How to see your subscriptions vkontakte


How to see your subscriptions vkontakte

In the social network Vkontakte, there is an opportunity for the design of various subscriptions, whether to receive notifications about other users or paid services. You can view information about them at any time using the standard partitions of the website and related applications. It is this task that we will pay attention along the further instruction.

View subscriptions for people VK

Usually under subscriptions on the VKontakte website, there are notifications displayed in the news feed, and therefore the present option is worthy of attention in the first place. At the same time, we combine options with user updates and communities for the reasons for partial communication of sections among themselves.

Read more:

How to find out who you are signed by VK

View outgoing applications as friend VK

Option 1: Website

Subscription to updates to another user VK is carried out by sending an application as a friend and, accordingly, can be viewed through the site sections of the same name. In addition, in contrast to the list of incoming applications, people from this page can be deleted using a separate button.

  1. Through the main menu of the site, open "Friends" and go to the "Applications" tab on the right side of the browser window.
  2. Transition to requests for friends on VKontakte website

  3. To view subscriptions, it is enough to open the "Outside" tab, since it is here that all the not approved applications are arranged.
  4. Transition to outgoing applications on VKontakte website

interesting pages

  1. In addition to updates for specific people, you can familiarize yourself with the list of public pages. To do this, open the "My Page" section and click the left mouse button along the subscription unit.
  2. Go to the list of public pages on VKontakte website

  3. If you sent an application with a large number of subscribers, the profile will also appear on this list due to high activity.
  4. View a list of public pages on VKontakte website

If there is a person using a "closed account" in the list, the use of the application will not be due to the limitations of privacy settings. Moreover, it is possible to incorrect the number of applications.

Option 2: Mobile application

In the official client VK for the phone to see the subscription list in almost the same way as in the full version of the site. Other partition features, like removal of applications, are also completely identical to the first way.

  1. Using the bottom panel in the application, open the main menu and select Friends. Here it is necessary to touch the item of the same name on the top panel.
  2. Go to the section Friends in the VKontakte application

  3. Through the drop-down list, go to the "Applications" page and select the Outbound tab.

    Transition to the list of applications in VKontakte

    In the specified section, all users are located, on the updates you were signed.

  4. View outgoing applications in VKontakte

interesting pages

  1. By analogy with the desktop version of the site, to view public pages, you must first open the profile page through the main menu. In turn, here you need to scroll through the information below and tap on the "Subscription" block.
  2. Go to the main page of the profile in the VKontakte application

  3. Among the submitted pages will be placed not only communities with the type "Public page", but also simply active users.
  4. View the list of public pages in the VKontakte application

On this we are completing the instructions for viewing subscriptions to users and communities. Consider that in the old versions of sections can be located differently.

View paid subscriptions VK

In addition to the above option, in the social network VKontakte there are paid services, currently limited to music. To view them, you will have to visit completely different sections and, if necessary, use applications directly related to this resource.

Option 1: Website

In the full version of Vkontakte, you can view and at the same time using paying subscriptions through the basic page settings. This section is unique for this species of the site and is not available in other versions.

  1. On the top panel, click on the avatar and override the "Settings" menu.
  2. Go to settings on VKontakte website

  3. Here you need to go to the "Payments, Subscriptions, Translations" tab and scroll through the page.
  4. Go to the subscription tab in the settings on the VKontakte website

  5. At the bottom of the browser window, open the "Subscription" section to get acquainted with the list of proposals. If the service has been activated earlier, use the VK Pay link to go to control.

    Transition to the management of a subscription on VKontakte website

    On the represented page will be indicated information about the date of re-connection with the possibility of shutdown.

  6. Management of subscription to music on VKontakte website

If paid services are deactivated at the time of viewing the partition with subscriptions, you can connect. In this case, payment information will appear only in the VK Pay personal account, and not in Google Play or Apple ID.

Option 2: Mobile application

The official client VKontakte allows you to view information about paid services through the "Music Subscription" section in the account settings. It can be used to control to make design or shutdown.

  1. Expand the main menu of the application and in the extreme upper corner tap the gear icons. After that, you need to open the "Music Subscription" page.
  2. Go to the account settings in the VKontakte application

  3. This section presents all information about the service, including the cost, type of payment and the date of re-connection. To manage, use the section of the same name.
  4. Management of subscription to music in VKontakte

As can be seen, the application is not very different from the site in terms of viewing subscriptions. Moreover, the control is performed almost identical and limited to the design or disconnection of the service.

Option 3: Android device

The management of payer subscriptions VKontakte can be carried out not only through the official application or website, but also through other programs, including Google Play Market. Thus, it is quite possible to familiarize yourself with information about any service and, if necessary, even to disconnect.

  1. Open the Google Play Market and click on the three-stripes icon in the upper left corner of the screen. Through the menu presented, you need to go to the "Subscription" page.
  2. Go to the list of subscriptions in Google Play Market

  3. It is in this section that information on all available services will be located if the connection was made through the phone. Otherwise, the mention of the social network may be absent.
  4. View subscriptions in Google Play Market on Android

In addition to the official client and section on Google Play Market, VK's paid subscriptions can also be used via Boom Music Player. We will not consider this option, since the application uses low popularity, and besides, it was mentioned in another instruction.

See also: Disable Android subscriptions

Option 4: IOS device

As in the case of the previously mentioned operating system, you can also view subscriptions separately from the main application. For these purposes, the "Apple ID" section is used in the smartphone settings, which allows you to simply find out the information and disconnect. More detailed related procedures were considered in another instruction.

Example section with iPhone subscriptions

Read more:

Service Management through Apple ID

View iPhone Subscriptions


These options for viewing subscriptions Vkontakte will allow you to easily check the information about connected payers or to see the list of users whose updates can appear in the news feed.

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