the device is activated correctly and properly, then this strip will display sound oscillations. In this case, an image of a microphone should appear in the tray, which will disappear when the Windows parameters window is closed.
  6. Microphone Check Strip When the device is activated in the Windows 10 parameters window

  7. If there is no needed equipment in the drop-down menu, in the same window, click on the "Sound Device Management" line.
  8. Go to the Sound Device Management section through the Options window in Windows 10

  9. Make sure that you have nothing in the "Input Device" block in the "Disabled" section. If among them there is a desired microphone, click on its name LKM, after which click the "Enable" button, which will appear below.
  10. Enable input device via the Options window in Windows 10

  11. After turning on the device, check its performance in the discord.

READ ALSO: Turning on the microphone on a laptop with Windows 10

Method 3: Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

This method implies the use of several functions at once. This includes verification of device drivers, its diagnosis and change of sound format. These are more radical measures that need to be used when others have not given a positive result. We wrote a separate manual with whom we suggest familiarizing yourself.

Sample input device diagnostics window in Windows 10

Read more: Elimination of the microphone disability problems in Windows 10

Thus, you have learned about the main ways to eliminate the problem with a non-working microphone in Discord on Windows 10. Remember that if none of the considered solutions helped, the likelihood of physical malfunction of the device. In this case, it will have to be repaired or replaced at all. On the desktop computer it is easy, but the laptop will have to be disassembled independently or carry to the service center, which is more preferable.

See also: Disassemble the laptop at home

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