Battery savings on android


Battery savings on android

It is difficult to argue with the fact that many smartphones have a habit quickly discharge. Many users lack the battery capacity of the device for convenient use, so they are interested in the methods of its economy. This will be discussed in this article.

Battery savings on Android

There is a rather considerable number of ways to significantly increase the operation time of the mobile device. Each of them has a different degree of utility, but still can help in solving this task.

Method 1: Enable Energy Saving Mode

The easiest and simple way to save the energy of your smartphone is to use a special power saving mode. It can be found almost on any device with the Android operating system. However, it is worthwhile to take into account the fact that when using this function, the performance of the gadget is significantly reduced, and some functions are limited.

To enable energy saving mode, follow the following algorithm:

  1. Go to the "Settings" of the phone and find the "Battery" item.
  2. Switch to the Battery menu from settings

  3. Here you can get acquainted with the battery consumption statistics by each of the applications. Go to "Energy Saving Mode".
  4. Switching to the Main Saving Mode Menu

  5. Check out the information provided and transfer the slider to "Inclusive" mode. Also here you can activate the function of automatic mode of mode when 15 percent of charging is achieved.
  6. Enable power saving mode

Method 2: Setting optimal screen settings

How can I understand from the "Battery" section, the main part of the battery is spending its screen, so it is quite important to adjust it to correctly.

  1. Go to "Screen" from the Device settings.
  2. Go to the screen menu from settings

  3. Here you need to configure two parameters. Turn on the "Adaptive Adjustment" mode, thanks to which the brightness will adapt to lighting around and save the charge when possible.
  4. Enable adaptive adjustment

  5. Also enable automatic switching on sleep mode. To do this, click on the "Sleep mode" item.
  6. Sleeping mode settings

  7. Select the optimal shutdown time. It will turn off itself when idle for the selected time.
  8. Selection of sleep time

Method 3: Installing simple wallpaper

Various wallpapers using animation and the like also affect the flow rate of the battery. It is best to install the most simple wallpapers on the main screen.

Simple wallpapers

Method 4: Disable unnecessary services

As you know, a large number of services perform various tasks implemented on smartphones. At the same time, they seriously affect the energy consumption of the mobile device. Therefore, it is best to turn off everything you do not use. This may include the location service, Wi-Fi, data transmission, access point, Bluetooth, and so on. All this can be found and disconnected by lowering the top curtain of the phone.

Disable services

Method 5: Disable Auto Application Update

As you know, Play Market supports the automatic application update feature. As you could guess, it also affects the flow rate of the battery. Therefore, it is best to make it off. To do this, follow the algorithm:

  1. Open the Play Market application and press the button to extend the side menu, as shown in the screenshot.
  2. Open the side menu in Play Market

  3. Scroll down and select "Settings".
  4. Go to Play Market Settings

  5. Go to "Auto-updating applications"
  6. Go to the Auto update application item

  7. Check the box to "Never".
  8. Disable Automatic Application Update

Read more: Ban automatic application update on Android

Method 6: Exception of heating factors

Try to avoid unnecessary heating of your phone, because in this state the battery charge is consumed much faster .. as a rule, the smartphone is heated due to continuous use. So try to take breaks in working with it. Also, the device should not be affected by direct sunlight.

Method 7: Delete unnecessary accounts

If you have any accounts attached to the smartphone that you do not use, remove them. After all, they are constantly synchronized with various services, and this also requires certain energy consumption. To do this, follow this algorithm:

  1. Go to the "Account" menu from the mobile device settings.
  2. Switch to the Accounts section

  3. Select an application in which an unnecessary account is registered.
  4. Account Removing Service

  5. A list of attached accounts opens. Tap by the one you intend to delete.
  6. Choosing an account for removal

  7. Click on the additional settings button in the form of three vertical points.
  8. Additional settings in synchronization

  9. Select Delete Account.
  10. Delete Account

Do these actions for all accounts that you do not use.

Method 8: Application Background Work

On the Internet there is a myth that it is necessary to close all the applications to save the battery charge. However, this is not quite true. You should not close those applications that you will also open. The fact is that in the frozen state they spend not so much energy as if you run them constantly from scratch. Therefore, it is better to close those applications that do not plan to use in the near future, and those that are going to open periodically - hold rolled.


Following the recommendations described in the article, you can use your smartphone much longer. If no of them helps, most likely, the case in the battery itself and, it is possible to contact the service center. You can also purchase a portable charger that allows you to charge the phone anywhere.

See also: Solving a quick discharge problem on Android

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