How to reset iTunes iPhone


How to reset iTunes iPhone

In order to prepare the iPhone to sell or simply return it to the original state, you must perform a reset procedure, during which all data is erased. Read more about how to do it, read in the article.

Reset iPhone.

The solution of the tasks assigned to us can be implemented in two ways - through the iTunes program for PC or in the "settings" of the mobile device itself. Below we will look at each of them, but first prepare for the implementation of this procedure.

Preparatory measures

Before moving to deleting data from the device, you must disable the "Find iPhone" function, since otherwise nothing will work. About how it is done on the iPhone with IOS 12 and the previous versions we wrote in a separate article, the reference to which is given below. Next, we will tell you what actions should be performed in iOS 13.

Read more: How to disable the "Find iPhone" function in iOS 12

  1. Open the "Settings" and tap on the name of your Apple ID profile.
  2. Go to Apple ID settings on iPhone

  3. Next Touch the locator item.
  4. Select the locator point in the iPhone settings

  5. Click "Find iPhone".
  6. Selecting item Find iPhone on iPhone

  7. Deactivate the switch located opposite the same name.
  8. Disable the function to find the iPhone on the iPhone

  9. Confirm your intentions by entering the password in the pop-up window and then click on the inscription "OFF"
  10. Enter the password to disable the function to find the iPhone on the iPhone

Method 1: iTunes

Connect the iPhone to a computer by a complete USB cable and follow these steps:

Method 2: iPhone

As we have already told above, you can perform the reset on your mobile device, and this approach is faster and just comfortable.

  1. Open the iPhone "Settings" and go to the "Basic" section.
  2. How to reset iTunes iPhone

  3. Scroll through the open page down and click on the inscription "Reset".
  4. How to reset iTunes iPhone

  5. Next, select "Reset Content and Settings", after which you confirm your intentions.
  6. How to reset iTunes iPhone

    This action will launch the desired procedure that can last 10-20 minutes. Wait until the welcome message appears on the screen, which will signal its successful completion.

Solving possible problems

In some cases, an iPhone discharge attempt through the iTunes program may fail. There are a lot of reasons for such a problem, and it can manifest itself both in the form of a banal interrupt or failure, and more specifically, expressing in the number error. In the latter case, the decision to find much easier, in the rest will have to try different ways. Fortunately, on our site there are separate articles dedicated to this topic, and if you failed to erase the data from the phone, we recommend to get acquainted with them.

Read more:

How to restore iPhone through iTunes

What to do if the iPhone is not restored via iTunes

Possible errors in iTunes and their elimination


We reviewed two possible ways to reset the iPhone, and each of them equally effectively solves this task. Possible problems with which you can encounter during the implementation of this procedure are often easily eliminated.

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