Drivers for AMD Mobility Radeon HD 5000 Series


Drivers for AMD Mobility Radeon HD 5000 Series

Now AMD is becoming increasingly popular, leading an active struggle with its main competitor. Accordingly, many different laptops are equipped with built-in graphic chips from this manufacturer. From owners of such devices, only one is required to download suitable drivers to ensure the correct operation of the device. Today, we will take a whole series of adapters called AMD Mobility Radeon HD 5000 Series, telling exactly how to download and install the software by all available methods.

We are looking for and downloading drivers for video cards AMD Mobility Radeon HD 5000 Series

The best way to receive drivers is the use of a carrier coming with a laptop. However, less and less laptops have a built-in drive, which makes such an installation impossible, and then will have to look for an alternative. They will be placed in the order of efficiency and ease of use, so it is worth starting from the first.

Method 1: AMD Catalyst Software Suite

On the official website of the manufacturer of components there are always drivers of all supported models, and the AMD Mobility Radeon HD 5000 Series applies to AMD MOBILITY RADEON HD 5000 SERIES. Additionally, developers are monitoring the performance of the laid out of the installers and protect you from infection with viruses when downloading them, which makes such a method for receiving drivers most reliable.

Go to the official site AMD

  1. Use the following link to go to the AMD Support Main Page. Here, use the table with the sections or simply enter the name of the video card to the appropriate string. Consider that HD 5000 is a whole series of video cards, among which there are different models, and you should find exactly the laptop.
  2. Select the video card model to download drivers from the official site AMD Radeon

  3. Make sure the choice is correct, and then click on the "Send" button.
  4. Go to search for AMD Radeon drivers on the official website

  5. A new page will be released where the current version of the operating system has to be selected. Expand the corresponding list by clicking on the appropriate line. At the same time, take into account the bit.
  6. Select the version of the operating system to download AMD Radeon drivers from the official website

  7. So far, the stable version of software is Catalyst, so we advise you to download this particular tool that is responsible for installing and ensuring the driver configuration.
  8. Running download drivers for AMD Radeon video card from the official site

  9. The EXE file is started. Wait for the end of this operation, and then run it to start installation.
  10. Waiting for the download of AMD Radeon drivers from the official website

  11. Select a suitable location for storing files. By default, the system partition is selected, so it is not necessary to change it. After that, click on the "Install" button.
  12. Starting the Unpacking Installer AMD Radeon downloaded from the official site

  13. Expect the unpacking of the installation files.
  14. Waiting for the Unpacking Installer Unpacking AMD Radeon downloaded from the official site

  15. In the Settings Manager menu that appears, specify the interface language convenient for you, and then click on "Next".
  16. Selecting a place to install AMD Radeon drivers from the official website

  17. It is proposed to choose a quick or user installation. In the case of the current series of video cards, there is no difference, because no additional components will be added to the system.
  18. Selecting AMD Radeon Drivers Installation options from the official site

  19. Wait for the OS configuration analysis and embedded equipment.
  20. Waiting for the system analysis when installing AMD Radeon drivers from the official site

  21. At the component selection stage, make sure that the check mark is installed near the installation manager, since this is the main software that is responsible for the correctness of the functioning of the graphics chip.
  22. Selecting Components for Installing AMD Radeon Drivers from the Official Site

  23. Accept the license agreement to start the installation.
  24. Confirmation of the license agreement when installing AMD Radeon drivers from the official website

  25. You will be notified of the successful completion of this operation.
  26. Successful completion of the installation of AMD Radeon drivers from the official website

Now you can safely close the installation manager window and restart the computer so that all changes entered into force. Added only software will be used to configure the graphics, if required, and the driver itself is already considered installed and operates correctly.

Method 2: AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin

AMD has developed an alternative version of the driver, the main feature of which is to automatically search for the missing software when scanning the system, and then they are downloaded from the official server and added to Windows. If the previous instruction seemed too difficult to you or could not determine the exact model of the equipment, we advise you to perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the AMD Support page for the link indicated in the method 1. Here, go down and in the "Automatic Schedule Detection" section, click on the "Download Now" button.
  2. Download utilities for automatic installation of AMD Radeon drivers from the official site

  3. It will start loading the executable object, which after the one should run.
  4. Starting the installer utilities for automatic installation of AMD Radeon drivers from the official website

  5. Select a place to install the software that performs the scanning system.
  6. Installing the Utility for Automatic Installation of AMD Radeon Drivers

  7. Follow the instructions displayed in a new window to successfully complete the installation. This stage is practically no different from the one we have demonstrated when analyzing the previous version.
  8. Working with AMD Radeon utility for automatic driver installation

    After successful installation, as well as in the method described above, you should restart the PC so that new drivers start their work. Additionally added to the Windows utility from time to time will check the availability of updates, which will always use the current version of software for your equipment.

    Method 3: Official Laptop Manufacturer Website

    As you already know from the information above, the series of video cards AMD Mobility Radeon HD 5000 Series is mobile, therefore, is installed in laptops. Manufacturers of such models on their official websites also provide support for drivers, which allows you to upload files from there. Let's consider this operation on the example of the well-known HP brand.

    1. Open the company's support page that has released a laptop model. Here, find the section with the drivers.
    2. Transition to the search for drivers for AMD Radeon on the official website of the laptop manufacturer

    3. Navigate to the search for models to find the desired one.
    4. Go to search for a laptop on the official website for downloading AMD Radeon drivers

    5. You can use the search by specifying the model number and clicking on "send".
    6. Successful search for a laptop on the official website for downloading AMD Radeon drivers

    7. Expand the "Driver Chart" section or find the appropriate files in the overall list.
    8. Opening a section with drivers for download by AMD Radeon

    9. Select the appropriate software version and click on "Download".
    10. Selecting the AMD Radeon driver version on the official website of the laptop manufacturer

    11. Often, developers offer to use their boot assistant, but you can and get a file to install yourself, refusing this offer.
    12. Starting the download driver for AMD Radeon from the official website of the laptop manufacturer

    The driver itself will be downloaded in the form of an EXE installer, and its installation is carried out by an already familiar to the whole principle. In most cases, when using this method, the user receives the same files that it could download from the official site of the video card manufacturer, the difference is only in the availability of versions and differences in the interface, so everyone is able to choose the optimal option.

    Method 4: Sided Software For Drivers Installation

    Third-party developers create many popular solutions that are significantly simplifying the life of ordinary inexperienced users. The list of such software has both the tools responsible for automatic equipment scans and search for the missing drivers. We advise you to use this method if the previous ones seem complex or when they are used, unforeseen errors occur. Follow the link below to learn about the task of the task on the example of Driverpack Solution.

    Download drivers for AMD Radeon through third-party programs

    See also: Install drivers via DriverPack Solution

    Approximately the same principle employs analogs of this program. If it turned out to be unsuitable or you prefer other solutions for personal reasons, perhaps other popular at the same nature will seem interesting. We offer their list to find out in a separate review on our website at the following link.

    READ ALSO: Programs for installation of drivers

    Method 5: Embedded Graphic Adapter ID

    Each computer component has its own unique number. It is it used by other programs and an operating system to determine the equipment. Special web services have been created on this soil with their databases. In them, the user enters a specific identifier and can receive suitable drivers for installation. All detailed instructions on this topic with an explanation for finding the corresponding identifier are looking for in the material from another of our author.

    Download drivers for AMD Radeon through a unique identifier

    Read more: How to find a driver by ID

    Method 6: Standard OS

    We have set a method with standard Windows tools at the last place, since it is rarely effective, but allows you to install drivers without preloading additional components. Nothing prevents you from trying this option if others are not satisfied for any reason. You will find more detailed instructions in a separate article by clicking on the title below.

    Download drivers for AMD Radeon standard Windows tools

    Read more: Installing Driver Standard Windows

    In this article, we told about 6 ways to install drivers for AMD Mobility Radeon HD 5000 Series video cards. You can only explore them all and determine which one will be optimal in the current situation.

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