How to fix the error 0x80070002 in Windows 10


How to fix the error 0x80070002 in Windows 10

It's no secret that the latest version of the Windows operating system is far from ideal. When using it, various problems appear. And this may occur at the wrong time. From this article, you will learn how to fix the error 0x80070002 on devices running Windows 10.

Entry 0x80070002 errors in Windows 10

It should be immediately noted that mostly said error occurs when trying to install updates or download system "patches". The message about it looks like this:

An example of 0x80070002 errors in Windows 10

Much less often problems are observed when running third-party software and while working with a Windows shopping store. Next, we will consider several basic methods that will help correct the error for certain cases. Be sure to read the description of each method, since we will specify, in what situation it is better to use it.

Method 1: "troubleshooting means"

This method is ideal for cases when an error 0x80070002 appears when you try to find or install Windows updates. To solve the problem, we will use the built-in system utility specified in the title. In practice, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. Click on the keyboard at the same time "Windows" and "I". The "Parameters" window opens, in which you want to click on the "Update and Security" section.

    Go to Update and Security through the Options window in Windows 10

    Method 2: Deactivation of protective software

    Sometimes the cause of the error 0x80070002 is antivirus. The fact is that with strict scanning mode, it can block the desired system files. The solution in such situations is obvious - to disable protective software for a while. About how to do it right, we wrote in a separate manual.

    Example of anti-virus software deactivation in Windows 10

    Read more: Disable antivirus

    Method 3: Cleaning updates

    This method should be used in cases where the error occurs when installing Windows updates. It consists in cleaning the system from all previously loaded system components. Need to do the following:

    1. First, go to the DataStore folder. It is located on the path listed below:

      C: \ Windows \ SoftWaredistribution \

      Then remove all the content from the specified directory. As a rule, this is a folder with logs and two additional files.

    2. Cleaning the DataStore system folder in Windows 10

    3. Next, use the "Windows + R" key combination to call the "Run" snap. Enter the CleanMGR command in it, then click OK.

      Entering the CleanMGR command in the snap window to run on Windows 10

      Method 4: Enabling date and time synchronization

      A large number of applications in Windows 10 require a correctly installed date and time to work properly. Sometimes 0x80070002 error can be corrected by banal enabling data synchronization of parameters. This method can be used in all cases. You will need the following:

      1. Click to the left mouse button on the icon with the time and the date in the tray on the "taskbar". In the menu that appears, select the string marked in the screenshot below.
      2. Go to the date and time settings through the taskbar in Windows 10

      3. In the window that opens, click Synchronize. In addition, you can try to enable the function of the automatic date and time setting function by changing the position of the corresponding switches.
      4. Synchronization of date and time in the Options window on Windows 10

      5. After that, try to perform actions again due to which the error 0x80070002 appeared.

      Method 5: User Change

      This method will be solely to those users who face the error when using the built-in Windows Store. As a rule, the problem is observed when downloading or updating the application through it. In such situations, the banal change of user helps. About how to switch to the other correctly from one account, we wrote in a separate manual.

      Example of a user shift on devices running Windows 10

      Read more: Switching between user accounts in Windows 10

      Method 6: "Windows services"

      If other methods do not help get rid of the error when updating the operating system, then you should check the settings of special services that are responsible for this. In this case, we will implement it, we will not through the familiar utility "service", but through the "command line" that simply save you time.

      1. Press the Windows + R keys simultaneously to start the "Run" snap. In the Utilities text field, enter the CMD command. Then, holding the "Ctrl + Shift" simultaneously, press the "ENTER" keyboard. These actions will allow you to use the "Command Line" on behalf of the administrator.

        Start snap-in command line on behalf of the administrator through the Utility to execute in Windows 10

        Method 7: File integrity check

        For various reasons, the OS files may be damaged or simply removed. This may negatively affect many aspects of Windows work, including the error 0x80070002. Fortunately, in the latest version of Windows, there are built-in utilities that allow you to check and correct similar shortcomings. We have previously described these processes in the details, so just follow the link below and read the algorithm of their execution.

        Checking the integrity of system files through the command line utility in Windows 10

        Read more: Using and restoring system file integrity check in Windows 10

        Taking advantage of all or some ways considered above, you can get rid of the 0x80070002 error. As a conclusion, we will remind that in the most "heavy" and running cases, you can always restore the system to the initial state with the loss of personal files or their saving.

        Read more: We restore Windows 10 to the original state

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