Recommended routers - who and why they recommend them


Recommended routers
I often wonder: what routers are recommended for Beeline, Rostelecom or other Internet provider? Also, referring to the help of configuring the Wi-Fi router, it happens that when calling the support service, if not inclined in every possible way to acquire a router at the provider itself, at least report that this is specifically not recommended . See also: Routher Setup - all articles on the topic.

Frankly, I even slightly tired of answering such questions and it is for this reason that it is now methodically rolling this cloth, reflecting my look at the "Recommended Routers", why you need to or do not need to buy these routers and about other points related to the topic. At the same time, I will not mention a variety of "conspiracy theories", and we will offer only actual information, and without the "theories" it will be enough.

1. Manufacturers and Importers Wi-Fi Routers Protection

Wi-Fi Router ASUS AC-56U

Wi-Fi Router ASUS AC-56U

Any major manufacturer of wireless routers from those represented in Russia is not easy to start their delivery to our country.

The corresponding divisions of all sorts of D-Link, Asus, Zyxel, TP-Link and other companies know that:

  • To sell their router, it should work at least with Beeline and Rostelecom, and preferably with the rest of Russian providers. (And, sure there are divisions that are all tested in a variety of conditions).
  • If the device does not respond to these requirements, it is unlikely that it will be imported and selling in all major Russian electronics stores - they are also aimed at profits, and not to present the maximum number of exotic devices on the shelves.

Based on this, if you see any Wi-Fi router on sale in the Russian retail with a probability of 99%, it is tested to work with popular providers in the Russian Federation.

2. Why providers say that these routers are recommended, and those - no

Everything is very simple and obvious and no secrets.
  1. Optimization of support service - First, employees of providers support services are not specialists to set up wireless equipment, they should not be them. There is too much a list of questions with which they are addressed. If you have come to contact a certificate with such wonderful (seriously) routers like DIR-620 from D-Link or ASUS RT-N66, you most likely not answered and said that we need a recommended router. If it was still helped to set up, then lucky - you got a rare employee who disassembled in the subject (although not obliged). But if you call there, having a D-Link DIR-300 or ASUS RT-G32 router, you will easily help and to instruct it, which and where to write - after all, these models have an employee's reference material, from which everything and Reading (although in the case of DIR-300, when new firmware appears, it cannot help anywhere - there are no instructions yet). Taking into account the fact that only several thousand people comes daily for the instructions for setting up routers daily (and popular sites on this topic are at least two or three dozen), then imagine the number of calls to the support service. TOTAL We have: When using customers recommended routers and inform other customers, which you need to purchase a recommended device, save thousands of human-hours of reference operators.
  2. Direct cooperation with network equipment manufacturers - I think everything is clear here: the Internet provider has the opportunity to be one of the largest sellers of Wi-Fi routers, respectively, it is completely logical to conclude contracts with suppliers of wireless routers and distribute them through the subscriber network.

In my opinion, the specified two items are the main.

Everything else that you can read on the subject of the incompatibility of the equipment, the features of networks of providers and similar things, if we take Russian Internet and routers from Russian retail suppliers (we emphasize this: because our router in the USA or the router from the USA - this is Already another story), in the overwhelming majority of cases, there are no serious grounds for themselves - all the equipment both at the provider and you have enough standardized and compatible. (But it can be specifically made incompatible with understandable goals, though I promised not to write about it).

3. How to be and what router to buy?

D-Link AC

New D-Link AC Routers

And for anything - read my general article on the selection of Wi-Fi router or, even better, reviews for Yandex.Market, pick up the router arranged by price, characteristics and design. Do not focus on "recommended by the provider of such something." Except in cases where the possibility of obtaining a detailed reference from it is determining for you a factor.

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