Weather Applications for Android


Weather Applications for Android

Services displaying weather forecast appeared for a long time ago. Client applications for them existed on devices running Windows Mobile and Symbian. With the advent of Android capabilities, such applications have become even greater, as the range has increased.


The official application of the popular meteorological server. It has several weather forecast display modes: current weather, hourly and pile outlook.

Exterior of the interface in Accuweather

In addition, it is able to display risks for allergies and meteo-dependent (dustiness and humidity, as well as the level of magnetic storms). A pleasant addition to forecasts is to display pictures from a satellite or video from a public webcam (not available everywhere). Of course, there is a widget that can be displayed. Additionally, weather information is displayed in the status bar. Unfortunately, some of this functional is paid, and there is an advertisement in the appendix.

Download Accuweather


The legendary Gismeteo came to the Android one of the first, and over the years of existence, there are both beautiful and useful features. For example, it is in the application from Gismeteo one of the first to be used animated background images to demonstrate weather.

Main weather display window in Gismeteo

In addition, the indication of the movement of the sun, hourly and daily predictions is available, somewhat thinly adjustable desktop widgets. As in many other similar applications, you can enable the display of weather in the curtain. Separately, we note the opportunity to add one or another inhabited to Favorites - the switch between them can be configured in the widget. Of the minuses, pay attention only to advertising.

Download Gismeteo.

Yahoo Weather

Meteorological service from Yahoo also acquired a client under Android. This application is characterized by a number of unique chips - for example, the display of real photos of the place, whose weather you are interested in (not available everywhere).

Affordable meteorological format in Yahoo Weather

Photos send real users, so you can also join. The second remarkable feature of Yahoo applications is access to the weather cards on which many parameters are displayed, including the speed and direction of the wind. Of course, in stock Widgets for the home screen, select selected seats and displaying the time of sunrise and sunset, as well as the phases of the moon. Attracts attention and pleasant application design. It applies for free, but available advertising.

Download Yahoo Weather


Of course, the server for tracking weather is also yandex. His application is one of the youngest IT-Giant services in the entire line of service, but more honored solutions will surpasses. Meteum technology that Yandex uses is highly accurate - to set the weather definition parameters up to a specific address (designed for large cities).

Single version of the appearance in Yandex.Pogoda

The forecast itself is very detailed - not only the temperature or precipitation is displayed, but also the direction and strength of wind, pressure and humidity. The forecast can be viewed, focusing also on the built-in map. Developers care about the safety of users - with a sharp change in weather or storm warning the application will notify you. Of the unpleasant features - advertising and problems with the work of the service from users from Ukraine.

Download Yandex.Pogoda

Weather forecast.

Applying the popularity application for weather forecast from Chinese developers. Differs primarily a competent approach to design: from all similar solutions, the program from Shoreline Inc. - One of the most beautiful and at the same time informative.

Beautiful circular short summary interface in Weather forecast

In understandable form, the temperature, precipitation level, speed and direction of the wind are displayed. As in other similar applications, it is possible to set selected places. We would attribute the news tape to controversial points. To frank minuses - unpleasant advertising, as well as the strange work of the server: many settlements do not seem to exist for him.

Download Weather Forecast.


Another specimen of the Chinese approach to weather applications. In this case, the design is not so catchy, closer to minimalism. Since this application and the Weather Forecast described above use the same server, the quality and number of the weather data displayed is identical.

Application Interface in Weather

On the other hand, the weight of smaller size and is characterized by higher speed - probably due to the lack of a news tape. The disadvantages of this application are also characteristic: sometimes obsessive advertising messages appear, there are also no many places in the database of the weather server.

Download Weather.


Representative of class applications "Just, but with taste." Set of displayed weather conditions. Standard - temperature, humidity, cloudiness, direction and strength of wind, as well as forecast for the week.

Unusual approach to display in the application Weather

Of the additional features there are thematic backgrounds with an automatic image change, several widgets to choose from, determining the location and adjustment of the forecast for it. The server database, unfortunately, is also not familiar with many CIS cities, but advertising are even debugging.

Download weather

The list of available applications for weather, of course, is much more. Often, devices manufacturers are installed in the firmware, eliminating the user's need for a third-party solution. But nevertheless, the presence of choice cannot but rejoice.

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