Services - denied access to Windows 10


Services - denied access to Windows 10

Often, users need to change the state of any service in Windows 10. This may be associated with problems solving or temporary disabling application. However, the process is not always correct. Sometimes a "denied access denied" appears on the screen, which means the impossibility of making these changes. Next, we want to demonstrate all available options for fixing this situation.

Correct the error "denied access" when working with services in Windows 10

An error "denied access" indicates restrictions on the rights of the user, which were set by the administrator or the system automatically. In most cases, the emergence of such a situation is associated with system failures, so you have to sort out possible options for its solution. We propose to start with the most obvious and effective, gradually moving to more complex and rarely encountered fixes.

Method 1: Setting the Rights of the System Section

As you know, all the files associated with the operating system are stored on the system section of the hard disk. If any legal restrictions are installed on it, there may be different problems when trying to interact with standard files, including services. This problem is solved as follows:

  1. Through the "Explorer", go to the "This Computer" section, find a local system disk there, click on it with the right mouse button and select "Properties".
  2. Go to the properties of the local disk to solve access problems in Windows 10

  3. In the window that opens, move to the Safety tab.
  4. Go to the Local Disc Security section to solve access to service in Windows 10

  5. Click on the "Edit" button, after reading the selection from any account.
  6. Go to changing the rights of accounts for a local disk in Windows 10

  7. Click on "Add" to create a new group or user in the Allowed list.
  8. Go to add an account to access the Windows 10 locker disk

  9. In the "Enter the names of the selected objects", write "All" and click on "Check Names".
  10. Adding a profile all to access the local disk in Windows 10 with problems with access to services

  11. This inscription should be underlined - this means that the check has passed successfully. After that, simply click on "OK" to save the changes.
  12. Applying changes after adding a profile all for a local disk in Windows 10

  13. There will be an automatic transition to the Safety Safety tab. Now mark the "All" field and set permissions for full access. Before going out, do not forget to apply the changes.
  14. Providing access to the profile all after making changes in the Windows 10 locker

  15. The process of installing security will take several minutes. Do not close this window so as not to interrupt the operation.
  16. Waiting for the completion of access changes to the local disk in Windows 10

After applying new security rules, it is recommended to restart the computer, and only then start the "Services" window and try to produce the necessary changes by checking the effectiveness of the settings performed just.

Method 2: Editing Group Administrators

The following solution will be associated with changing the local group of users called administrators. The principle of this method is to add rights to managing local and network services. To do this, you will have to execute two teams in the console on behalf of the administrator, with which even the most novice user will cope with.

  1. The "Command Line" application must be launched on behalf of the administrator. The easiest way to do this by finding the console through the "Start" and choosing the corresponding item there.
  2. Run a command line to solve problems with access to services in Windows 10

  3. First, enter the NET Localgroup command / Add NetworkService command and click on ENTER.
  4. First command to solve problems with access to services in Windows 10

  5. You will be notified of its execution.
  6. Successful execution of the first team to solve problems with access to services in Windows 10

    If instead you got a mistake "The specified local group does not exist" Write its name in English - "Administrators" instead of "Administrators" . The same must be done with the team from the next step.

  7. Now you can enter the second command NET Localgroup Administrators / Add LocalService.
  8. Entering the second command to solve problems with access to services in Windows 10

  9. Close the console after the appearance of the string "The command is successful".
  10. Successful execution of the second command to solve problems with access to services in Windows 10

Upon completion of this operation, be sure to restart the computer, since the installed configuration is activated only when creating a new session.

Method 3: Checking a specific service

This method will suit those users who are experiencing problems with the advent of notification "denied access" only when working with specific services. It may be that the restrictions are installed directly for the service itself, and this can only be checked through the registry editor.

  1. To begin with, it will be necessary to determine the system name of the service. Run the "Start", find through the search application "service" and run it.
  2. Running services to check the parameter name in Windows 10

  3. Lay the row with the required parameter and double-click on it to go to properties.
  4. Go to service properties to define its name in Windows 10

  5. Check out the contents of the "service name" string.
  6. Defining the name of the service in Windows 10 when fixing access problems

  7. Remember it and run the "Run" utility through the Win + R keys combination. Enter the regedit and click on ENTER.
  8. Run the registry editor to search for service while fixing problems with access in Windows 10

  9. In the Registry Editor, go along the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CURRENTCONTROLSET \ SERVICES.
  10. Transition along the storage path of services in the Windows 10 Registry Editor

  11. In the final folder, find the catalog with the name of the desired service and click on it by PCM.
  12. Select a problem service via a registry editor in Windows 10

  13. Through the context menu, go to "Permissions".
  14. Transition to permissions for service via the registry editor in Windows 10

  15. Make sure that the administrators and users are installed full allowing access. If this is not the case, change the parameters and save the changes.
  16. Changing access rights for service via the registry editor in Windows 10

Now you can directly in the registry editor to change the status of the parameter or return to the service application to check whether the actions have helped to get rid of the problem.

Method 4: Enabling Privileges for Local Server

Windows 10 has an account called Local Server. It is systemic and is responsible for launching certain options, including when interacting with services. If none of the previous methods brought proper result, you can try to establish individual rights for this account, which is done like this:

  1. Go to the properties of the local disk with the operating system through the context menu, open the Safety tab and click on "Edit".
  2. Opening Changes Security Rules for Local Disc in Windows 10

  3. It will be necessary to click on "Add" to go to the search for the profile.
  4. Go to adding security profile for a local disk in Windows 10

  5. In the window that appears, move to the "Advanced" section.
  6. Additional parameters for adding a profile to access the Windows 10 locker disk

  7. Start Search Search for Accounts.
  8. Starting a profile search to access the local disk in Windows 10

  9. From the list, select the required now.
  10. Select a profile through the search for access to the local disk in Windows 10

  11. After granting it full access to managing system components and apply changes.
  12. Providing access rights for a local disk in Windows 10

Method 5: Checking the system for viruses

The last method considered today implies a check of the virus system. It should be used in cases where none of the above options helped cope with the problem - then there is an occasion to think about the action of malicious files. It is possible that some kind of virus simply blocks access to services, and the problem itself will be solved only after removing and restoring system objects. Read more about this in a separate material on our site further.

Read more: Fighting computer viruses

Now you know how to deal with the problem "denied access" when trying to change the state of service in Windows 10. It remains only alternately to perform each way to find an effective decision as soon as possible.

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