How to fix "Whea Uncorrectable Error" in Windows 10


How to fix

No matter how sad it sounds, but errors are an integral part of the Windows operating system. Someone from users they arise more often, someone less often. It is completely impossible to get rid of them, but fortunately, many of them can be corrected. In this article we will tell you how to solve the problem with the message "Whea Uncorrectable Error" in Windows 10.

Methods of correcting the error "WHEA UNCORRECTABLE ERROR"

First of all, it should be noted that the mentioned error may be caused by both the software failure and physical malfunction of the equipment. That is why eliminating it from the first time and surely it is not always possible. In practice, it looks like an ordinary BSOD ("Blue Death Screen" or "Blue Screen of Death").

Example Whea Uncorrectable Error error in Windows 10

We will offer several solution options for the problem you want to try first.

Method 1: "Command Line"

Before proceeding with the search for physical malfunctions of the equipment, we strongly recommend that you test the hard disk and the integrity of system files. Both of these operations are performed using the "Command Line" system utility.

  1. Press the Windows + R keys simultaneously. In the text string, the window appears, enter the CMD command. Then, holding the "Ctrl" and "SHIFT" simultaneously, press "ENTER" or the "OK" button in the same window. In this way, you run the "Command Line" snap from the administrator.

    Opening the snap-in to execute to start the utility command line in Windows 10

    Method 2: Checking updates

    The Windows 10 developers regularly release updates, and often they are both entailing errors and allow them to get rid of them. To solve our problem, do the following:

    1. Click the Windows + I keys simultaneously. In the "Parameters" window that opens, click the left mouse button to the "Update and Security" section.
    2. Go to Update and Security through the Options window in Windows 10

    3. As a result, you will find yourself immediately in the desired tab - "Windows Update Center". On the right side of the window, click the "Check for updates" button. This is especially done if there are no records about the absence of important patches next to the button.
    4. Pressing the button Check availability of updates in the Windows 10 options window

    5. After that, the search process will begin, download and install the missing updates. Wait until the operation is completed and restart the computer / laptop.
    6. The search process and installing updates via the options window in Windows 10

    Method 3: Driver Update

    Often, the "Whea UncorRectable Error" error occurs due to problems with drivers or their interaction with the operating system. That is why you can try to update the drivers of all devices. For these purposes, specialized software is suitable. We were told about the best applications of this kind in a separate article. We recommend to follow the link, familiarize yourself with the material and choose for yourself any program.

    Example program for automatic search and installation of drivers in Windows 10

    Read more: The best programs for installing drivers

    Method 4: Check RAM

    This method implies a verification of RAM for physical malfunction. For these purposes there are several specialized programs and system utilities. They will show if there are problems with RAM. If any will be detected, you should try to replace the damaged memory bar and check if the "Whea Uncorrectable Error" error will appear again. About applications for tests and the process of checking, we have previously written.

    The process of checking RAM to a special program in Windows 10

    Read more: Verification of RAM in Windows 10

    Method 5: Temperature Check

    If an error occurs, "Whea Uncorrectable Error" is extremely desirable to check the temperature of the computer component. In some cases, the reason for the problem under consideration is overheating, especially if the video card and / or processor suffers from such.

    Determination of permissible temperatures for equipment in Windows 10

    Read more: Measure computer temperature

    In the article on the link above you will find the instructions, how to find out the most allowable temperatures for different types of devices. If you reveal that they are exceeded or are on the verge of permissible, it is worth taking care of the proper cooling and replacement of the thermal paste (if it is about the CPU). In addition, it is mandatory to get rid of overclocking if you have dispersed the characteristics of the equipment.

    Method 6: "View Events"

    Each version and build of Windows 10 has a built-in logging function. It is represented as an application "View Events", which displays all errors and notifications about the operation of the operating system, the interaction of devices, etc. This tool allows you to more accurately determine the source of the "WHEA Uncorrectable Error" error. To do this, just run the application after the problem occurs and find detailed information about what happened. About how to do it, you can learn from the article on the link below. Next, learning a description of the problem, use the search on the main page of our site and find the material to solve it.

    View the latest events in Windows 10 to determine the cause of the error

    Read more: View "Magazine Error" in Windows 10

    Thus, you learned about the basic ways to correct the error "Whea Uncorrectable Error". Remember that the cause of the problem can wage much deeper, for example, in insufficient voltage on the processor. It is not recommended to change it to independently, in order not to harm the "gland" - in such cases it is better to contact the specialists.

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