How to delete a program from iPad


How to delete a program from iPad

If the need to use a particular application on the iPad disappeared or is required to release a place in its internal storage, you should resort to the removal procedure. Next, we will tell you how it is performed.

Application uninstalling on iPad

The mobile operating system, which runs the tablet from Apple, provides two options for removing applications - their direct uninstallation, which can be performed in two ways, and timing. And if everything is clear with the first, then the second requires explanation - the device will remain on the device and some of its data will remain, but their main array will be erased. This is a good solution if the task is to temporarily release the place in memory. Consider more each of the designated methods.

Method 2: "Settings"

You can get rid of an unnecessary application in the "Settings" iPados (iOS), you can also download it if you want to temporarily free up the location in the repository, while saving the possibility of quick access and basic software component data.

  1. Open the "Settings", tap "Basic" to the left, and then in the right area, select "Ipad Store".
  2. Switch to the Storage Settings on the iPad

  3. Wait until the drive is completed, a list of all installed programs will be shown, and the size of the space occupied by them will be displayed to the right.
  4. List of all installed iPad applications

  5. Find the application you want to download or delete, tap it, after which, depending on the task set, do one of the following:

Option 1: Shipping applications

  1. On the page that opens, click on the inscription "Download Applied".
  2. Select option download application on iPad

  3. Confirm your intentions by touching the item in the pop-up window.
  4. Confirmation of the shipping application on the iPad

  5. Wait for the completion of the procedure.
  6. Result of successful shipping application on iPad

    As a result, the size of the program occupied will decrease significantly (often less than 1 MB remains more often) and you will have the opportunity to reinstall it or if such a need arises, completely uninstall.

    Note: Reinstall the shredded application is not only from "Settings" iPados, but also from the main screen - just click on its label, after which the re-loading procedure will be started. Visually, the icons of such applications do not differ from those installed, only the left of their name will be closed.

    Example of download icons for iPad

Option 2: Deleting applications

If your task is precisely in uninstalling, finding the list of installed more unnecessary program and turn on its page, tap "Delete Application".

Transition to the removal of an application on the iPad

And then select the item of the same time in the appeared window with a question to confirm your actions.

Confirmation of the application deletion in iPad settings

After a moment, the program will be removed, its label will disappear from the "settings" and the "Home" screen, and the previously occupied space will be released on the Aipad drive.

Note: You can download and delete not only third-party programs that were installed from the App Store are possible to do with many pre-installed components, if you do not plan to use them. Such includes office applications Pages, Numbers, Keynote; Teams, books, podcasts, tips, cards, reminders, calendar, notes, iTunes, Apple TV and some others.

Ability to ship and delete preset applications on iPad


We reviewed two ways to delete applications on the iPad, as well as how to perform their shipment. In both cases, the procedure is quite simple and can be performed even a newcomer in the IOS / iPados environment.

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