Drivers for D-Link DFE-520TX on Windows


Drivers for D-Link DFE-520TX on Windows

Now not all users have enough network card built into the motherboard or other reasons arise that are forced to purchase a separate discrete device. Many users pay attention to the goods from the company D-Link, in particular, on the model called DFE-520TX. After purchasing and installing this network card, the motherboard has the need to download a suitable driver to ensure the correct operation of the component. With this we want to help figure out the framework of the article.

Download and install drivers for the D-Link DFE-520TX network card

Next, you will learn about the four available methods of implementing the task. One of them is to use the official website of the company, the second will allow you to download software without applying any programs and sites, and the other two are just focused on interacting with third-party tools. Let's figure it out with all this in order.

Method 1: Official site D-Link

Almost all the developers of component and peripheral devices on their official website lay out the files necessary for the functioning of the equipment. D-Link has not been an exception in this regard, so as the first method we offer to use the DFE-520TX model page to download the compatible driver.

Go to the official site of D-Link

  1. Follow the link above to get to the main page of the site. There click the "Search" button.
  2. Go to searching for the D-Link DFE-520TX device on the official website for downloading drivers

  3. Enter the name of the network card model under consideration today and click on the "Search" button.
  4. Search for D-Link DFE-520TX device on the official website for downloading drivers

  5. Among the results, select the appropriate specification by clicking on the name of the product.
  6. Go to the D-Link DFE-520TX D-Link page to download drivers

  7. On the network card page, move to the "Downloads" tab.
  8. Go to viewing list of drivers for D-Link DFE-520TX on the official website

  9. Here click on the inscription "Driver for hardware version".
  10. Start downloading driver for D-Link DFE-520TX from the official site

  11. Starting an archive with all the necessary files. Wait for the completion of this operation and open the received directory.
  12. Run a archive with D-Link DFE-520TX drivers from the official website

  13. Layout the Windows Driver folder.
  14. Switch to folder with driver installer for D-Link DFE-520TX

  15. Launch the file "setup.exe".
  16. Run the driver installer for D-Link DFE-520TX

  17. Immediately after this, the installation of components in the operating system will begin. Do not close this window until the appropriate notification appears that the installation has passed successfully.
  18. Driver installation process for D-Link DFE-520TX network card

After the process is completed, you can connect the Internet cable to the network card and check its performance. If it is still not displayed in the operating system, restart the computer so that all changes made to take effect.

Method 2: Auxiliary Software

Unfortunately, D-Link has no official utility that could automatically find updates for drivers to connected components, because instead we offer to familiarize yourself with third-party software. Particular attention to such solutions should be paid to those users who only reinstalled the OS and are interested in the integrated installation of drivers for the entire connected equipment, including D-Link DFE-520TX. To begin with, submit a separate manual on this topic written on the example of Driverpack Solution. You can go to it by clicking on the link below.

Download drivers for D-Link DFE-520TX through third-party programs

Read more: Install drivers via DriverPack Solution

Now that you are familiar with the principle of installation of drivers in this way, it is worth choosing the optimal software, because the DriverPack Solution mentioned above is not suitable for all users. Especially for such purposes on our site there is a separate overview dedicated to the detailed analysis of almost all popular thematic solutions. Check out it to pick up optimal, and then install drivers for D-Link DFE-520TX and other necessary components.

Read more: The best programs for installing drivers

Method 3: Unique Network Card Identifier

The network card under consideration today, as well as all other components, has a unique identifier that is responsible for the correct recognition of the device by the operating system. Below we specifically presented it for you so that you do not need to determine this code yourself through the device manager.

PCI \ Ven_1186 & Dev_4200

Download drivers for D-Link DFE-520TX through a unique identifier

You just have to use this line in the search for one of the special sites where drivers are distributed. It will help to deal with a separate material on our website from another author, where you will find several useful instructions for interacting with similar web services and realize how to implement this method if he liked you.

Read more: How to find a driver by ID

Method 4: Built-in Windows utility

The Windows operating system has a built-in utility that allows you to update drivers for components and periphery without downloading additional software or transition to various sites. About this method we talked at the beginning of the article, but it should be noted that it is not always effective. We advise you to resort to it only if the instructions above are not suitable or you do not want to use sites and programs to get the necessary files.

Installing Drivers for D-Link DFE-520TX regular Windows

Read more: Installing drivers with standard Windows tools

Now you are familiar with all the available software download options for the D-Link DFE-520TX network card. You only need to choose the one that will seem most convenient in the current situation, and then follow the instructions for execution.

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