Installing Packets in Centos


Installing Packets in Centos

Absolutely, each user when working with the CENTOS operating system faces the need to install various packages to add the desired program and start interaction with it. The task may be carried out in different ways, which depends on the type of software obtained and personal preferences of the user. Today we would like to demonstrate absolutely all available methods for installing RPM and tar.gz format packages (if the package of the first type failed) so that you can quickly choose the best way and implement it in life by following simple guides.

Install Packages in Centos

Let's start with the fact that in the standard assembly, the CENTOS does not have a graphic shell, because the distribution itself is aimed at server work. However, on the official website, you can easily download a version with a surroundings where the main set of software will be preinstalled, including the application manager. This is how novice users come, so the first options will be aimed at interacting with the GUI. If you do not have, feel free to go to those instructions where the console is involved.

Method 1: Application Manager

Application Manager is a standard tool of almost any graphic environment of the desktop, which allows you to install in official repositations of the application without accessing the Terminal. If you are developing the CentOS, we recommend using this particular option, but be prepared for the fact that there are not all existing programs in this library.

  1. Run the "Applications" menu and in the System section, find the "Installing Applications".
  2. Running application manager for further installation of packets in CentOS

  3. Here you can use categories to view the available software or immediately go to the search.
  4. Go to search for applications for installation through a graphical interface in CentOS

  5. If software is available for download from official repizations of the distribution, it means that it will be displayed in the results. Click on the appropriate line to go to the product page.
  6. Go to the program page through the application manager for its further installation in the CentOS

  7. There is only one blue button "Set" - Click on it. If you wish to learn about the functionality of the software and look at the screenshots, do it on the same page.
  8. Starting the installation of the program after it is in the CENTOS Application Manager

  9. Expect installation completion. This operation may take as a few seconds and half an hour, which affects the size of the package and the speed of the Internet connection.
  10. Waiting for the completion of the installation of the program from the CENTOS Application Manager

  11. At the end, a new button "Run" will appear. Click on it to get started with software.
  12. Starting the program after installation from the CENTOS Application Manager

  13. Additionally, the software icon will appear in the "Applications" menu, and its location can be different. For example, the GIMP graphics editor was automatically placed in the category "Graphics". In the future, you will not prevent anything to add an icon to "Favorites" or on the desktop.
  14. Running the program through the application menu after its installation in CentOS

As you can see, in the implementation of this method there is nothing difficult at all, but its only minus is the inability to choose the version of the software and the absence of some popular solutions in the library. If you did not manage to find the necessary product, proceed to the consideration of the following instructions.

Method 2: Official site for

Often developers who create the versions of their applications and for Linux, lay out RPM packets on our own official sites, and the user remains only to download them and install through the standard OS. For CENTOS, this scheme also works, so let's briefly understand it.

  1. Open the browser, go to the official page of the software and find the downloads section there.
  2. Go to download packages from the official website of the program in Centos

  3. In the list of available assemblies, select RPM, pushing out from the architecture of your assembly.
  4. Selection of the package version on the official website of the program in CentOS

  5. Start download. You can mark the "Open in" paragraph to immediately start the installation, or "Save File" if you want to return to it later.
  6. Choosing a package download method from the official site of the program in Centos

  7. Upon completion of the download, it remains only to go to the folder with the package and open it twice by clicking on it with the LKM. When you select "Open in" the installation will start automatically. It remains only to follow the instructions in the installation wizard, and then proceed to the testing of software.
  8. Starting a package for installation after downloading from the official site of the CENTOS program

In the same way, some RPM packets stored in user repositories can be installed, but then it is not guaranteed that the standard installer will correctly launch such installers. This problem is solved by using the console, which one of our following methods will be devoted.

Method 3: Yum utility

YUM (YellowDog Updater Modified) is a standard CENTOS batch manager and other redhat-based distributions, which allows you to manage RPM files, including the possibility of installing them. Interaction with him is a fairly simple occupation, because it is not necessary to teach a lot of different commands, given their syntax. It will be enough to master only a few simple options. Just about them we suggest to talk further.

  1. To begin with, you will need to run the console, because then the entire command will be entered in this tool. Make it convenient for you.
  2. Successful package installation after downloading from the official site of the CentOS program

  3. Next, enter Sudo Yum Install Gimp. Let's take turns in turn every component. Sudo - an argument that implies that this command will be executed on behalf of the superuser. Yum - a call to the very batch manager. Install - Yum option for installation. GIMP - the name of the application required to install the application. As soon as you comprise your command in the sequence given, press ENTER to activate it.
  4. Team to install packages through the terminal in CentOS

  5. Specify the password from the superuser account. Consider that symbols entered in this way are not displayed.
  6. Confirmation of a superuser password to install programs in CentOS

  7. Confirm the package download operation by selecting the Y version.
  8. Confirm the download package to install the program through the terminal in CentOS

  9. It remains only to wait for the download.
  10. Waiting for the download program through the terminal in Centos

  11. After you see a notification that the installation has passed successfully.
  12. Successful download of the program through the terminal in CentOS

  13. You can switch to the launch of the application, for example, through the console by entering its name, or through the icon located in the main menu.
  14. Starting a program through the terminal after installing CENTOS

  15. Wait a few seconds, and the boot window will appear on the screen.
  16. Successful running program through the terminal in CentOS

This option also has a disadvantage, completely identical to the one we talked about when considering the first method. It turns out only the last stable version of the software stored on the official repository will be loaded. If it is missing there, an error notification will simply appear on the screen. Especially for such cases, we prepared the following option.

Method 4: Custom Repositories

Using custom storage facilities - penultimate and almost the most difficult option we want to talk about today. Its essence is that you first find the package on one of the repositories, and then install it by entering the corresponding commands into the console. An example of this operation looks like this:

  1. Open the browser and through the search engine, find the repository on which the program you are interested in, then clicking on the section with RPM packages.
  2. Selection of packages for download from user repository CENTOS

  3. Be sure to select your architecture so that the software is compatible with the operating system.
  4. Select architecture when working with user repositories in Centos

  5. Lay in the list of the appropriate version of the software and click on the link to download the right mouse button.
  6. Select a package for installation with user storage facilities in CentOS

  7. In the context menu that appears, select "Copy Link".
  8. Copy Link to the Package for Further Installation in CentOS

  9. Now move to the Terminal. Enter there WGET and insert the link that you just copied. After that, click on ENTER.
  10. Team to download the package before installing in CentOS

  11. Now the process of downloading a package from the specified site is being implemented. The rows displays current progress.
  12. Waiting for the completion of the package of the package from the storage in the CentOS

  13. When the string appears to enter, enter the Sudo Yum Install and specify the name of the package that just downloaded, including the file format. If you pay attention to the information presented in the console, you will easily find the very name of the program in the correct option.
  14. Command for installing a program from user storage in CentOS

  15. Confirm the action by specifying the password from the superuser account.
  16. Enter the password to confirm the installation of the program from user storage facilities in CentOS

  17. When information about the start of installation, press the Y key.
  18. Confirmation of file installation when installing software in CentOS

  19. Upon completion of the installation, it remains only to update the list of repositories by entering Sudo Yum Update.
  20. Update repository after installing the program in CentOS

  21. Confirm the update by selecting the appropriate answer.
  22. Confirm package update after installing software in CentOS

  23. In some cases, you will additionally have to execute the Sudo Yum Install command + the name of the program without versions and formats to complete the installation.
  24. Additional command to install software from custom repository in Centos

  25. If the notification appears to "perform nothing", then you can go to the launch of the software.
  26. Successful installation of software from custom repository in CentOS

  27. As can be seen in the screenshot below, the installation has passed successfully.
  28. Starting a program installed from user repository CENTOS

During the work of this method, we recommend copying and enter the name of the program installed, as a result, not to receive an error notification that is associated with the lack of the specified package in the system. Otherwise, no other difficulties have no difficulty with this option.

Method 5: TAR.GZ format archives

The last method is not related to RPM format packets themselves, however, it can be useful to those users who have failed to find the file of the appropriate format. This sometimes happens because some developers are preferred to lay out the Linux software in TAR.GZ format. Unpack and install such files will be more difficult, but still implemented. This topic dedicated separate article on our website. We recommend to familiarize yourself with it if the methods have not considered the methods. Just follow the manuals to successfully complete the unpacking and compilation.

Read more: Installing archives TAR.GZ in CentOS

These are all the methods that we wanted to tell in today's article. As you can see, there is a huge number of variations for installing programs in the CentOS. Use optimal instructions to quickly solve the task and move to direct interaction with software.

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