Green ticks on Windows 10 labels


Green ticks on Windows 10 labels

Usually, no additional icons are displayed on the desktop in Windows 10, but some users face green ticks. Accordingly, questions immediately arise that these are for badges, with which they are connected and how to remove them. Today we will try to answer these questions, tolding all the possible causes of these designations in the operating system.

We solve the problem with green ticks on shortcuts in Windows 10

The most obvious reason for the appearance of green ticks on individual files is an active synchronization mode that functions through the standard means onedrive in Windows. This tool is almost always activated by the user manually, for example, after completing the installation of the operating system, and is responsible for synchronizing objects with cloud storage and other connected computers. In the image below, you see small footnotes with which ondrive marks synchronized files.

Green ticks on labels during synchronization in Windows 10

You can solve this situation in two ways - by disconnecting the display of tick and synchronization deactivation. Each user itself determines which methods to choose, and we will analyze them in detail by presenting the relevant instructions. However, first we will stop at a remote method, which relates to the owners of the famous antivirus.

Method 1: Disconnection Norton Online Backup

If you have a solution from Norton on your computer, you most likely, the Online Backup feature is now active. It is responsible for creating backup copies of certain files with the subsequent possibility of their recovery. All those objects whose copies have already been created are marked with green tickles. You can solve this situation only by disconnecting the function itself if you do not need it. Read more about this in the official instruction, while moving on the following link.

Green ticks on labels during Norton backup in Windows 10

Using Norton Online Backup to back up files

Method 2: Disable the display of green ticks

This method will suit to all those users who do not want to disable synchronization, but wants to get rid of green ticks, which from time to time appear near the shortcuts on the desktop. In such a situation, you will have to manually set several important parameters of personalization, which is happening:

  1. Open "Start" and go to "Parameters".
  2. Go to the menu options for disconnecting green ticks on shortcuts in Windows 10

  3. Here, select the "Personalization" section.
  4. Go to the personalization section to disable green ticks on shortcuts in Windows 10

  5. Use the menu on the left to move to the category "Topics".
  6. Go to settings to turn off green ticks on shortcuts in Windows 10

  7. In the "Related Parameters" section, click on the inscription "Desktop Icons Settings".
  8. Displaying additional label parameters on the desktop in Windows 10

  9. In the displayed window, remove the checkbox from the "Allow topics to change the icons on the desktop" and apply the changes.
  10. Disable the icon change function on the desktop themes in Windows 10

  11. After that, close the current window and move the "Control" application through the "Start".
  12. Go to the control panel to disable green ticks on the desktop in Windows 10

  13. Go to "Explorer Parameters".
  14. Opening the Explorer's parameters to disable green ticks on shortcuts in Windows 10

  15. Move the View tab.
  16. Go to the settings of the view of the conductor through the Windows 10 control panel

  17. Run down the list, where to remove the checkbox from the "Show Notifications of the Sync Supplier", and then click on "Apply".
  18. Turning off the green ticks on the labels through the parameters of the conductor in Windows 10

  19. Close the window and click PCM on an empty place on the taskbar. In the context menu that appears, select "Task Manager".
  20. Run the task manager in Windows 10 through the taskbar

  21. Lay "Explorer", click on this line with the right mouse button and restart this process to update the desktop.
  22. Restarting the conductor after setting up shortcuts on the desktop in Windows 10

Now synchronization via ONEDRIVE will still be active, but at the same time notifying drawings on icons and folders will no longer appear. If the "Explorer" restart does not help, create a new session of the operating system, restarting the computer. So all the changes will take effect.

Method 3: Disable synchronization in OneDrive

The last method of our today's article will suit those users who are interested in full disabling synchronization in OneDrive. Accordingly, after this procedure, green ticks near the files will automatically disappear.

  1. Find the ONEDRIVE icon on the taskbar and click on it right-click.
  2. Running ONEDRIVE to configure synchronization in Windows 10

  3. In the context menu that appears, select "Parameters".
  4. Go to ONEDRIVE settings to disable synchronization in Windows 10

  5. Go to the Account tab.
  6. Go to the ONEDRIVE account settings in Windows 10

  7. Click on the "Select folders" button.
  8. View folders to disable synchronization in ONEDRIVE Windows 10

  9. Remove the checkbox from the desktop and other locations where you want to disable synchronization.
  10. Disable file synchronization and ONEDRIVE folders in Windows 10

Now it is recommended to restart the computer or "conductor" as it was shown in the previous method.

Today we dealt with the advent of green ticks near the icons on the desktop in Windows 10. You have been familiar with three methods that allow you to get rid of these icons. Use the appropriate instruction to cope with the task.

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