How to scan code in whatsapp


How to scan code in whatsapp

Mobile versions of WhatsApp applications are equipped with a QR code scanner module that is required for authorization in the messenger account through its desktop client and / or system web interface. Not all users know how to use the scanner, and in the article we will look at the procedure for its call and apply from Android smartphone and iPhone.

Scan QR code WhatsApp

Before scanning the VATSAP code, it is necessary, firstly, make sure that the main one (the front transmission operation is unrealizable) the smartphone camera is properly functioning.


  1. On the desktop iPhone tap "Settings". Next, the opened list of parameters and find "WhatsApp" in the list of programs installed in the IOS environment. Click on the name of the messenger.
  2. Whatsapp for iOS in the iPhone settings - choose to provide permissions

  3. In the displayed list "Allow access to WhatsApp program", activate the switch located to the right of the item (or simply make sure that the option is enabled). Next, we leave from the "IOS settings" - now nothing will prevent successful scanning code to activate the WhatsApp desktop client or its web version through the messenger program on the iPhone.
  4. WhatsApp for iPhone Providing permission to use the camera to use the camera in the IOS settings

How to scan code in whatsapp for Android

In the WhatsApp application for Android, the path to the code scanner call to activate the messenger client on a computer or tablet next.

  1. Open the desktop version of the messenger.

    WhatsApp program for Windows

    Additionally . In rare cases, the execution of the proposed instructions does not lead to any visible consequences. Then you need to restart the Messenger program for Windows or Reload this Page WhatsApp Web and repeat the scanning again.

    How to scan the code in whatsapp for iPhone

    Using the WhatsApp for the iPhone program, scanned by the Messenger client on a PC or its web version of the QR code is not more difficult than using the Android-smartphone described above.

    1. Open the application of the messenger on the desktop or laptop.

      Launch WhatsApp application for Windows

      Either go to any overview for Windows to allow you to use the WhatsApp information exchange system through the web interface address.

      Open WhatsApp Web site

      Open WhatsApp Web site

    2. On the iPhone, you launch the Messenger program and click on the "Settings" icon located at the bottom panel.
    3. Whatsapp for iPhone Starting Messenger, Go to Settings

    4. Next, select "WhatsApp Web" in the list of parameters, which will lead to the launch of the QR code scanner. If a session of access to a messenger account with a computer or tablet has already been initiated, additionally need to tap "Scan QR code".
    5. WhatsApp for iphone Starting a QR code scanner to activate the messenger on a PC or its web version

    6. Before moving to the solution of the iphone task, voiced in the header header, it is necessary to touch the displayed mobile version of the animation-tip animation messenger. Next, we put an image of the code to the scan area on the scan of the mobile device on the screen of the mobile device.
    7. WhatsApp for iOS QR code scanning process in messenger on computer or tablet screen

    8. The operation is completed by the automatic closure of the scanner module on the smartphone

      WhatsApp for iPhone QR code of activation of the messenger on a PC or tablet is scanned successfully

      and activating an additional messenger client on a computer or tablet.

      WhatsApp for the iPhone - a pick-up application of the messenger after scanning code activated

    Additionally . In a situation where the scanning execution proposed does not bring the result, restarting the matching applications-WhatsApp clients, and then repeat the procedure again!


    As you can see, the QR code scan operation using WhatsApp applications for Android and iOS is extremely simple and implemented by any, even the novice user of the messenger literally in a few seconds.

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