Windows 10: Not all RAM is used


Windows 10 is used not all RAM

WINDOVS 10 users in the X64 edition often face the following problem: in the properties of the system, the available amount of RAM is displayed as two or even four times smaller than the installed. Today we will tell you with what it is connected with and how to include all RAM.

Eliminate the problem with unused RAM

The reasons for the described problem exist a lot. First of all, the source is a software failure in the definition of RAM. Also, the error appears and due to the hardware fault as a module or modules and the motherboard. Let's start with software problems.

Method 1: Windows Setup

The first cause of problems using the "RAM" - incorrect settings of the operating system, as a rule, the parameters of working with these components.

  1. On the "Desktop", click the Win + R key combination. In the "Run" window, enter the msconfig command and click OK.
  2. Open OS setup utility to solve a problem with unused RAM in Windows 10

  3. Open the "Load" tab, locate the "Advanced Settings" button and click on it.
  4. Additional download options for solving a problem with unused RAM in Windows 10

  5. In the next window, locate the "Maximum Memory" option and remove the mark from it, then click OK.

    Disable the maximum memory to solve the problem with unused RAM in Windows 10

    Click "Apply" and "OK", and then restart the computer.

  6. Apply download changes to solve a problem with unused RAM in Windows 10

Method 2: "Command Line"

You should also try to disable multiple options available through the "Command Line".

  1. Open "Search", in which start typing the command command. After detecting the result, select it, then refer to the menu on the right and use the startup item on the name of the administrator.
  2. Open the command line to solve the problem with unused RAM in Windows 10

  3. After the command input interface appears, write the following:


    Entering the first command to solve a problem with unused RAM in Windows 10

    Press ENTER, then write the following command and again use the input key again.

    BCDEDIT / SET PAE Forceenable

  4. Second team to solve the problem with unused RAM in Windows 10

  5. After changing the parameters, close the "command prompt" and restart the computer.
  6. This method is a more advanced version of the first.

Method 3: BIOS Setup

The wrong settings of the microprogram "Mother" are not excluded. Parameters should be checked and changed.

  1. Enter the bios by any suitable method.

    Log in BIOS to solve a problem with unused RAM in Windows 10

    Lesson: how to enter BIOS

  2. BIOS interfaces are different from different maternal manufacturers, respectively, the options you need. They are usually in the "Advanced" or "Chipset" sections. Exemplary names give further:
    • "Memory Remapping";
    • "H / W DRAM OVER 4GB Remapping";
    • "H / W Memory Hole Remapping";
    • "Hardware Memory Hole";
    • "Memory Hole Remapping";
    • "Memory Remap Feature".

    Parameters need to be enabled - as a rule, it is sufficient to move the corresponding option to the "ON" or "Enabled" position.

  3. Enable memory reassignment to solve the problem with unused RAM in Windows 10

  4. Press F10 to save the changes and download the computer.
  5. If you can not find suitable items, it is possible that the manufacturer has blocked such an opportunity on your model "Mother". In this case, it will help either firmware a new version of the firmware, or replacing the system board.

    Method 4: Reducing the memory used by the built-in video card

    PC users or laptops without a discrete video card are often faced with the problem under consideration, since the solution built into the processor uses "RAM". Part of it is fixed behind the integrated graphics, and the volume of the RAM involved can be changed. This is done as follows:

    1. Enter the BIOS (step 1 of the previous way) and switch to the Advanced tab or any where this term appears. Next, find items that are responsible for the work of the Graphic Subsystem. They may be called "UMA Buffer Size", "Internal GPU Buffer", "Igpu Shared Memory" and in such a way. Usually the steps of the volume are fixed and lower it below the definite threshold will not work, so set the minimum possible value.
    2. Set the memory value to solve the problem with unused RAM in Windows 10

    3. In the UEFI shell, look for "Advanced" sections, System Configuration and simply "Memory".

      Open Shared Memory options to solve the problem with unused RAM in Windows 10

      Next, open the System Agent Configuration sections, "Advanced Memory Settings", "Integrated Graphics Configuration" or the like, and set the required volume by analogy with text bios.

    4. Set the Shared Memory value to solve the problem with unused RAM in Windows 10

    5. Press the F10 key to output and save the parameters.

    Save Shared Memory Changes to solve a problem with unused RAM in Windows 10

    Method 5: Verification of RAM modules

    Often, the source of errors are problems with RAM strips. Check them and eliminate possible problems in the following algorithm:

    1. First of all, check the performance of "RAM" one of the programms.

      Memory checking for solving a problem with unused RAM in Windows 10

      Lesson: Verification of RAM in Windows 10

      If errors appear, the failure module must be replaced.

    2. When you manage all the elements used, turn off the computer, open its body and try to change the planks in some places: there are often cases of hardware incompatibility.
    3. If the planks themselves are different, the reason can be precisely in this - specialists are not in vain advocate to acquire whale sets from the same components.
    4. It is impossible to rule out and malfunctions of the motherboard, so we advise you to use obviously working elements of RAM. In the event of a breakdown of the main computer scheme, it is also the easiest way to replace.
    5. Hardware faults are one of the rarest causes of the problem described, however, the most unpleasant possible.


    Thus, we told why the WINDOVS 10 appears a message that not all RAM is used, and also offered options for eliminating this error.

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