Drivers for HP LaserJet M2727NF


Drivers for HP LaserJet M2727NF

The HP LaserJet M2727NF model printer will interact correctly with the computer only after installing the drivers to the operating system. You can cope with the task in different ways. Each of them implies the implementation of a specific algorithm of action. As part of this material, we want to focus on all available methods, describing in detail each so that users can pick up the optimal search and installation option for themselves.

We are looking for and install the HP LaserJet M2727NF printer drivers

The first and most effective method will not be affected today, because it does not need a detailed description. Its essence is to use the disk that comes with the printer. The user will simply be enough to insert it into the PC and run the installation procedure. However, now many computers are not equipped with a drive or the disc itself can be lost, so we paid more attention to the following available options.

Method 1: HP LaserJet M2727NF Support Page

On the official website of the company HP regularly appear updates of product files, if such are generally produced. The printed device under consideration is still supported, which means that drivers can download drivers from the support page. There is nothing complicated in the implementation of this procedure, it will only be necessary to follow such a guide:

Go to HP Support Page

  1. Enter the above link or yourself. Go to the HP Support Main page, where open the "software and drivers" section.
  2. Transition to the support section on the official website for downloading drivers for the HP LaserJet M2727NF printer

  3. In this category, click on the "Printer" section to open the selection form of products.
  4. Selecting the type of equipment for downloading the HP LaserJet M2727NF printer drivers through the official website

  5. After the corresponding form appears, use a special string by entering the model name there, and then click on the appropriate option from the search results.
  6. Entering the product name for downloading HP printer printer drivers through the official website

  7. Almost always the current operating system is determined correctly, but sometimes the user is required to obtain other versions of files or the means worked incorrectly. Then you need to click on the inscription "Select another OS".
  8. Go to the selection of the operating system to download the HP LaserJet M2727NF printer drivers from the official website

  9. A separate table will appear. In it, specify the optimal operating system and its version, given the discharge.
  10. Selecting the operating system for downloading the HP LaserJet M2727NF printer drivers through the official website

  11. After that, expand the driver list by clicking on the icon in the form of a plus next to the inscription.
  12. View the list of available drivers for the HP LaserJet M2727NF printer through the official website

  13. It remains only to click on the "Download" button, which is located near the name of the appropriate software version.
  14. Start downloading drivers for the HP LaserJet M2727NF printer through the official website

  15. Download the executable file or archive will begin. When the download is completed, run the EXE object to start the installation. Follow the instructions displayed on the screen to successfully perform the task.
  16. Waiting for the download of the HP LaserJet M2727NF printer drivers from the official website

After a successful work of the task, do not forget to reconnect the printer, if at the moment it has been connected to the computer, because only after that, all changes will take effect and can be proceeding with the correct interaction with the device.

Method 2: HP Support Assistant utility

HP is interested in the owners of their products have experienced any difficulties in its use. Especially for this was created a utility that in semi-automatic mode produces scanning of connected branded devices and allows you to quickly download software updates for them. If the previous method seemed difficult to you or no desire to use it, we recommend resorting to the next instruction.

Download HP Support Assistant from the official website

  1. You can move yourself to the page to download the HP Support Assistant utility or use the link left to do it. On the open tab, click on the "Download HP Support Assistant" button.
  2. Running the download utility HP Support Assistant from the official site

  3. Starting the executable file, which acts as an installer. After downloading, run it.
  4. Waiting for the download of the HP Support Assistant utility from the official website

  5. When you read the Installation Master, learn the basic information, and then go to the next step by clicking the "Next" button.
  6. Starting the HP Support Assistant utility installer after successful download

  7. It will take to confirm the agreement on the use of the utility, because only after that the installation will begin.
  8. Confirmation of the license agreement to install the HP Support Assistant utility

  9. Expect the end of unpacking the installation files.
  10. Waiting for the installation of the HP Support Assistant utility

  11. After that, the Installation of HP Support Assistant will start automatically. It remains only to wait for the end of this procedure and run the program itself.
  12. HP Support Assistant Utility Installation Process

  13. In the main window, find the inscription "Check availability of updates and messages" and click on it with the left mouse button.
  14. Start checking driver updates via HP Support Assistant utility

  15. To successfully perform the analysis of the system, you will need to connect to the Internet, since the files must be downloaded through the official HP storage.
  16. Waiting for the completion of the search for driver updates through the HP Support Assistant utility

  17. If updates are found, the "Update" button is activated in the tile with the name of the printer brand. Click on it to go to view files available for installation.
  18. Button to install driver updates via HP Support Assistant utility

  19. Highlight the checkboxes necessary to install the program, and then click on "Download and Install".
  20. Selection of components for installation through the HP Support Assistant utility

As in the case with the previous method, the changes made after the installation of the drivers will take effect only after the device is repeatedly connected. To do this, you can pull out and insert a cable into a USB or simply restart the printer, double-click on the corresponding button on the housing.

Method 3: third-party

There are special programs that allow you to install drivers in automatic mode, they also search for files for updating. This method will suit those users who do not want to perform unnecessary actions or faces difficulties in the implementation of previous options. Additionally, we note that most of these programs allow you to immediately check all the peripherals and components, finding the update for them, so this option will be optimal for those who only installed the OS. Detailed instructions for using such software on the DRIVERPACK Solution example, you will find in the other instruction using the reference below.

Download drivers for HP printer through third-party programs

See also: Install drivers via DriverPack Solution

If the above application is not suitable for any reason, we advise you to choose an alternative by examining our separate review by clicking on the reference below. The instructions previously, on the example, the DRIVERPACK can be considered universal, since many similar tools operate approximately the same principle and do not differ much, which is especially related to the interface design.

Read more: The best programs for installing drivers

Method 4: ID HP LaserJet M2727NF

The next method we want to affect today's material is associated with the unique identifier of the printer under consideration. Usually it is used by Windows or other software for the correct detection of the product model. Additionally, this code can be used as a device for determining the device model through special sites specializing in the provision of drivers. We will help you simplify the implementation of the task, providing the HP LaserJet M2727NF printer ID.

USB \ Vid_045e & Pid_0291

Download drivers for the HP LaserJet M2727NF printer through a unique identifier

Now you can only select a web service to enter this code there and download the found files. Read more about this in the learning article on our website, using the following clicable heading. The author of this manual described the principle of interaction with several popular thematic sites, so you can easily choose a convenient option for yourself.

Read more: How to find a driver by ID

Method 5: Built-in Windows

Many users know about the existence of the "Devices and Printers" menu in the Windows operating system. From there you can manage the connected devices and view them all. However, there is a single interesting option called "Installing the Printer". It is she who will help to install drivers for this periphery in automatic mode without the need to download additional files or programs. In a separate material on our site you will find deployed auxiliary guides and learn about the principles of doing this method.

Download drivers for HP printer with standard Windows tools

Read more: Installing drivers with standard Windows tools

Above, we led all available options for implementing the goal. Now you know that there are different ways to install drivers for the HP LaserJet M2727NF model in Windows.

Read more