How to fix 0xc000000E error in windows 10


how to fix 0xc000000E error in windows 10

Users "Dozens" are sometimes faced with the following problem: a workable earlier system falls into a "blue screen of death", displaying an error code 0xC000000E. Let's figure out why this happens and how to fix the problem.

Error Correction 0xC000000E.

Deciphering the error code suggests that it appears due to the failure of the boot record - the data is damaged or not recognized by a different reason.

Method 1: Windows 10 boot recovery

The main reason for the appearance of the problem under consideration is the violation of the integrity of the boot record of the operating system. It can be restored, but this will require the installation flash drive "Dozens".

Create a bootable flash drive to eliminate 0xC0000E errors on Windows 10

Read more:

Creating a Windows 10 boot flash drive

Windows 10 bootload methods

Method 2: BIOS Setup

Also, an error with such a code appears in cases where the incorrect loading order in the BIOS is set - for example, an installation medium or a second hard disk is assigned to the first place. Therefore, to troubleshoot the problem, you need to establish the correct load order. In each version of the Firmware, this is different, but the general algorithm is as follows:

  1. Enter the BIOS of your computer in any convenient way.

    Log in BIOS to eliminate 0xc0000E error on Windows 10

    Lesson: how to enter the BIOS on the computer

  2. In the text versions of the firmware, open the "BOOT", SYSTEM bookmark or Advanced.

    Change download order to eliminate 0xC0000E error on Windows 10

    There are options with such names and in the graphic version of the UEFI, however, in some of them you will need to activate the advanced mode - as a rule, it is enough to press one of the function keys, most often F7.

  3. Download order options in UEFI to eliminate 0xC0000E errors on Windows 10

  4. Setting up the boot order is characterized by text and graphic firmware shells. In the first case, you should usually select one of the items, move it up the list by means of the PGUP and PGDN or arrows keys.

    Select the main bootable media to eliminate 0xC0000E error on Windows 10

    The visual interface implies mouse control, so simply drag the desired position in the leftmost position.

  5. Move the position of download order in UEFI to eliminate 0xC0000E error on Windows 10

  6. To save the parameters, click the F10 key and confirm the operation.
  7. Restart the computer and check if it fails - if its source was incorrect BIOS settings, it should disappear.

Method 3: Elimination of hardware faults

The most complex source of the error under consideration is a hardware malfunction of one of the PC components or a laptop. It is possible to diagnose it as follows:

  1. First of all, try to disconnect the system media (HDD or SSD) from the motherboard and check it on a deliberately working machine. Hard disks are also recommended to test for the presence of broken and unstable sectors.

    Check hard disk to eliminate 0xC0000E error on Windows 10

    Lesson: Check hard disk for errors

  2. It is worth digging and connectors on the motherboard - connect to the slots guaranteed working media - they should immediately recognize. Special attention in this step should be emphasized by the owners of the SSD, which use adapters (for example, with SATA on M2), since poor-quality adapters are often the cause of 0xC0000E error.
  3. If the problem is observed with a system cloned from one drive to another, use the transfer instructions on the links below.

    Re-transfer of the system to eliminate 0xC0000E error on Windows 10

    Read more:

    How to transfer the operating system to another hard drive

    Transferring Windows 10 with HDD on SSD

  4. The only guaranteed working method of eliminating hardware problems will be replaced by the failed element.


We reviewed the sources of error 0xC000000E and possible methods of its liquidation. As you can see, the most common are program reasons, but the hardware is also not excluded.

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