Windows 10 boot options


Windows 10 boot options

Sometimes users face the need to start additional Windows 10 download options. There are options on this list that allow you to restore OS, delete the latest updates or drivers or run the command line. As can be seen, the benefit from this section is much, but not everyone knows how it is in it you can get. Today we want to correct this situation by tolding about all the available ways to implement the task.

Run additional Windows 10 launch options

We strongly recommend familiarizing yourself with all the methods, since each of them can be useful in a certain situation, which depends directly from it. For example, sometimes it is impossible to log in or even download it, therefore, you should know which option in what cases to use.

Method 1: "Parameters" menu

First of all, we propose to study a relatively long method of launch. It consists in using the parameters menu. From the user you need to perform such actions:

  1. Open the "Start" and go to the "Parameters" menu by clicking on the corresponding icon in the form of a gear.
  2. Run the parameter menu to restart Windows 10 in recovery mode

  3. Source to the bottom where you find the "Update and Security" section.
  4. Go to the Update and Security menu to restart Windows 10 in recovery mode

  5. Here you are interested in the left pane and the "Restore" button.
  6. Go to the Restoring section to restart Windows 10 with additional startup parameters

  7. It remains only to click on "Reload Now".
  8. Button to restart Windows 10 with optional startup parameters

  9. The computer will immediately be sent to reboot.
  10. Windows 10 reboot process with optional startup parameters

  11. After a few seconds, the new "Selection of Action" menu will appear. Here specify "Troubleshooting".
  12. Transition to the troubleshooting menu when rebooting a computer with Windows 10

  13. In the "Diagnostics" menu, select "Advanced Parameters".
  14. Opening additional startup parameters in Windows 10 recovery mode

  15. Now you get into the Windows 10 boot settings. Here use the connected tiles to start performing the necessary actions, such as deleting updates or rollback to the recovery point.
  16. Interaction with additional Windows 10 launch parameters in recovery mode

A brief description is present near each tile, so you will definitely understand which startup parameter you need.

Method 2: login window

As mentioned earlier, sometimes for some reason it is not even possible to log in using your personal profile. In this situation, the menu, the parameters will not suit the launch of additional download options, so you have to use another method.

  1. In the login window, press the shutdown button.
  2. Switch off button in the login window in the Windows 10 profile

  3. Hold down the SHIFT key and do not let it go. Now the left mouse button click on the "reset".
  4. Windows 10 reload button in the profile input window

  5. Still do not let the shift and click on "restart anyway".
  6. Confirm Windows 10 Reboot through the profile input window

  7. After the "Selecting Action" menu appears, you can release a pinch key.
  8. Successful reboot with additional Windows 10 launch parameters through the profile input window

It remains only to proceed to additional troubleshooting parameters to run the required option and follow the displayed instructions.

Method 3: Start menu

Another alternative to the transition to the required menu is a shutdown button that is in "Start". To do this, go to the corresponding window by clicking on the Win or the virtual button on the taskbar, and then click on the shutdown button.

Switch off Windows 10 in the Start menu

Hold the SHIFT and click on "Reload" so that the computer immediately went to the reboot. Wait for the appearance of the window you are interested in with a choice of action to start interaction with additional parameters.

Restart Windows 10 through the Start menu

Method 4: Manual Label Created

Sometimes the user for some reason has to start the regime being considered today. In such situations, the above methods will not fully fit, since they need a number of actions to implement them. It is much easier to click on a pre-created label to immediately restart the PC in the right mode. However, for this it will have to first create what is done like this:

  1. Click the PCM on an empty place on the desktop, hover over the "Create" cursor and select "Label".
  2. Transition to the creation of a shortcut for rebooting with optional Windows 10 startup parameters

  3. As an object location, specify% windir% \ System32 \ shutdown.exe -r -o -f -t 0 and click on "Next".
  4. Enter the location of the label to disappear with the optional parameters of Windows 10

  5. Set the arbitrary name of the label and save it.
  6. Enter the label name to restart Windows 10 with optional startup parameters

  7. Now at any time you can simply click on it to send a PC to reboot and proceed to additional startup parameters.
  8. Reboot Windows 10 with additional startup parameters via shortcut

  9. Just consider that the reboot will be started immediately after clicking on the file.
  10. Windows 10 reboot process via manually created shortcut

  11. You already know that in the "Selecting Action" menu, you are interested in "Troubleshooting".
  12. Additional menu of downloading Windows 10 after rebooting through manually created by the shortcut

Method 5: Utility "Perform"

The family of Windows operating systems has a standard "Perform" utility. Through it, you can run other applications or transition to the specified path. However, there are two separate teams that deserve attention.

  1. To begin with, run the utility itself. This can be done via a combination of Win + R or the search bar in the "Start" menu.
  2. Run the utility to run to restart Windows 10 with additional parameters

  3. In the string, enter shutdown.exe -r -fw if you want to set the reboot delay exactly for a minute.
  4. Restart Windows 10 with additional parameters and delay through the execution utility

  5. Use Create Shutdown.exe -R -FW -T 0 to instantly complete the current session.
  6. Instant Windows 10 Restart with Additional Parameters through the Run Utility

All other actions exactly repeat the already seen earlier, so we will not stop on them.

Method 6: Windows 10 Installer

The latter method we want to talk about today's article is the most difficult, therefore it is worth in this place. It will suit when the startup parameters are required to open if Windows is not loaded at all. For this you need to perform such actions:

  1. First, using another PC, download the installation image of Windows 10 and write it down on the USB flash drive, thereby creating a bootable drive. Read more about this in a separate material on our website by clicking on the following link.
  2. Read more: Creating a bootable flash drive with Windows 10

  3. Insert the USB flash drive and turn on the computer. When notifications appear, press any key to download from the removable device.
  4. Confirm the launch of Windows 10 from the installation media

  5. The installation window opens. First select your preferred interface language.
  6. Go to installation of Windows 10 to start additional download options.

  7. Then click on the Inscription "System Restore".
  8. Go to Windows 10 recovery through the installation window

  9. Click on Tile "Troubleshooting".
  10. Opening additional parameters in Windows 10 recovery mode

  11. Go to the interaction with additional parameters.
  12. Additional Windows 10 launch options in installer mode

You have just learned about six different methods of launching additional Windows launch options 10, but there is another option. If the OS does not work three times the correctly, the required menu appears automatically, and then you can go to the selection of actions.

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