Driver for AMD High Definition Audio Device


Driver for AMD High Definition Audio Device

Users of computers collected on the "gland" AMD may have problems receiving drivers for the High Definition Audio Device component. In the article Next, we will tell you how you can get a software for this equipment.

Drivers for AMD High Definition Audio Device

By the name of the device it becomes clear that it is responsible for working with sound. However, this is not a separate decision, and the codec embedded in the motherboard chipset, so the driver for it is complete with the software for the "motherboard".

Method 1: Official site AMD

Software card kit is the easiest way to get from the manufacturer's official website.

Open site AMD

  1. Go to the web resource according to the link provided, then go to the "Drivers and Support" menu item.
  2. Open drivers and support on AMD website to get AMD High Definition Audio Device software

  3. In the search engine you need to select the "ChipSets" parameter and specify the series and the model specifically your board.

    Important! The model "motherboard" needs to find out exactly because the software is not universal for them!

    Method 2: third-party program

    A little less reliable, but a more convenient way to obtain software for the equipment under consideration - download using a special driver-driver. There are mass of such solutions in the market, the most convenient of them we looked at the comparative review.

    Read more: The best programs for installing drivers

    From the above-mentioned applications, we want to mark the DriverPack Solution: a large base of supported components, the availability of the Russian language and the full free free of charge do this application with a good choice.

    Download driver for AMD High Definition Audio Device by means of Driverpaca

    Lesson: DRIVERPACK Solution

    Method 3: Identifier Element

    To solve the task, you can do without installing third-party programs - it is enough just to get the hardware ID of the considered tool and use it on a special site. The code of the audio codec of AMD looks like this:

    HDAUDIO \ FUNC_01 & VEN_1002

    The method of using the ID to search for service software has already been discussed in a separate manual, which give a link below.

    Lesson: Search for drivers on the device ID

    Method 4: Built-in Windows Tool

    You can download software for the audio code in the AMD board and via system capabilities of Windows. The essence of the method is to boot the driver from the Windows Update Servers through the Utility in the Device Manager. We also considered this option in details in another article.

    Get a driver for AMD High Definition Audio Device through system tools

    Lesson: Installing Drivers With Systems

    As you can see, receiving drivers for AMD High Definition Audio Device is not the hardest task. The only difficulty that may occur - outdated software versions that are poorly compatible with modern releases of Windows.

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