How to disable the photo saving in whatsapp on android


How to disable photo saving in whatsapp android

The process of sharing photos through WhatsApp by default is the automatic saving of media files in the memory of the recipient's device when opening them in the Messenger application. This approach is largely acquitted, but can cause certain inconvenience and is often assessed by users negatively. In the article, consider all aspects of using the download function of the VATSAP photo to the Android device repository and the possibility of configuring its operation.

When the default settings are when you open an image in WhatsApp for Android, it is automatically saved to the device storage and is displayed in the gallery of your smartphone or tablet. Further, in the article, we first consider the installation of the ban on the implementation of the specified two possibilities, and in the final third part of the material we will demonstrate how to clear the memory of the device from the already downloaded from VatsaP media files.

Installing the ban on automatic download Photo from whatsapp for Android

So, the first thing that can be taken is to be attached if the functions of the messenger can cause an inconvenience (for example, the increased consumption of traffic to the device or too quickly filling out the free space of its memory) is deactivating the startup of the media files. Install the prohibition of its implementation is possible by two methods.

Method 1: Android OS

The most cardinal approach to solve the problem of termination of the uncontrolled preservation of VATSAP media files in memory of the device on Android implies a review of the permission to be issued to the permission to access the repository. The following instructions will suit exclusively to those users who do not plan to use the information exchange system under consideration for transmitting and receiving files, regardless of their type.

Note that, depending on the version of the mobile OS and the launcher used, the names of the options and menu items may differ from the described and captured on the screenshots below, but the general principle is one in all the options for Android!

  1. Enter the "Settings" of the mobile operating system to any preferred method. Next, open the category of parameters called "Appendix".
  2. WhatsApp for Android - transition to OS settings - application parameters section

  3. Click "All Applications". Then find the item "WhatsApp" in the list of the software installed on the device and tap it.
  4. Android - OS Settings - Applications - All Applications - WhatsApp

  5. On the display of the Messenger application, click "Application Permissions". Next, translate the "Storage" option located to the right of the name ("Memory") switch to the "Off" position. This configuration is complete - exit from "settings" android.
  6. WhatsApp for Android review Permits to access the application to the repository in the OS settings

  7. In fact, our task is solved - Run the VATSAP and make sure that now any messenger attempt to conduct any manipulation with the image will fail and displaying a request for permission issuance.
  8. Whatsapp for Android Access to the Warehouse of the Device from the application is missing

Method 2: WhatsApp settings

The WATSAP developers for Android provided in this version of the service client application the possibility of fairly flexible adjustment of various parameters, including the function belonging to the considered. This allows you to solve our task more "elegant" and "correctly" rather than those proposed above in the article.

  1. Run the messenger and go to "Settings". To do this, click on the appropriate item in the quantity of three vertically located points in the upper right corner of the menu screen.
  2. Whatsapp for Android - launch of the messenger, transition to the application settings

  3. Open the entry "Data and Storage" section of the VATSAP parameters.
  4. Whatsapp for Android section Data and storage in the settings of the messenger

  5. Next, you need to configure the work of two options:
    • Click "Mobile Network", remove the "Photo" checkbox in the displayed window and then tap "OK".
    • WhatsApp for Android - Disable Startup Photo via Mobile Network in Application Settings

    • Tap "Wi-Fi" and also, as in the previous case, release the checkbox "Photo" from the check mark, and then confirm the changes in the configuration of the "OK" configuration.
    • Whatsapp for Android - Startup deactivation Photo via Wi-Fi in the settings of the messenger

  6. After completing configuration, exit the "WATSAP" settings and you can proceed to normal messenger operation - now the images obtained through it uncontrollab in memory of the device will not fall.
  7. Whatsapp for Android Completing the configuration of the photo autoload function, output from the messenger settings

Turning off the demonstration Photo from whatsapp in the Android gallery

If your goal is to a greater extent, it does not save the place in the memory of the android smartphone / tablet or a traffic consumed by the device, and ordering photos in the built-in view of their viewing and systematization - "gallery", then you can use one of the following techniques.

Note that when using the first two instructions from those presented later in this section of the article, hidden in the gallery will be not only pictures, but also received via the messenger of videos, as well as GIF animation!

Method 1: Separate dialogues and groups

First, you can disable the display in the gallery not absolutely all the pictures that you viewed in WhatsApp, but only those that were obtained within a separate dialogue or group chat.

  1. Open the messenger and go to the plug-into the above manner.
  2. Whatsapp for Android is the launcher of the messenger, the transition to the chat to turn off the visibility of the media in the OS gallery

  3. Press three points to the right on behalf of the interlocutor or the group name at the top of the screen and select the "View contact" or "group data" accordingly.
  4. WhatsApp for Android - Calling Screen Group Data or Chat Contact View

  5. On the next screen, find the name "Visibility of Media" and tap it. In the window that opens, translate the radio button to the "No" position, tap "OK".
  6. WhatsApp for Android - Turning off the visibility of the media (in the gallery) in the chat settings

Method 2: All photos

To deactivate preservation in the gallery of absolutely all obtained from VATSAP media files:

  1. Run the messenger and open its main menu, tap "Settings".
  2. WhatsApp for Android transition to the messenger settings from the main menu of the application

  3. From the list of categories of application parameters, go to Chats. Next, deactivate the "Visibility of Media" switch.
  4. WhatsApp for Android Deactivation option Visibility media (in OS gallery) in the messenger settings

  5. On this, you close "Settings" and go to use WhatsApps in normal mode. The Android gallery will now cease to display the images obtained through the messenger.
  6. WhatsApp for Android - exit from the settings of the messenger

Method 3: File Manager

Another method with which you can prevent the display of photos from Vatsap to the gallery, is available for implementation using many "conductors" for Android (hereinafter in the example - ES File Explorer).

  1. Open the file manager and with it

    Starting a file manager for Android ES File Explorer

    Go along the path: WhatsApp / Media / Whatsapp Images /.

    Whatsapp for Android Go to the catalog with photos from the messenger using the conductor

  2. While in the Whatsapp Images folder, call the action menu - tap the vertically located points in the upper right corner of the screen. Select "+ Create" and then "File".
  3. WhatsApp for Android Creating a file in a folder with downloaded from the photo messenger

  4. In the name of the file being created, enter .nomedia . To complete the operation, tap "OK".
  5. WhatsApp for Android Creating a .nomedia file in a folder with photos from the messenger

  6. On this, all - images from the Whatsapp Images directory in the gallery will not be shown until you delete the above file .nomedia.
  7. Whatsapp for Android Deleting .nomedia file to display photos from the messenger in the OS gallery

In addition to other methods, hide from the gallery obtained through the WATSAP pictures possible using the media file media files integrated into the application itself.

  1. Enter the gallery and then open the Albums tab.
  2. Opening Android Gallery Go to the Albums tab

  3. Lay "Whatsapp Images" in the list of albums and long-lasting clicking on its name, call the menu. Select "Make Invisible", As a result, the catalog will stop displaying in the gallery, but will not stop its existence.
  4. Make album Whatsapp Images hidden in the Android gallery

Clearing memory from the photos loaded from whatsapp

The techniques described above in this article, involving the disabling automatic preservation of WATSAP images and / or their visibility to the Android gallery, are effective in relation to those media files that will be obtained after performing a particular procedure. To get rid of the "old" images, for example, to release the place occupied by them in the location repository, the tools or removal manually provided in the messenger are applied.

Method 1: Means of Messenger

In order to remove the photos obtained through WhatsApp for Android photos from the application, you can not even go out, and the cleaning of the smartphone storage from the medifyle is realizable here quite flexible.

Chat settings

  1. Discover the individual or group chat in the messenger. The photos obtained within the framework of the selected conversation and only these will be structures from the memory of the smartphone as a result of the following instructions. Touch the conversation header to go to the screen with information and options.
  2. WhatsApp for Android Opening a messenger, transition to chat to remove all photos from it and device memory

  3. Click on the name of the area, which is located under the avatar of the interlocutor or group and contains the preview of the pictures and video from the chat. On the screen that opens in the Media tab, select Removed photos - the first long press on its thumbnail, and the rest are short taps.
  4. Whatsapp for Android Go to the media section from the chat settings, the choice of deleted photos

  5. Touch the "Basket" icon at the top of the screen and confirm the request of the Messenger by clicking "Delete I" in the window that appears.
  6. Whatsapp for Android Removing the photo from the memory of the device

Application settings

  1. Run the watzap for Android and go to the "Settings" of the application from the called Troop by three located at the top of the screen to the right menu points.
  2. Whatsapp for Android Opening Messenger Settings

  3. Click "Data and Storage" and then "Storage". On the next screen, tap the correspondence header, within which the washed data is generated. By the way, the names of the interlocutors and the names of the groups in the list are ordered for those involved in the information of the memory of the device.
  4. WhatsApp for Android Settings - Data and Storage - Storage - Chat from which photos stored in memory

  5. Click "Release the place" in the lower right corner of the screen. Remove the marks from the on the right of all the names of the types of information received as part of the correspondence, except for the "Photo" (unless you want to delete other information simultaneously with pictures). Next, click "Delete Objects" at the bottom of the screen on the right. Confirm the request received from whatsapp, touching the "Delete Messages" in the window that appears.
  6. Whatsapp for Android Deleting photos obtained within a separate chat from the Messenger and Device Memory

  7. If the removal is subject to photo files obtained from a single correspondence, repeat the execution of the instructions for each of the cleaned conversations.
  8. WhatsApp for Android Deleting photos obtained from a separate chat from the messenger and device memory completed

Method 2: File Manager

Of course, if there are many dialogs and groups in Watsape, and in the process of receiving information from them, a large number of images have accumulated in the device's memory, cleaning the method described above may take a long time. More conveniently and to destroy all the photos downloaded by Messenger photos at a time to use any file manager.

  1. Run the "Explorer" for Android and go to the "Media" folder from the Whatsapp directory in the Device Storage.
  2. Android Running File Manager, Go to WhatsApp Applications Media folder

  3. Long pressing the name of the Whatsapp Images directory to highlight it. Click on the basket icon in the setup access to the Menu folder and then confirm the file manager.
  4. WhatsApp for Android Delete folder with photos loaded in memory messenger

  5. On this, all - the photos received through VATSAP and who have become unnecessary, now the photos will be erased from the memory of android-devices. If you want to use the ability to save a photo from the messenger in the future, it is not necessary to worry - a remote directory will be created automatically when the image load is initiated.
  6. Whatsapp for Android Cleaning memory from photographs saved by the messenger completed


From the above, it can be concluded that the developers of WhatsApp for Android took into account the existence of various models of the messenger and provided for the necessary tools to ensure comfort and meet the needs of each user of the application, in any case in the aspect of automatic downloading photos in the device's memory.

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