How to download music from VK in opera


Loading music from VKontakte in Opera browser

The VKontakte web resource has long ceased to be an ordinary social network. This is the largest portal for communicating, which contains a huge amount of content, including musical nature. In this regard, the urgent task of downloading music from this service to the computer, especially since the full-time tools is not provided for this. Let's figure out how to download music from VC using the Opera browser.

Download music from VK in opera

Standard browser tools Music from VKontakte will not be downloaded, but with the help of special extensions it will not be difficult. Let's talk about the most convenient of them.

Method 1: "Download Music VKontakte"

One of the most popular extensions specializing in downloading music from VC is "to download VKontakte music."

Install the Extension "Download Music VKontakte"

  1. In order to download it, go to the main menu of the Opera and in the list that appears, select the "Expansion" item. Next, go to the "Upload Extensions" section.
  2. Go to the official extension site through the main menu in the Opera browser

  3. We are transferring to the site of opera extensions. We drive into the search bar "Download VKontakte music" and click on the search start button.
  4. Switching to the search Add-ons Download Music VKontakte on the official extension website in Opera browser

  5. In the list of issuance, select the first result and move on it.
  6. Go to Add-ons page Download Music VKontakte from search results on the official extension website in Opera browser

  7. We fall on the expansion installation page. Click on a large green button "Add to Opera".
  8. Go to Add-ons page Download Music VKontakte from search results on the official extension website in Opera browser

  9. The installation process begins, during which the button changes the color to yellow.
  10. Installation procedure Add-on Download Music VKontakte on the official extension website in Opera browser

  11. After installing the installation, the button again returns the green color, and "installed" appears on it.
  12. Experience Download Music VKontakte installed on the official extension website in the Opera browser

  13. Now, in order to check the efficiency of the expansion, go to any page of the VKontakte social network, where music tracks are placed. To the left of their name there is a button on which you need to click to save the audio file on the PC.
  14. Go to download music on the site Volktakate with the help of extension Download music in VKontakte in Opera browser

  15. Loading will be performed by standard browser tools.

Method 2: Helper

The following extension that allows you to download audio recordings from VKontakte and other popular services, called Helper, but unlike the previous one, you can also download video from it.

  1. Installing this expansion is carried out through the Opera official store on the same algorithm as in the case of the VKontakte music addressed above.
  2. Transition to adding extension to Helper Web Learver on the official website of additions in the Opera browser

  3. After installing, when entering the VKontakte page, where the audio is placed, we bring the cursor to the name of the file you want to download. The icon in the form of the SaveFrom logo is displayed to the right of the name. When you hover the cursor, information about the size in megabytes and bitrate will appear. To start loading the selected music roller, click the left mouse button on this icon.
  4. Go to downloading music on the site Viked using the Helper extension in Opera browser

  5. A file saving window opens. We move in it to the directory where we want to place the loaded audio file, and click the "Save" button.
  6. Specifying the Music Conservation Directory from the site Will you contact the SaveFrom.NET Helper extension in the Save window as in Opera browser

  7. After that, the music will be saved in the specified area of ​​the hard disk of the computer and will be available for listening offline using standard media players.

Method 3: vkopt

One of the best extensions for working with the social network VKontakte through the Opera browser is Vkopt. Unlike such highly specialized additions, as the previous, other than downloading music and video, it provides a huge number of other features for working with this service. But we will focus in detail exactly on the download of audio files.

  1. After installing Vkopt, go to the website of the social network VKontakte. As you can see, its use makes significant changes to the interface of this resource. To go to the extension settings, click on the triangle near the user avatar.
  2. Switch to the Custom Social Network Menu Broadcast in Opera browser

  3. In the menu that appears, click on the "Vkopt" item.
  4. Transition to the VKOPT extension settings via the social network menu will be gained in the Opera browser

  5. We go to the Vkopt settings. Be sure to make sure that the download "Download audio" stood a check mark. Only in this case will be the ability to download music from VKontakte through this expansion.
  6. Audio activation in the VKOPT extension settings in Opera browser

  7. Now we can safely go to any page of VKontakte, where there are audio rings. As we see, now when you hover the cursor pointer on any track on the social network, an icon appears in the form of directional arrows. In order to start the download, click on it.
  8. Transition to download music on the site VKOPT using the vkopt extension in Opera browser

  9. The download is transmitted by the standard Opera browser tool designed to download files.
  10. Specifying the Directory of Music Saving from the site to VKOPT using the VKOPT extension in the Save window as in Opera browser

  11. After its completion, you can listen to music by running the file by any audio player.

    You can download music from VKontakte to a computer not only with Opera, but also in other browsers using additions or and special programs. Moreover, the same task can be solved on a smartphone with Android and iOS.

    Read more:

    How to download music with vkontakte

    How to save music from VK to phone

As you can see, the only convenient way to download music from the social network VKontakte is to install special add-ons. If, in addition, you do not need to expand the possibilities of working with this social network, it is best to install highly specialized tools "Download Music VKontakte" or SaveFrom. If you want not only to get the opportunity to download music, but also significantly expand the functionality of interaction with the service of the BCOPT, the best option will be the use of Vkopt.

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